It began with a rule. Union members only!

After a few years, they added friends of Union employees.
Until the last couple of years, they told the public everyone is invited.
My God? And show up they did! I had a little chat last evening over the phone with a Union organizer.
Tim Smith and I showed up at this event and unfortunately many didn’t forget me…lol….Anyhow Tim and me took a lot of pictures and talked to a few members about some different issues
I was concerned of the amount of people who showed up for this event but it seemed to have a friendly open atmosphere so this is good!
Hundreds were lined up for free hamburgers and Hotdogs.
A person could tell there were poor families among the crowd. The picnic began at 12:00pm and ended at 3:00pm? The line was still long!!!
The Union members told me that they served 1,000 hamburgers, 1,000 hotdogs, 300 litres of pop, 400 ice creams < ran out early > 1,000 cups < also ran out until someone ran to his car and brought beer cups from the Rolling Stones concert >.

They had Face painting, rides. I might add they also had pony rides.

The cost is well over $2,000.00.

A labour member told me that many of these poor families never get out from Saint John and this was a great way to finish the summer. It was worth the time and money!!!

Abel LeBlanc was the only elected official who made a presence.

The waiting line for food was close to 45 minutes and many took 3 or 4 hamburgers with them for the people that were with them to save time in line.
Can you imagine if the picnic would have been held in the South Side of the City?

Yes, I now truly understand the reason why a few weeks ago Bernard Lord held a B-B-Q at Fort Latour and he never invited the public.

It was a gathering for the elite only!
I don’t believe that Bernard Lord or the P.C. Party would have the heart to feed the poor families in the Saint John area.

Which might be one of the many reasons why the P.Cs haven’t held the south side seat in a very long time!
I was at the picnic in Saint John, passed two burgers to you. I was working the assembly line collecting burgers and putting it on a bun. I reconized the voice. Yes no Mayor or councillors in sight. I was not surprised they weren't there. The working class don't appeal to the high class or in their own eyes they think they are just a step up. I may be out of line but I don't think so. I know Councillor Court would of been there if it was possible.
PS I feel very strongly against a general use of ritalin for most people or children. My son is twenty six and when he was in grade 3 one of his teachers wanted him to take this drug but I decided with the doctor that it was not necessary but that he would have to try harder to concentrate and he had tutors and he had to try to listen and sit still. He was well behaved but it was hard to concentrate in such large classes (always sat in the front seat because of distractions); one on one for most people would help these children or small classes like the French schools in our area have. Money needs to be spent on the children early in the school years and resource teachers need to be increased. Also why not stop labelling children and give up on them before they are given any help. Praise to a child goes a long ways. The resources were not there for my son, one resource teacher between two schools, was not acceptable. Also once they graduate from High School what happens to the students who don't fit the vision society has for them. Not everyone makes 80's or 90's for marks. The 60's or 70's can make great citizens and have sucessful careers but it is harder because we want only academic students with no skills; if you want skills it will cost you big bucks. University is not affordable for all and it may be too difficult for people with learning problems. We need educational classes that can be attainable for all. Well that is all for now. It does anger me somewhat. All people should matter.
Hi: you really are a sucker for punishment, aren´tyou? asking me to
speak!! you
should know better!!
yes i am still here, still enjoying your blogs, still enjoying the
idiocies of
the bureacracy. i have not had much to say, mostly because the season
is here,
and i have been busy with customers, new staff, work, etc.
i think my biggest problem with the news and other stories i receive is
that i
am hearing exactly the sme things that were said by the national
party in germany, back in the early 30´s. security for the the
protect our women and children, they are out to get you, it is the
person who lives on the next block who is the enemy.......
this is just the american thing, but the sheep believe it. or as my
uncle the pervert said: "they take it in like a toilet, and it is the
the canadian thing seems to be somewhat different, particularly in the
east. i
wonder how many independent thinkers there are left in the province of
brunswick? how many people who can make life happen are still in the
area? we
already know that the majority of the students leave the province days
graduating high school, so the question becomes: after 3 or 4
generations of
this brain/energy drain, what is left? the irving conglomerate, or in
trading, is now starting to take a larger bite out of the existing
economy than
they had back in the sixties. and there is a change in the actual
financial in the group. in the past they have been a refiner of
gasoline as the
driver of the money, with everything else sortof adding to it as they
go along.
now the other things are shrinking, no more trees, farming is not
here, and shipping is now done out of korea and taiwan. so for them to
get into
the lng business is perfectly in keeping with the family history: stay
with the
supply of necessary items. lng is a consumer good for the future, so
irvings are going to get into it while they are in the position to do
so what does all that have to do with the social environment?
everything. no
young people demanding recognition, no outside boat-rockers, just a
boring future. just as they want. as with everyone, having a handle on
what is
comig is a good thing, you can plan ahead for whatever, with the
assurance that
your goals have a reasonable chance of succeeding. whether this accords
to a
set of values from someone else is irrelevant, this is the majority
view. and
it is kept that way by effectively maintainng only serfs and peons in
geographical area. hence, new brunswick is effectively a fuedal
subject only to change by invasion from the outside.
which brings up your latest set of concerns: the poor people in the
there will always be poor people, there will always be those who abuse
system, there will always be those who take advantage of others. the
will to change that is non-existant, and always will be. the best that
person can hope for is to try to fix individual problems in such a
fashion as
to make the performance of bad behaviour a socially bad thing, thus
changing the fundamental values of the society at large.
this is best done by demonstrating the bad results of the behaviour of
persons responsible and the bad behaviour of the persons responsible
for fixing
the problem. so a landlord is abusing his tenants in a variety of ways,
legal grounds to fix the problem arenot available, attack the source of
problem: the landlord´s income. post information all around the
property so
that prospective tenants look somehwere else to live. advertise in the
places that the landlord advertises, ask the churches to speak out on
behalf of
the tenants.
there must be other landlords who will be interested in teneants, find
make deals for rent and repairs and make it public that good people are
good things.
the economic area will provide better results than the public value
assuming that the goal of the public service is to maintain the status
quo. hit
them in the wallet works better than anything else.
my assumption is that the general population will not care about
anything that
is not directly affecting them on a daily basis. so i discount the
public as
being a bunch of deadbeat wienies, and i have yet to find reason to
change my
mind. a sad commentary, but historically true.
down here on the warm, sandy beaches of the sub-tropics it is hard to
get truly
incensed over the problems of the majority or minority in the northern
living in vacationland means that i never, or very rarely, come into
with the poor-in-attitude. the persons who come to these places dream
and plan
and work toward the goal of comeing here to relax, buy property, etc.
so i am
constantly surrounded by persons of high energy, positive attitudes and
habitually thinking about the future. it is not necessary here to post
signs to
keep out the deadbeats of the universe, they can not get here in the
on another note, my daughter starts back to school tomorrow, new shoes,
uniform, books, pencils, pens.........
and i sit here at my computer in the lobby, with my coffee, waiting for
customers to start getting up, and leaving, so that i may go upstairs
and help
the cleaning staff in the rooms. it is 9 in the morning, the water is
hurricane katrina is not coming close to us, life is good.
i told you it would not be a short note!!!
keep it up, and keep it coming!!
If you plaster posters around landlord's building then his rights are being violated. Lord government, may be Lord himself, city, police and others will come into action to undo this injustice to the landlord who is "trying to make a buck to survive" and these welfare bums making it difficult for him to do that. In that case "justice" will prevail. Justice is a very relative term, you know. It only exists for those who can afford it. Landlord can afford it and tenants cannot.
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