For those of you who might be interested-I went down to Saint John High School to ask if I could go in and hear what Ms.Hooten had to offer for my area and to get an honest feel for what both sides were offering and or had on the table.
As I started to enter I was told by Mr.Jay Chang And Mr.Idee(????), (sorry I can't recall his last name at this moment),,Listen Tim you know that we both think highly of you and that your a good person but for this one we have to decline on letting you go in,anything else you know we would definitly do it for you but just not this one.
Idee then proceeded to pull out his wallet and flash his Conservative member card to everyone that was there and said--See this,if you do not have one you don't get in.
He also went on to tell me that this meeting is private and for members only, To which I replied----
So what you are saying to me is your party is holding a Private meeting in a Public building of which belongs to the tax payers and is in my riding?? and all I want to do is hear from both sides on the issues at hand to see what the differences might be from one party to the next.
To which he once again replied,Tim anything else just not this one I'm sorry and at that I thanked him, shook his hand and left.
Oh one last thing I went there with NO signs,No hand-outs,nothing of any kind just myself to be an observer.
If you want to be scared, keep in mind that conservatives are doing this all over the country and copying the republicans in the states. They are becoming 'the religious right' in Canada. Last spring their national convention was even closed off to David Orchard and his supporters-who were card carrying tories. Getting to be a scary world.
I never like that Idee guy. He's a black guy from the Saint John Area. He walks around like his sh@t don't stinks. Maybe it;s because he emailed me a few weeks ago and demnded that I remove his name off my list and which I refuse. Public Relation is the utmost importance but they sure don't have it with this crowd!!!
I don'y know. I would imagine they rented the building and paid for it in which case they're entitled to let in only who they want. Nothing wrong with that but in the interest of good relations, I'd let in whoever wanted to come as long as there were no placards and they didn't create a scene. I've never read where Tim's created a scene per se so hard to say what was going through their heads. I wouldn't let anti-LNG people with placards in because you're begging for trouble but people who simply want to be observers, sure, why not? Seems a little paranoid but then again three Saint John city councillors have been vandalized in the past few days so maybe they have a right to be concerned. Just seems like maybe they took their concern out on the wrong guy. Were other people without membership cards getting in besides media? If so there's a problem. If not, hey that's their choice. Doesn't foster openess but they can do what they want in this case.
At least they were polite to Tim Smith. In another case threat of arrest were made. Long live Emperor Bernie.
Threat of arrest? What happened ? To who?
Spinks, you are a great defender of Lord given that you did not vote for him in the last election. You are not believable at all. Ask the premier probably he would remember when ordinary citizens were threatened with arrest when they posed absolutely no threat of any kind. They just wanted to attend a meeting where Emperor was speaking. Long live Emperor Bernie.
Well...at least Charles doesn't seem to be getting attacked any more. That's the upside to my anonymous friend taking every chance to slam me. Ho hum.
Spinks, you keep giving yourself credit' reasons for whick do not exist. I see the attackers are still there and they sign their nick just like you.
Tim should have been looking at the classified ads looking for work or working on his resume instead of trying to get in where he is not wanted.
and yeh!
Spinks stinks. He smells like St.John and St.John smells like FARTS
If it takes the heat off Charles, that's fine. Obviously it does. Thank you once again gentlemen for proving my point. Cheers.
Spinks it takes heat of off no one. You just like to credit yourself with this and credit yourself with that. I think this kind of stuff started when you started making outlandish statements.
Try to be open minded and may be it will go away.
Now "Maurice the homeless guy" and other unhappy folks please give Spinks a break and may be he will be more respectful of the views of other people.
9:16 you are so right but this is the same way the liberals treated the CUPE workers back in the 90's. We are all too forgetful when it comes to the BIG BAD LIBERALS.They cut out all the social spending and CUT, CUT , CUT, was there favorite words.
I think Tim has done some very noble work. He put his life on line for a cause and not very many of us can do it. His young daughter was without her dad during the hunger strike. Only a noble soul can make such a sacrifice. Some may have some personal reasons to be harsh but please overcome that and give credit where it is due. Tim keep up God's work. VLTs are indeed evil and they hurt people and their families.
Ya! very noble work Whatever...
leaving your young daughter to go protesting, he could have died and could have left his own daughter a orphen sounds like a nut to me.
Thanks for your response 10:53 AM.
My friend, people go to war fully knowing they may not come back and see their children and family. We have to fight different kinds of wars for the betterment of society. I am sure you do too. That is life.
8:47 - hilarious coming from one of the many here who have zero respect for my views and always have.
Courtesy 101 which I practice would be this:
"Spinks I disagree because....."
Not courteous is comments like "Spinks stinks" which I don't do because it's unproductive and not thoughtful debate. Am I the only one who sees that?
"..one of the many here who have zero respect for my views.."
Spinks my golly you finally got it. You have not earned respect for your views. Your views are so outlandish.
Well I have to agree that courtesy by far too many on this site is outlandish. I think the fact that I try along with a few others do attempt to go againts the "group think" which predomiantes here is the main reason we're targeted. I don't attack any posters personally so I can't see any other reason. Whne my opinion is disagreed with I have no problem with that but when courtesy isn't evoked there's a problem. Charles and I are two of the few here who extend a courtesy and put a name to it and we're the ones who constantly get attacked. Go figure.
Yes, keep on harping. Biggoted views cannot be valued.
What's bigoted here?
Short memory problem, Spinks. Eh!
Spinks Stinks!!
I'm reading the 26 posts above and the only bigoted comment I see is the first one against religious people.
You do have short-term memory problems, Spinks. You said your views are not valued on this site - on this site. They are not valued because they are hideous and bigoted.
I guess I do have short term memory AND reading problems. I can't see it above, like I said except the very top one by anonymous against religious people. I'd really like to know what you're talking about but I've got a feeling it's going to be some of the made-up things against me which have taken place here before. If that's the case, don't bother but if there is something you've misconstrued, let me know. I'll try and clarify and if you still think it's "hideous", that's your choice. But puh-leeze disagree with my individual comments instead of going at me EVERY, SINGLE TIME I post. No need to be personal. I'm not personal towards anonymous.
You said people here do not appreciate your views. I do not blame them because your views are ludicrous and bigoted.
Anonymous is the only one who has said that to my knowledge and anyway I disagree with your analysis, respectfully of course.
I think what's going on here is our two favorite anonymous commenters are having a bit of a problem with some of the more than four letter words your using on them, maybe try to use a little bit of a simplistic platform in which they might understand how to communicate with you as this site is not yet set up for kindergarten translations but that technical difficulty is currently being worked on.
Your views be they right or wrong are just as important as the next and as most comments here take what you need and leave the rest..
Keep up the good work...
You have a supporter. You sure it is not you going anonymous again. Sorry man for your desperation.
Sorry to burst your bubble 6:20 but as I've often said I ALWAYS put my name as a courtesy so folks know who to respond to or to skip my remarks if it bothers them so. I gather 5:58 doesn't necessairly agree with me but does agree that there's more than one point of view out there and they all deserve to be listened to, even yours when you're not attacking people.
You are badly in need of education because your views are so ignorant and outdated. It is your ignorance which gets people up against the wall. Enlighten yourself and then may be you will receive a welcome to the 21st century. Right now you live in 18th or in stone age. You're in a time warp.
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