Tuesday, November 29, 2005


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Michael G. McKay said...

Itis about time that we as Canadians sent a message loud and clear that we have had it with a Regeme that has as one of its only purposes, to strip us of our Traditional Moral values I the Federal Liberals are nothing more than Political failures. I for one am thankful that the Federal Liberals have fallen and are no more. I think that we as a Nation and voting public have an opportunity to make a true and last positive change that will bring back the Traditional and Moral Values that was a gift of our Founding fathers. Remember we were once considered and proclaimed gby the United Nations as the best Country on the earth in which to live. that has seriously deminished over the last few years because we have lost our way as a Nation. Lets claim our national and Judeao Christian Herritage back and live the way we were intended to live.

Anonymous said...

What kind of a foolsih statement is this Michael G. " Lets claim our national and Judeao Christian Herritage back and live the way we were intended to live "

Perhaps you can enlighten us Pagan Heathens as to how We Suppoesdly Were Or Supposedly Are Intended To Live.

How do you know how we are supposed to Live ?

Are you some new Whacked out Christain Bible Pounding Religous Micahel Corish Guru like Waco Texas ?

He also proclaimed to know how everybody was supposed to Live. Gezzzzzzzzzzz what a Maron

Anonymous said...

Michael G

I have to agree with Macsog as well simply because of this.

I find most Bible Pounding Fanatics can't even think for themselves, and live according to the Teachings Of this Christ they profess to follow the teachings of.

I've read the Bible, and have come to the Conclusion in most cases, pages 4,5,and 6 contradict what's written on page numbers 7,8, and 9.

Any Religion Belief is supposed to be a personal thing, and form of enlightenment, and a resourse to draw peace from in my opinion. AND if I want to believe in Nothing and it makes me a better person, who is to say I'm wrong. " NOT YOU I DON'T THINK "

More wars nad Killing astrocities thoughout the Centuries have been committed in the name of Christianity. That's not just me saying this, it's historical fact.

And let's not forget about the PTL Jim Baker incident, The Nut who locked himself up in a University Tower and was telling eveybody that God was going to take his Life unless he raised One Million Dollars Fast

I didn't think Money even mattered to God. If anything I think He call's it an evil ?

What think you Mike. And BTW - I think all Bible Pounder Shows on the Radio and TV should be removed by Government CRTC Legislation.

The Only so-called God I believe in, is called Jack Daniels and my HARLEY.

Spinks said...

WOW! So much for tolerance of other views. The above three comments once again prove my point. The #1 group under attack in this country - Christians.

Michael is slightly off base on a national Christian heritage. Although we hear about it, Canada has never really been a Christian country. It's always been quite secular. The Bible is clear that Christians are in the minority. That hasn't changed and the maginalization of them will continue.