Monday, December 05, 2005



If the election was held today?

These all the candidates that I would vote for-

I don’t know about you guys and gals but I find this election so far very very very boring.

It looks like there was more actions and interest during the by-election in Saint John Harbour.


Myself, I always voted for the individual.

I believe this is the reason that Elsie Wayne got elected over and over.


She could have ran as an independent and won.

If I was living in Saint John? I would support Paul Zed.


Now??? Why would an Anti-Irving like myself would support this guy?

Well, he’s all over the place and he takes the time to listen to the poor voters concern.

I don’t know the other candidates so I have no comment.

Ohh yes…I know Vern Garnett from the Green Party.

Mr.Santa Claus himself. I guess he shaved his white beard.

Now if I was living in the area of Grand Bay?

I would support Greg Thompson.


I always like this guy and I always called him a second Lou Murphy.

He speaks his mind and I might add that he spoke very loud and clear last spring against the Irving Monopoly of newspapers in this Province.

He’s a very good politician.

Now if I was living in the riding of Acadie-Bathurst?

I would support this guy!


Yvon Godin has always spoke very good for the poor people in this Province.

I might add that he also spoke out against the Irving monopoly in this Province. The NDP? I'm still not convince of their policies but Yvon has spoken out on behalf of the people his riding.

Now comes my riding?

Personally I always like Andy Scott.

He always takes the time to listen to my concerns.

He’s always in the public eye and I like his style of going at the Farmer’s Market every Saturday.

I might not agree with his new glasses but what can a person do?...LOL...

Picture 013

I met for the first time John Carty the NDP candidate and I found him a nice guy.

He was attending a meeting at FAPO a few weeks ago.

He’s the black guy in the picture but I’m not sure about the NDP? John sounds like a very nice guy also.


So there’s my views and lets not forget that this could all change before the day of the election.


Anonymous said...

When she was in Ottawa, we had the power just like now :

When we told her to sit down and be quiet " She did as she was told "

Even Jean Charest left and to the Liberal way of thinking.

Anonymous said...

Charlie :

I hear you always say on talk of the town, Thank God for this Talk Show :

The only thing I can say about what you say is this :

Thank you Charles for this Blod Site and doing all the work that goes along with it.

It gives us all a chance to express freedom of speech, whether we agree or disagree with other opinions and so forth .

Keep the great job up, at least your doing something for the people

Anonymous said...

Hmm, seems that you support all the imcumbents. Maybe someone is looking for a job?......

Anonymous said...

Is it any of your business if they are. Why don't you just mind your own Bee's Wax ?

Anonymous said...

This is more of a question than a comment, if it's Ok.

Dis Elsie ever run and operate a Bar in Saint John, on King Street called The Old Grey Mayor ?

Anonymous said...

Andy Scott has never done ANYTHING for this province. He was head of Native Affairs and he couldn't even get any native claims in New Brunswick looked at. Yes, he's a professional politician, he can smile and shake your hand and be at all the 'dos' in town (when he's in town). He'll listen to your concerns while laughing at you on the insides and stick the knife in your back when you turn away. Find ONE thing the federal government has done for New Brunswick in the last ten years besides wipe out health transfers and maybe I'll change my mind.

Oh I forgot, the liberals did visit long enough to stay at Irving's 'cottages' and write him a 50 million dollar cheque for closing a shipyard. At least be consistent charles! Keep this up and not only should Andy Scott give you a job he should kiss the ground you walk on.

Anonymous said...

Yes Elsie did what the big corporations wanted; we were fooled to think she stood for the average person.

Zed doesnot answer calls or email. Not sure who I'll vote for but it can't Conservative but I doubt the Liberals too.

Anonymous said...

I believe someone else owned and the Old Gray Mare. All Mayors before this one has done better. Arrogance and Uptown saint John are doing a big number on our city. We don't need one corporation to call the shots. People can't pay more.

Michael G. McKay said...

As I have stated in previous comments, I will be voting for the Conservative Party of Canada. The reason is because they seem to be the only party in this Country who believe in standing up for our traditional moral values and bring this Nation back integrity back to Canada. I would not vote for Andy Scott because he is like a waffle, he just waffles back and forth on the important issues and never does anything unless his name and the name of his corrupt liberal party is in lights. I would love to see Ms. Wayne run I would vote for her in a heartbeat, because I know what she believes in Both as a politician, and as a Christian. she stands strong for the Traditional values and moral fortitude which was handed down to us by our founding fathers and she is not at all shy when it comes to defending them. Yes she would have my vote no questions asked. I am voting for the local Conservative Candidate for Fredericton.

Michael G. McKay said...

Another quick comment, The reason that our Nation is being inundated with so much hardship and problems is because we have lost our way and we don't have our priorities in in order. This Nation was founded by Men, Women and whole families who braved extreme difficulties and hardships to settle this great land and give birth to what I was raised to believe was the greatest Nation on the face of the Planet. These Pioneer families had an enduring faith in God and their faith is what got them through the most dificult situations. What traditional values do we honor today, and what would our founding fathers say if their were here today. Would they be pleased, or would they be sickened by the lack of respect total disregard that we have shown for our most precious traditional values and herritage that they left us to cultivate. I believe that it is time that each one of us finally realize that those values that God placed in the hearts and lives of those who originally settled this Nation, are just as valid and for us today as they were when our founding fathers first arrived on the shores of this land now known as Canada. I think that we need to re-claim our herritage from those filfthy and disgusting politicians and their corrupt policies that have stolen from us that which has made Canada a Great and Prosperous place in which to live. So I guess we all as voting Citizens have something to think about as we come into a winter election. In conclusion, to you politicians who are over looking the Poor, the homeless and those who are on either fixed or low incomes, history with speak well of you if you work on behalf of helping the poor and others in simillar situations to be productive citizens, and history will speak against you if you do nothing to ensure that all Canadians Citizens Have equal access and the means to have a decent standard of living.

Anonymous said...

I belive that elected people today have to be honest more that ever. If you by a package of gum and charge it to the goverment sooner or later it will come out and haunt you. In the past there was a lot that was covered up but now it all comes out. Yes there is people that do things wrong in all walks of life but today they are getting caught. Just look at the high profial people latley.
Lets not tar every one with the same brush. AS WE HAVE THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD TO LIVE. BE THANKFULL.

Anonymous said...


" who in the hell are you trying to kid 11:12 AM "

Yeah Canada is so great, we allow to homless people to sleep in the cold winter months without any food or warmth, people die on the streets in the harsh cold winter months and Yes even Starve

I suggest you flush out you Head & Brain Gear

Spinks said...

Someone else owned the Old Grey Mare but they had a fight with City Hall and named the bar in relation to Elsie as a sign of protest.