This morning, I walked into this Tim Horton’s located at the corner of Regent and King Street in Fredericton.
I explained to the Manager that I was a blogger and I wanted some info.
The poor woman didn’t know what I was talking about but she did tell me that the staff in the Capital are not ordered not to say Merry Christmas.
They can say whatever they want. As long as the customer is happy!

I asked her for a picture? It was at that moment that she quickly left the scene!
There you have it!!!
I guess the only Tim Horton’s who gave orders to their employees not say to Merry Christmas is the Tim Horton’s in Saint John.
Can someone tell me which Tim Horton’s???
Hi Charlie I spoke with the manager at Brunswick Square and he said they did not receive that message either.
It has been confirmed that it is just the Tim Horton's on the East side of the City that cannot say merry christmas first.
I'm sorry I do not know the owner's name of the east side stores---Hope that helps...Merry Christmas
Wow, so a whole much to do about nothing. Might as well start waiting for confirmation before the arguments begin.
It was an instigation plot by the Grinch who tried to steal Merry Christmas.
You have to admit it does make one have to Chuckle in a Fun Way All
{ lol }
Maybe the Conservatives Started It ?
All for Saint John Harbour Payback { lol } :>)
Well I wouldn't say a bunch to do with nothing considering the owner of the eastside owns 6 stores then multiply that be the number of customers per day until christmas day.
I would assume that number would be in the thousands and if this offends even 1 in 3 from that perspective I would have to conclude there most certainly is a problem with this.
Please believe me 3:49-pm I am not trying to make " bunch to do with nothing "
All I am trying to say, Just sometimes you have to sit back and Laugh at Some Things that's all, believe me please
Not trying to hurt anybody's feeling's in the world a bit. I'm way too old for that.
If I had a dollar for everytime I made a Mistake in Life, I'd have more money than Donald Trump.
If whoever owns the local shops and is telling staff, not to say Merry Christmas, that is not the Stand Point Of The Tim Horton Head Office here in Canada.
I'm ex media, I was in touch with Tims Head Office In Ontario, which Charles has a copy of the email they sent me.
By my saying I'm ex media, as I said to Charles, that doesn't make anything special, I just check things out as much as Humanly Possible for Veification, that's all.
I was only trying to make people laugh, and help get an Official Comment from Tims, which I forwarded to Charles, since this is his Blog Site.
A million aplogies if I offended you, or anybody else for that matter, but I will not apologize for my statement, sometimes we all just have to sit back, and be able to laugh at things and Ourselves sometimes:
Dude, relax and enjoy the merry christmas, I think he was referring to the earlier statement which said 'much ado about nothing'. I still don't understand it though, apparantly ONE Tim Horton owner has told his staff to not say Merry Christmas? Maybe we should wait until THAT has been proven before we start in on it. Perhaps its just as false.
For What It's Worth :
The following is an e-mail about this topic I sent to Tim Hortons Ontario Head Quarters on 12/17/2005/
To Whom It May Concern :
I recently read on a blog site here in New Brunswick, that some or One of your Tim Horton locations here in Saint John, New Brunswick,
the employees working there at this particular store operation, " Are Not Allowed to say Merry Christmas to a Customer, unless the Customer says it first ? "
Having been a Tim Horton's Coffee fan and supporter of your great Products, I find this hard to believe, this is why I am e-mailing you.
Personally I find this very hard to believe about the Tim Hortons Organization. Tim Hortons is as Canadian, as our National Flag in my personal opinion.
I used to be a broadcaster with 93 CFBC AM here in Saint John from 1969 until 1991, when I forced into retirement after being stricken with Debilitating Degenerative Osteo Arthritis.
So please be rest assured this e-mail is not a joke :
Very Respectfully
Sean J O'Shaughnessy
Saint John, NB,
This was the responce to the above e-mail on the same day 12/17/2005/
Thank you for your email. A representative from our customer service
department will respond to your request as soon as possible. This is an
automated response, please do not reply to this email. Please address any
further inquiries to customer_service@timhortons.com.
Merci de votre courriel. Un représentant de notre service aux clients vous
répondra aussi rapidement que possible. Ceci est une réponse automatisée;
veuillez ne pas y répondre par retour d'adresse.
Pour toute demande de renseignements supplémentaires , veuillez vous
adresser à: customer_service@timhortons.com
Your reference number is / Votre numéro de référence est : OAKN-6K6J64
Then I received this reply
Dear Mr. O'Shaughnessy,
Thank you so much for contacting us at our Head Office in Oakville. At Tim
Hortons we pride ourselves in providing our customers with high quality
products, friendly and efficient customer service and cleanliness in our
For this reason, we appreciate the time you have taken to write to
To answer your question, there is no truth to the rumor you have mentioned
in your e-mail.
There is no Tim Hortons policy regarding this issue.
Thank you again for your e-mail.
We look forward to serving you again soon.
The TDL Group Corp.,
Patti H.
Operations Service Representative
So the Bottom Line is this, Charles has seen the e-mails I posted, I can only assume and presume the responce I got was indeed true.
Hopefully this was some help.
Now you all may Crucify Me for trying to get some information from their Head Office, on this topic { lol }
Dude, you think an AMERICAN company is as canadian as the flag?? That is REALLY messed up!!
Obviously 12:10-AM the only thing that is Messed up are your meaningless comments on this site, the way I see it.
You left an Anonymous Nick, the person posted their Real Name to the Article. 12:10- you're a Real Brave Heart aren't you ?
The person you insulted I think was just trying to help and get a responce from the Company Head Office here in Canada.
I also think the person you took a shot at, has more Class than yourself, due to the fact, he never came online and " Retaliated To You Trivial Opinion " that's why I'm cutting you up like a paper shredder.
I would also like to ask you 12:10-Am, when was the last time you did or tried to do something of an informative or positive nature ?
Oh I see, it's been that long Huh, That You Have To Think About It, Or You can't Remember. We all Understand !
Now please go back and keep on playing with you Silly Putty for Brains. Sounds like their Smoked DUDE !!
Just thought you would like to know..........I went through the drive-thru at Tim's in East Saint John this morning and I made my hubby a bet that they wouldn't say "Merry Christmas" he told me I was nuts! Well, we get up to the window and I wait and after I get my coffees I waited, then I finally said to the girl "Merry Christmas" and she said "You Too!". Since hubby has to buy the coffee for the next week I will make sure I ask next time I am there why they won't say Merry Christmas! :)
I have been told that UNBSJ is not allowed to say Merry Christmas??? Ask around and you will find out.
WHY DON'T YOU ask the head honcho or honcho's of the university yourself, get a story and file it.
all these this one said this and this one said that is nothing short of bs, WHY DON'T YOU CHECK IT, GET ALL THE DETAILS AND POST THE INFORMATION, like the other guy did that contacted tims office in ontario.
why should only 1 or 2 people be so called ivetigative reporters ?
I am Pleased that not all businesses compell their workers/employees to say Happy Holidays. After all, it is a long standing Tradition that we wish someone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I appreciate the consideration that the regent street tim's coffee shop shows its customers. and the staff are courteous as well.
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