Sunday, October 30, 2005




Anonymous said...

I would like to comment on this topic if I may. I have observed the many reasons as to why we should or, why we should not participate in the observence of What is now known as "Halloween. there seems to be a great contraversy surrounding this occasion and rightly so, because the origin stems from pure Paganism and false religion in that the costumes that our Children are allowed to dress up in are made to portray the likenesses of Demons, Witches, and Characters of the so-called world of darkness. For those in our society who are of the christian Tradition, the Word of God "(Holy Bible)" imphatically states that we are not to have anything to do with the unfruitful works of Darkness. This means that the observence of participants in such a festival or, Observence whether knowingly or, unknowingly they are being partakers of and Evil and Un-Holy thing. I would strongly plead that we as beleivers in the Lord Jesus Christ have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with this Occasion called Halloween.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know what Mr McKay's criteria is for "false religion." Might it be anything other than "christianity." Is Islam a false religion.... Hinduism...Buddahism...
The celebration of Halloween today has about a much to do with the world of darkness as Easter has to do with the Easter Bunny..
If mr McKay would care to do his homework rather than spew his extremist rhetoric, he would see that Christmas, or at least the timing of it, was concieved to coincide with a festival honoring a pagan Roman god. The overall plan was to not tick off the Roman pagans. Are christians who celebrate Christmas destined for eternal damnation for unknowingly being participants in an "Evil or Un-Holy" thing. After all, any thologian who knows his or her stuff at all will tell you the likelihood that Jesus was born on December 25th is slim to none. When it comes to stuff like this, I suggest people lighten up a bit and let the kids have a little harmless fun. I hardly think dressing up like a witch (the middle ages and storybook version) will leave a child with any major phycoligical scars.

Anonymous said...

Children get kick out of it. Why not? However, this picture shows the kid is being given Ritalin. Which is reminder that Lord refuses to do anything for this problem. That does make this Halloween scary.

Spinks said...
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Spinks said...

12:28, first off I don't think there's any need to call Michael an extremist. He has the right to his opinion as do you.

On Halloween, I don't know. I don't like seeing Halloween glorified, the "glorifying evil" thing which some take to extremes but I don't see the harm in kids dressing up and trick or treating. The origins probably do have a somewhat evil twist but that doesn't mean it has to remain that way. The pagan argument means we don't bring Christmas trees inside because that has Pagan origins. By the same token why celebrate Christmas at all? Unlike Easter it's not Biblical. There's nothing in the Bible that says Christ's birthday is supposed to be celebrated and obviously December 25th wasn't the day anyway. However I digress. I know what Michael's saying and it's a long argument in a lot of churches and without a doubt a lot of evil goes on tonight, blood sacrifices, demon chants, etc, but kids dressing up? I don't see the harm personally.