Monday, December 05, 2005




Anonymous said...

Harper knows after losing this election he is done as a leader. He is freaking out and making all kinds of promises.

Latest polls show that he has taken major dip in Ontario. No Ontario no win for Harper. So he can keep his lips to himself.

Anonymous said...

I'll personally be voting for Mr. Harper and supporting the Conservative party, as soon as they start calling for Volunteers for the Political Candidates.

The reason I'll be supporting the Conservative party in the up-coming federal election is this.

I like the Idea of Mr. Harper supporting the idea, of sending Canadian troops to the Iraq war, and supporting out American Friends and their combat troops fighting for freedom.

Anybody Remember the Lend And Lease Program in WW11 to Canada and British Commonwealth, that the Americans helped us out with back then ?

Canada and Britain literally had nothing to fight with. The American lend and lease program, provided us with the equipment to battle the Nazi's, until Canada and Britain could get their war production in operation.

We should be standing by our American Allies, and I think Mr. Harper is willing to do that.

Anonymous said...

Fighting against Nazi was a great cause. Fighting for Iraq's oil fields is no cause. This war is for Dick Chaney and George W. and their shares in oil companies. Those are the very reasons we must not vote Harper. We do not want our young men and women killed without cause.

Michael G. McKay said...

I beieve that the Conservatives should be given the opportunity to prove themselves. Mr. Harper has some good and positive ideas that if implamented could be very good for this country. Who Knows, they might even help Canada to get its National Identity and Sovreignty back which it has lost through this bullcrap known as multiculturism that is nothing more than the governments attempt to assimilate the canadian people and make them pons in the system. I Believe that we as a Nation need to take back that which the Liberals stole from us, and that is our the herritage that those founding fathers left us. They would sit up in their graves and scold the preverbial stuff out of us if they knew what we were letting these stupid Goofs,and Clown politicians get away with.

This Nation was founded by those of the Christian tradition, not Muslim, or Budhist or Hindu or any other foregen religious tradition.

Anonymous said...

Mickael Makcay after you got rid of recent immigrants what are you going to do with Natives. Liberals are giving them $5 billion in help. You want to get rid of them too.

Far a person who believes in International Human Rights Declaration and Charter of Rights and Freedoms you have very distorted views of rights. Very disappointing.

The reasons you stated are the very reasons we must not vote Harper. He is scary. He wants to turn the clock back like Bernard Lord is doing in this province.

Anonymous said...

Low Interest rates.
Lowest unemployment since the 70's
Highest investment rate in the energy sector.
Lower National Debt.
Money on the way for Harbour Cleanup. Correction. Was until Harper forced an election.
Childcare money coming.
No! To sending troops to Iraq!
No! To Missle Defence!
Yes to more immigration for the Maritimes.

Oh Yeaaa! Definitely vote for Scary Harper! He'll undo it all!

Charles! Whats up with all the Racist remarks here. I thought this was a family site! LOL!

Anonymous said...

YES! To sending troops to Iraq!
YES! To Missle Defence!
NO ! to more immigration for the Maritimes.

Hire and give some goodies to New Brunswickers, First And Foremost.

The Fight is right, Freedom for those against Saddam and Terrorism.

And I approve this message.

Anonymous said...

Joke :

How do you get a Federal Liberal Candidate All Shook Up, Jumpy And Real Nervous ?

Answer :

Just mention these 2 Words :

Gomery Report

Anonymous said...

Thats really funny that since the free trade agreement the americans have literally bought everything in Canada. Even if we have no oil we HAVE to keep selling it to the US. They literally dictate policy, Canada HAS people in Iraq and well as providing off shore support, we are in Afghanistan getting killed while repressing their own people so a pipeline can be built and we're in Haiti where we helped overthrow a democratically elected President.

And people here think we're losing the country to 'multiculturalism'. Wake up and smell the patriot missiles dude. What have the muslims gotten from the government except thrown in jail with no charges laid!

Anonymous said...

Yes 1:33 this is becoming racist site given the racist remarks above.

If some want to die in Iraq for oil for Bush and Chaney then that is there problem. That is what makes Harper truly scary. That is the hidden agenda.
Harper is scary man.

Anonymous said...

Want to fight in Iraq? Just hop on a plane

Anonymous said...

Likening Harper to Bush is indeed a very scary thought!

Since Bush has been in power he has managed to bring the US deficit to trillions of dollars his first four years (Clinton left the post with a surplus). Bush is the first president to take more holidays than run the country, makes political gaffes constantly & the list goes on & on. Bush says the most idiotic statements & I think the most damning thing is that 51% of the American population put this howdy doody back in power for another 4 years!!

Please don't let this be the scenario with Harper.

Anonymous said...

Actually the above is NOT true, first of all only just over half of americans vote in federal elections (much like canada), and second, Bush DIDN"T have the popular vote, meaning that more people voted AGAINST Bush than for him. Like Canada though it comes down to districts (well, ridings here) and then states. Which means like the liberals in Canada last decade you can have a majority government while not even getting half of the vote.

So actually less than a quarter of americans voted for their President.

Anonymous said...

VOTE FOR HARPER PEOPLE : We should be over in Iraq getting a hunk of that Oil Share:

Harper will be the man behind the national plan, when the very last painful deciding vote is heard by the crying Liberals.

Anonymous said...

11:48 AM you are saying vote for Harper and then get ready to get your sons and daughters killed in Iraq. How frightening. That is exactly the reason they call Harper scary and we do not want to vote for him.

Spinks said...

It's funny, watching the news coverage about Harper cutting taxes, the only people who seem to be disagreeing are the NDP, rich Liberals and people who don't pay any taxes. As part of the vast middle class, I'm all for having my taxes cut. I like the Liberal idea of tax cuts too but I don't trust them to implement them. After all they've lied to us before about tax cuts - GST anyone?

Anonymous said...

Do not like Harper's idea at all. Straight income tax cut is better. Harper is playing games. We do not know he will keep his promises.

Spinks said...

I suspect a straight income tax is coming as part of their platform as well. It's always been part of their strategy so I doubt now is any different. We'll see.

Spinks said... may be right that we don't know whether or not the promise will be kept but we DO know the Liberals don't keep their promise on this issue. Again, GST anyone? I along with I hope every other Canadian would and should hold whoever gets in power to their promises.