Tuesday, December 06, 2005




Anonymous said...

He wants Alberta to expand and take over rest of the country. Sounds interesting. Do we get some of that oil money.

Anonymous said...

ya that would be better then years of all our tax money going to quebec with the liberals.

Michael G. McKay said...

As I have said before I think that the Conservatives have proven that they can be given another chance, I will not vote for the NDP because they don't know which end is up. They are like bloodsuckers, and leaches, they latch onto any one or anything for a free ride, and there should not be any free rides in Canada. However, there should be significant incentives to help those who haven't had a decent opportunity to become a valuable contributing member of society. I am not talking about continual handouts, I am speaking of something being implamented to assist them to recieve better training and skills to be come a more positive member of the working society to build a better Nation for all. and this legislation should be for everyone.

Anonymous said...

The best thing anybody can do in the upcoming election is Vote Liberal.

It's time to do away with all prayers in our public school systems, institute a public health system where if you don't or can't pay, you don't get treated.

And religous programming should be removed from the public broadcasting airwaves as well.

Let them set up their own broadcasting operations, like others have.