On a personal level, Andy always supported the Acadian population in the Capital.

Every instance that I would call the talk show – Voice of the Province < good old days until I was told that I couldn’t call any longer >

He always treated me with respect.
But I can't stand those new glasses. I love him with these ones.

But these ones? Looks like he's hiding something???

My second choice would have been John Carty. < NDP >

I met the guy once and he’s a nice guy.
I wrote this letter for my column in the River Valley News the past Monday -

It’s in the late evening of January 16 and by the time you read this column?
The Federal Election will be over.
Lets see if I can make another good prediction as I did in the bi-election in Saint John Harbour?
I predicted that Bernard Lord would get slaughtered and I was 100% correct.
I believe that Greg Thompson will be a shoe in.

I always respected Greg. He’s a gentleman.
Paul Zed will win in Saint John because he’s a Good politician.

I don’t know this John Wallace guy.
Andy Scott will win in a very tight race because of the strong showing of John Carty < NDP >

Liberals will maintain their seat in Moncton and also Yvon Godin < NDP >in the North shore.

I always supported the candidate and not the party.
This is the reason that Elsie Wayne won for the P.C.’s.

I predict that all MP’S elected during the last election will return to the Capital!
I pray that we have a minority Government in Ottawa because it seems to work better that way.
I predict a minority P.C. Government in Ottawa.
I predicted this two weeks ago.
The issue that will bring down the Martin Liberal is that poor little girl who was shot dead in Toronto.
Over 50 people were shot dead in Toronto last year alone.
I guess that gun registry program < tax grab > didn’t work but it’ll killed the Paul Martin Government.
I pray for a minority Government for either side.
I believe that a minority works better than a majority.
Here’s my prediction for the election on Monday -
P.C. – 123
Lib - 112
BQ - 40
NDP - 31
Ind - 2
Total= 308 seats!
So I am honest with the readers who I voted for and my prediction of the election?
What's yours???
You know Charlie, they call it a secret ballot for many reasons, but most of all so that some people won't make a complete ass of themselves.
LOL ! WOW ! what a shock charles!,you voted for a liberal?!?!?!. WOW ! that knocked me outa my chair !... LOL !.
"I always supported the candidate and not the party."
they just all happen to be liberals eh charles? LOL ! wink..wink.
O & BTW, I predict a conservative majority with the NDP with more seats then the liberals.
paul zed will loose for sure in saint john,hes done absolutly nothing for the city.
& iv also heard andy scott is in serious trouble & thats why martin has to go their.
good luck anyways charles. :-)
P.C. – Less than 112
Lib - 123 or (130)
BQ - 40
NDP - 31
Ind - 2
Judging from last nights appearance of Harper on CBC and did not do well. Left many questions unanswered and created more doubts about him.
You're crazy if you think the gun registry and the murders in Toronto will hurt Paul Martin. Polls show Torontians voting liberal, as they have for the past decade. People don't tend to 'change horses' when the economy is good, and it is in southern ontario with recent gifts of billions from the feds to the auto sector and R&D.
People aren't stupid, the feds have nothing to do with law enforcement, that's a provincial jurisdiction and Ontario has seen crime peak after almost a decade of tory rule and 'government restructuring'. Ontarians know what that means, which is why Toronto votes liberal or NDP. It's the rural areas of Ontario that vote PC.
I'm not crazy enough to try to predict how 15 million people are going to vote, but I think anybody who thinks Andy Scott did a lot for Fredericton should try to list exactly what those wonderful things are. Just because he's a 'born politician' who knows how to schmooze the electorate, doesn't mean he's an effective politician for the area.
5:01 Good analysis. I am not thrilled with Andy Scott either. I do not think he was that effective.
I agree 5:01 and 5;16 pm, the only reason he voted for andy scott, it was a vote against Bernie thats all.
Scott doesn't give a hoot about him,
Go get sucker and a crying towel, Scott is out
Hello fello canadians, I must say i am very disapointed that charles leblanc,the man so many look up to as an activist on behalf of his stand on ritalin be it right or wrong in reality,has chosen to support andy scott & his liberal party.
lets take a look a just a couple of things that by voting for andy scott & his liberal party charles is telling canada & the rest of the world is 'OK' & he 'CONDONE's' -
-million's stolen from canadians to give to quebec.
-gun registry,was to cost millions & ended up costing billions.
-paul martin says no to private health care but uses it himself.
-paul martin flags his ships in forign lands to avoid paying his fair share of tax in his own country.
-approves attack ads that his own people call him an idiot for & say were wrong.
-makes up policy in the middle of a debate thats not even in their platform.
-his most senior advisor accuses all parents in canada of blowing their $1200.oo a year on beer & popcorn.
-says harper said he would use the notwithstanding clause when he never has YET did infact say he (paul martin) would use it so priest would not be forced to marrie gays.
-gay marriage forced down our throats when civil unions would have givin gays everything that marriage does without trampling all over the holy bible & the church.
-two seprate RCMP investigations under way.
-a liberal candidate trying to bribe a NDP candidate not to run in BC.
-a liberal cadidate comparing jack laytons wife to a dog.
-paul martin pledging to get rid of the notwithstanding clause so canada will be ruled by the courts like his friends in the U.S.A..
-separatist support at all time high thanks to paul martin & the libarals.
-in power since 1993.
-PM a quebecer.
-no new policy what so ever.
-fake handgun bans.
-institutionalized & big brother knows best way of running the country.
-destroyed our canadian forces.
-telling quebecers to vote for the separatist that would break up our great country in order to keep his power.
-reciving anonymous phone calls on talkshows accusing conservative candidates of RAPE,when the call is traced back to the LIBERAL candidates office.
-the liberal party under paul martin now also wants to make 'POLYGAMY' legal ! ?. WHATS NEXT? ! farm animals ? !.
-"Tories have best accountability platform: watchdog"-
"An advocacy group for clean government has awarded top marks to the federal 'Conservative Party' for accountability."
"'Democracy Watch' has released its annual review of the main federal parties' platforms, giving each of them a letter grade in 16 different areas -- ranging from "Requiring honesty-in-politics" to "Ensuring loophole free laws and strong penalties for wrongdoers."
Highlights of the group's Report Card on the 2006 Government Accountability Election Platforms:
-'The Tories' had the best overall grade of "B" -- mainly because they made many specific pledges in the areas of ethics and accountability, says Democracy Watch.
-'The Tories' also had the best grade in two of the five sections (a "B+" in "Open Government Measures, and a "B" in "Representative, Citizen-Driven Measures").
-'The Liberals' scored an overall grade of "F" -- the worst result by far of all the parties, and they also had he worst grades in all five sections.
thats right people-
conservatives =the BEST with a 'B'! :-)
liberals =the WORST with an > 'F' < :-(
im sorry if iv missed anything more its been so hard to keep up with all of the corruption & scandle of the liberal party this election.
in the end charles you endorsed the american style faer & smear campaign of andy scott & his liberal party & I find this very sad as someone who suposidly stands up for what is right.
I hope you will be able to sleep at night & also look your paster stright in the face as you approve of gay marriage & disapprove of the teachings of the holy bible & the holy church.
do you also agree with polygamy charles?. OPP! its to late now! you allready voted...LOL !
on monday please vote for change first & formost.
iv allready voted for stephen harper & the new conservative party of canada in the advanced polls,I wasted my vote last election by voting NDP thanks to the liberals fear & smear campaign of 2004,BUT this time around the libearls broken record of fear & smear is not working as paul martin & the liberals would like.
-vote liberal for ZERO policy,american style fear & smear attack ads & negative campaigns & ofcorse if you condone like charles the above list of liberal scandle & corruption.
-vote NDP if you want a change yet still buy into what paul martin & his liberals want you to belive about stephen harper. I sure dont.
-vote conservative for for policy after policy from day one of this campaign,for government reform,for tax breaks for everyone,for a better stronger military,for tougher laws on those who use handguns & comit crime,for a POSITIVE & FACT BASED campaign,for a NON-quebecer born & raised in ontario with strong morals & not afarid to speak his mind & not kiss politically correct ass.
stand up for change,stand up for Canada IMO.
vote based on 'facts' NOT 'fiction' on monday.
TY & get out & vote! :-)
Join the 'fastest growing party' in Canada. That's right the fastest growing party in the last decade has been the Canadian Non Voter. Whether you know that the system is grossly unfair, lacking in regional representation, focused on unaccountable political parties, or whether you simply don't support the guy who always wins.
Join the canadian non voter, these are the only requirements:
-if you don't feel your vote makes any difference
-if you feel ALL parties are corrupt, were corrupt, and WILL BE corrupt
-you can't examine the real issues because of the completely inadequate media coverage
-you are so overworked while the wealthiest liberals AND conservatives in the country hide billions offshore that you haven't time to vote, let alone 'read between the lines' to find out the real issues
Don't get suckered by the conservatives, they lie as much as the liberals do. The other party's don't have a chance of governing, so join the fastest growing party in Canada:
The Canadian Non Voting Party.
Don't believe the suckers who tell you 'its your duty'. Corruption and unfairness happen because people SUPPORT it.
you dont vote? then shut your face & dont complain. put up with whatever government is in power & have no say if you like. pretty stupid opinion thats for sure.
"Corruption and unfairness happen because people SUPPORT it."
you are so right tho,if YOU vote liberal YOU "support" it. SIMPLE! dont vote liberal.
TY. :-)
9:43 and I are having a more in depth discussion about this topic on Politics NB. He's got some deep convictions and without a doubt it's his choice...but I agree with the above if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve.
Andy Scott? I hope he's gone but I'm not brazen enough to predict his defeat. Lots of Frederictonians like him because...well the best I've been able to find on his brochures, website and CBC is because he goes to the market every week?!? Gee, how popular do you become going to the Superstore? LOL
I've got news, whether you vote or not you don't get the government you 'deserve'. We didn't design it and most don't want it, its there because the King of the time wanted it this way and its been this way ever since 1857. You can pretend you aren't a sucker and that your vote is accomplishing so much, the vast majority of canadians know its not true.
As an individual you're vote means NOTHING. Name one election where the winner won by one vote! It's never happened. By voting you just play their game and give legitimacy where they are illigitemate. If you don't vote liberal or conservative then your vote means nothing, and if you didn't vote for the winner it means nothing.
Oh yeah, and YOU shut YOUR face.
Politicians are ALL crooks. I agree, don't vote, you just encourage them.
For sure it's going to be the PC's who win the election on Monday as people want to punish the Liberals for the corruption that has come out of late. But are the people really secure in having Mr. Harper as their PM? It'll be a PC Minority (I think this is best for now to give the PC leader a chance and if he royally screws up, he can be put out.) The NDP will make some gains and the BlocHeads will lose a few seats. Hard to pick numbers but: PC 128
Liberal 101
BlocQ. 48
NDP 30
Indep. 1
If nothing else, make sure you get out and vote!
I HATe to name call but.............what a nitwit; the "Canadian Non Voting Party"!
I agree exactly with the writer who stated that if you don't vote, don't bother complaining. In fact, if you don't vote, don't bother voicing your opinion at all! It would make a better statement if you went to vote but then mark an X on the name of the person who promised the LEAST as this is the person who, if elected, will most likely keep the majority of their promises.
I've heard promises galore from all of the 3 leading parties but not many from the Green Party.
Why not, Mr. Non-Voter, spend a few minutes exercising your democratic right and getting off your behind and doing something worthwhile!!!!!
I'm FAR more politically active than just about everyone on this site, with the possible exception of Charles and Tim. I'm a MEMBER of every party and work on committees that form policy. I'm a member of over ten canadian lobby groups. For me, politics is a year round endevour that takes far more of my time than sitting on my ass and at most walking downtown once every three of four years and marking a ballot. Politics is far more than writing pithy comments on a blog, particularly ones so numb as to tell people they aren't even allowed to voice an opinion. I'd hate to bring up Charles 'Hitler' reference, but gee, censorship anyone?
If anything, all this talk about predicting who won just encourages people into the 'Canadian Non Voter' party. People are already saying its a done deal, so why bother voting?
At least in Maine they have balls, they get up and vote on issues like the LNG terminals, clearcutting, taxes, and more, while here in Canada we check a box which gives ALL power to the government and sit on our asses while all the decisions are made FOR us.
Fortunately, more canadians are waking up and refusing to take part in the charade. Conservative policies almost wrecked Canada, and DID wreck Ontario, while Liberal policies do the same. Both parties vote exactly the same on 90% of the bills in Pariliament, and the NDP doesn't have a hope in hell of forming government. So choose 'po-ta-to' or 'pot-a-to' but don't be surprised if the voter turnout dips below 60% this time around.
You might like to think you are being super patriot by spewing vitriol at non-voters, but not voting is as much a political decision as voting-and in many cases those who exercise it put a lot more work into democracy than typing at a keyboard. And their views are just as valid as anybody else's (and they at least make sense).
I'd almost be tempted to say that if you ONLY mark a ballot as your contribution to the political process then YOU have no right to an opinion. But then I'm less dogmatic than some.
LOL! WOW! the guy hangs around the market?! where do i sign up?!.
very well said. its loosers like this person who have no idea about the outside world,as in the many in this world WHO CANT VOTE,who are ruled by the likes of 'kim jong il' in north korea. you dont belive in voting then why dont you move there?. we dont want ya.
charles!? even Mr.lord would not vote for that list!.
So the reason to vote in an unfair system is because SOME people in the world CAN"T vote for an unfair system? That makes about as much sense as pissing into the wind.
Close to half of the people you meet on a daily basis agree with me, you can 'talk down' and pretend you are special because once every three years you pry yourself away from 'canadian idol' and mark a ballot.
In fact it is YOU who are the problem, those people who think politics stops at election day and they have no more responsibility. Ask any organization in the province and they will tell you that the hardest thing to do in New Brunswick is get people active on issues. It's very hard to even get them to sign a petition let alone go see an MLA. So here's a quiz for you:
1. Are you a member of any political party?
2. Have you written to an MLA, or MP about any issue?
3. Are you a member of any political lobby group?
4. Do you donate money to political campaigns?
5. Do you donate money to political issue groups?
6. Have you signed a petition in the last year?
7. Have you started a petition in the last year?
8. Have you organized people around any specific cause?
If your answer is no to half of those then it's YOU who is the problem. You thinking selecting Paul Martin or Steven Harper is democratic? I've got news for you, even in China they elect many of their representatives, but nobody in their right mind would call them a democracy (even though they call themselves that).
I've been to far more places in the world than you, which is how I KNOW it isn't democracy being practised during a federal election-it is planned management. Play into it if you want, but YOU are the problem, not the half of the voters who see through it.
I still think the idea of a "Canadian Non Voting Party" is.............well, silly! You may think that you have no voice and you don't trust anyone in politics; then why not run for a spot yourself. You may have some good ideas? Or you just may want to stir things up a little or a lot. That's Democracy and we need more of it. But to sit around and say how involved you may be behind the scenes and tell people that they "sit on their behinds" and do nothing? We are talking about it here are we not? However, I still say that if you don't vote, DON'T COMPLAIN! Go out and ruin your ballot by writing in someone else's name or leaving it blank. If they see that hundreds or thousands of ballots were ruined, might they think something is going on? Or, sit on your behind and find fault with everything in the country.
I do not wish you to move to a country like North Korea or China or Myanmar where you would have no vote. Do something here 1st as we need the input!
Who says that one vote cannot change an election? We have a candidate in my area that was running for Municipal town council two years ago. My son and his friends didn't vote even though this person was the father of one of their friends. He lost by 5 votes; and there were at least 7 teens in the group who did not exercise their right to vote that day. I have, more than once, pointed this out to them and hope that they get off their butts next time to vote.
1. Are you a member of any political party?=NO
2. Have you written to an MLA, or MP about any issue?=YES
3. Are you a member of any political lobby group?=NO
4. Do you donate money to political campaigns?=NO
5. Do you donate money to political issue groups?=NO
6. Have you signed a petition in the last year?=YES
7. Have you started a petition in the last year?=NO
8. Have you organized people around any specific cause?=NO
I am a very proud born & raised canadian who votes based on the best leader/party at the time & based on the previous partys record.
I dont FALL IN LINE like a sheep just because my parents & their parents voted liberal or because im french so i better vote liberal for some reason,left-wing/right-wing,etc.
youed have to be insane to indorse the liberal party this election(sorry charles),thats why iv said vote for ANYONE but the liberal party,not just vote for conservative who i have in advance polls. anyone but the liberals,12 long years of scandle & corruption,ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE.
& again I voted NDP last election & still feel it was a wasted vote,but it was because of the liberal fear & smear campaign of 2004 of mr.harper,well iv watch mr.harper & parliment every day since the last election & I am just not buying the fear & smear anymore,ANYTHING tho is better IMO then that list as long as my arm of the liberal scandle & corruption & there is NO WAY I would condone & endorse any of that behavior in my country or for the rest of the world to see by voting liberal,NEVER.
it all comes down to a few words OR a list as long as my arm of scandle & corruption. I'll take my chances with a few words & a freash start thank you.
thats my honest opinion & I stand by it & if the conservatives get into power they will have to earn my trust that the liberals failed to do.
"I've been to far more places in the world than you, which is how I KNOW"
WOW! you got almost as big a head as paul martin! LOL!
YOU dont know me or anyone whos wrote words on this post,more liberal "KNOWS" best BS IMO.
Municipal town elections are FAR different than federal elections, and we aren't talking about municipal elections. However, you have no way of knowing which way those people would have voted so the argument doesn't necessarily hold that they would have had an impact.
Not only that but if you go look at the decisions of municipal councils there is very little divergence among many councillors. If you have seven councillors, it really doesnt' make a HUGE difference whether one or another person is chosen since anything they do can be easily shot down by the other six councillors. That's just playing devil's advocate, because every municipality is different.
However, I was the one being attacked, so there's no need to be defensive, I'm not interested in your life story or the fact that (the guy above anyway) poster's political 'work' consisted of writing a letter (one evenings work if that) and signing a petition (two seconds) and the rest of it in 'watching TV'. You may be 'proud' of that, that's your business, I was merely defending the point that not voting is as valid a polital statement as voting is. You may disagree, that's also your business, on my side are far more canadians than will vote for EITHER party.
Not voting would drive down the legitimacy of the govenrment and force the parties to re-examine the 'democratic deficit' that parties SAID they would debate and that Martin dropped and the other parties eagerly followed.
PS: I KNOW where I've been, and travelling the world hardly adds to somebody's 'ego'. It isn't really a special skill to climb on and off a plane.
"on my side are far more canadians than will vote for EITHER party"
hmm your the BIGTIME expert whos travaled the world & knows it all when it comes to politics eh?...ummm if im not mistaken in the last election in canada (if your from this country?) we had a more then '60%' voter turnout,hmm maybe your just not that strong in math eh?. LOL!
Not too good in math, no, but thankfully a little more blessed with common sense than some people:
Liberals: 36.7%
Conservatives: 29.6%
Bloc: 12.4%
NDP: 15.7%
Didn't vote: 39.1%
So not just either party, but ANY party and more than voted for the Bloc, NDP and Green put together. Canadians are seeing through the charade of politics in record numbers and realizing that it's as the Irish say "doesn't matter who you vote for, you always end up with a king".
Good government does not mean party government.
You know it's too bad that we could not track those who aren't going to vote because they don't think it'll make a difference and those who don't vote because they are "too busy" (no excuse at all) or those who don't vote because they are just too lazy. I understand that if we could track those who don't vote because they are a member of the "Non voting party" or just don't think their vote makes a difference; this would be good to forward to the government to show our dissatisfaction. However, without being able to separate the 3 above types of non-voters, they will only put you all into "one basket" and say.....well, they can say whatever they wish because YOU have made a choice not to vote.
Good luck to us all tomorrow!
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