I warned the Government years ago about this issue but Bernard Lord chose to ignore moi.
The question is why? Why do the Premier choose to totally ignore the issue of prescription drug in this province?
Why allowed that plague of death to continue?

Do the Government need all the tax dollars they can get their hands on???
Yesterday, I walked in the addiction centre and tried to get some answers?
I was told to see the Department of Health!
This is what I enjoy living in the Capital! All the Generals are in one area and the soldiers are spread around the Province.
I’m suppose to receive a few answers during the next 24 hours. Stay tune!!!!
Now? Lets take a look at the New Brunswickers who’s addicted to prescription drug!
If these people are on Social Assistance, the government will pay for a taxi fare for these people to go get their prescription from a Doctor in Cambridge Narrows!

That’s a long way from Fredericton or Saint John.
A few years ago, the program the Fifth Estate made a program called-Hillbilly Heroine.
Charlotte County was full of addicted people and there’s nobody to turn to for help in that area.
Once you travel all the way to Cambridge Narrows to receive a prescription for Methadone < weekly or by-weekly? >
You have to travel to Saint John every day for the Methadone.
The pharmacies in Charlotte County don’t mind prescribing the painkillers to the Citizens in that area but they won’t prescribe the Methadone.

It just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever!
One reason I’ve heard was that once they give out the Methadone?
They pay the price with shoplifters.
Lets not forget the drug dealers who always wait outside the door trying to sell heavy drug to the people who are trying to better their lives.
If you’re not on social assistance? It’s much cheaper to stay on Dilaudid than to be on Methadone because there’s no way in the world that a person could afford to travel!
Gas cost a lot of money and lets not forget the maintenance of a vehicle.
In my view? Methadone should be given in every area in this Province. Butm this will never happen.
From what I was told 50% of the inmates in the provincial jails are in there because of the crime spree they committed to get their fix!

Once they leave the prison walls? They have to travel to get some professional help!
It’s very scary stuff!
Yes, our youths believe they are invincible!!!
They believe that they can try Dilaudid as a party trip and everything will be ok!
I remember a couple of years ago, I was in the middle of a dilaudid drug ring and you should have seen the stuff they stole!
They would leave late at night to break into people homes!
That the way it was and still is!
Today almost all these addicted people are in jail!
What will happen once they get out? That’s the emotional question!
There’s no question about it!!! Saint John needs a Methadone clinic in the centre of the City!

I might add that the Lord Government should add a second shift in all the big cities so the Government workers can go on the streets in the dark hours of the night and talk to these people who’s addict to these prescription Drugs!!!
Will this happen? Not in my lifetime!!! Maybe with Shawn Graham as Premier but not with Bernard Lord!

This is a known fact!!!!!
I haven't wrote this line for a while - Please excuse the style of this blog because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information highway!!!

"Do the Government need all the tax dollars they can get their hands on???"
Yeah they do if they're going to do everything being asked by the people on this site.
Do not forget that government needs tax dollars for:
1.Bernie Lord's trips abroad. Around North America and Larry's Gulch. For his friends to visit Larry's Gulch.
2. Tax breaks for Irvings
3. Employment for Bernie's cronies
4.Trips to New York and beer for $90 a glass + same amount for a Humberger.
5. Bernie's salary and perks and his ministers's salary and perks
And on and on. Sure government needs tax dollars.
Now these poor people. Bernie will say help yourself as he is helping himself.
What do you want, the premier of NB to work for free and never go anywhere to promote NB. Who's he going to hire except people he trusts. Would you hire your enemies? Give me a break.
Yeah, right. If he is promoting the province then I have a bridge for sale.
If you call cronyism and patronage just hiring friends then what can one say. Long live patronage!! Must be your slogan.
Where's your bridge?
Same place where Lord is promoting the province.
That's a lot of bridges. I thought you said you only had a bridge for sale?
Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Even if you win you're still retarded.
Insulting the special olympics now and people with special needs. I thought this site was all about inclusion. For shame.
LOL - this site is all about anything EXCEPT inclusion. If you don't agree with the narrow-minded "kitchen logic" of "everything about the State is evil" and that anybody who uses proper grammar on here ought not be trusted, then you're branded a bureaucrat or some such foolishness. Don't look here for inclusion or balance!
Good point. I'm starting to realize that. Some of the verbal diarrhea is funny to read though. I think they don't like Lord. LOL
Noooo people love Lord as long as he leaves premier's office and taken to Timbuctoo and left there.
Was Lord not diagnosed for verbal diarrhea? May be his patronage appointees got it too. Pandemic for Lord group.
Now it is clear why there is such a stink around Centennial Bldg when Lord is around. Must be his verbal diarrhea. At least some are protecting public by putting all those walls between him and the public. Now it has started making sense.
Did you hear that when Lord was in Washington D.C. he complained of headache? They took him in a hospital and checked his head and could not find his brain. So they just flushed his skull and he was ok. There was too much crap stuck in there.
Hey!! What happened to the picture where Lord had kneepads on and was begging for money from Martin? That was a neat picture. Did he intend to do Monika Lewinsky on Martin to get the money?
I'm curious. What are your thoughts when Lord was in NYC during 9/11 and NB wasn't sure if we had a premier or not?
9/11 and Lord in N.Y. Wish him no physical harm as he has children and family. But we will sure be better off without him being our premier. It is an insult to call him premier - insult to the office and insult to New Brunswickers.
Did you read in the paper that Hooten of Saint John was invited to Larry's Gulch by Bernie Lord. He is trying to court her to run for Conservatives from Saint John. Taxpayers have to pay for Lord's politicking. This nincompoop got to go.
Hooton will never be elected as an MLA!!!
Why we the taxpayers have to pay for Hooton's trip to Larry's Gulch. Lord continues to take advantage of New Brunswickers.
Wow, you go away for a few days and Charles fills a few more pages.
Just running through the notes, it's interesting that it actually appears to have NOT been one of the people defending Lord who made the crack about the mentally handicapped given the back and forth but with all the anonymous posters, it's hard to tell.
To touch on the comment "an insult to call Lord premier and an insult to NBers", I can't say I agree with that. Not my favourite guy but the people of New Brunswick put him in power and I respect that. You sure don't have to agree with him but if you say it's an insult to call him premier, you're insulting the nearly 40% of voters who put him in there. That's really not fair. There's a saying in business that the customer is always right. In politics, it's that the voter is always right.
I don't agree with the Olympics one but I'll keep it there so readers can see what level of mentally goes on in this blog!!! Not a good sign!!!
Those 40% Spinks thinks voted for Lord regret. Many have expressed their regret here and through letters to editor. People made mistake and they admit it. There should be a recourse to get rid of this kind of incompetent individaul and that is why many jurisdictions have recall legislatin in North America.
Smart one resign when they realize that poeple do not want them any more but Lord is not one of them.
Agreed, there should be a recourse and there is as someone mentioned above - an election. One takes place before 2008. Lots of time to plan to make sure your candidate wins. You just can't beat having time to plan in politics. I'd recommend getting started.
Spinks you are good at rhetorics. What can one say? They make no sense but that is besides the point.
Democracy doesn't make sense?
You have your own unique view of democracy which differs from the rest. It may make sense for you but for the rest of us it is total gobbledygook.
Four to five year elections are gobbledygook? I am certainly not alone my friend on democracy. If you want to have a debate about the issue, I welcome it but don't try to cloud the issue or read what you want to read in my comments.
Is United States not democracy? They have impeachment provisions. Pretty well every State has those provisions. Are those not democracies? British Columbia has recall legislation. Is BC not democracy. What is so special about New Brunsick? When you and your compatriots have no answer then you start saying go live there then.
"Go live there?" I never told anyone to go live anywhere. NB is your home. I'm simply telling you the way it is. If you want recall legislation, call your MLA and try to get it on the plate. However the goal seems to be more about getting Lord out earlier and even if recall legislation is brought in, it won't be in time to remove Lord before the next election. Instead focus your efforts on supporting those who will defeat him not arguing with me over something which won't happen in time anyway.
Good for you!!!!!!!
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