Tuesday, January 03, 2006



Bookmart this blog before you leave because you never know what issue will be debated next in this blog? There's always something going on in the Capital.


Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

It was great.....

Jacques did a good job.

Denis Landry and Brad Green were nice with their words.

The music in the background was great.

Once in a while a woman would say in the background - The Children.

Everything was fine until after the interview the host said that they contacted the Premier office asking them if it was true that Bernard Lord promise me as Leader of the P.C. Party that he would do a study on Ritalin?

The spokeperson said that I was lying because the Premier never made such commitement.

Well? Once again? Bernard Lord is lying again and I'm going to try to find out who told this lie to the reporter.

There's always something to blog about in the Capital!!!


Thanks for a job well done!!!!

Anyway to spread the word.

Anonymous said...

Good morning.....heard you on the radio! I thought it was good. Hats off to you for holding onto this important issue.

I hope Bernie's gov't rots in hell!

Anonymous said...

This is not the first time Bernie lied and this will be not the last time. Man lies through his teeth. It makes me so mad that this lying wimp is our Premier.

Anonymous said...

There should be a picture of him which says he is a liar. Post it on top today.

Anonymous said...

Please mention that children in Ontario and most likely the rest of
Canada are being labeled with a questionnaire which I have.

Three teachers fill in the form and bingo the child is labeled!

Would you like to have the

If the radio station wants to call me they can at 416 971 8555.

The psychiatrist who put the questionnaire together lives here in
Toronto, but I can not see that he is a "childs" specialist anywhere.

The questionnaire is written up in such away a child would end up being
labeled no matter what.

The psychiatrist has put into the hands of teachers who are full of good intentions a weapon that can distroy a child.

Teachers should not be put in this position at all.

They are there to teach but it
seems the psychiatrists are using them to make more business for themselves.

If a teacher refuses they are made to look at being professionals not

Meaning don't think of the child being drugged but you are helping them as they have behavior problems. Excuse me, doesn't occur to anyone that the child could have allergies, medical problems or something as simple as he/she can't read!!!!

Allowing the teacher to be a teacher and teach, parents given options, such as finding a tutor, or a medical doctor who will take the time for a full medical, allergy testing, full blood testing,
and working with the parents and the child.

What is wrong is that parents
don't understand that there are so many things that can be wrong and a drug is not the answer.

Parents have more power than they think, they can force laws to
change, to protect their children from psychiatric drugs, force
schoolboards to have extra help for the special education teacher, and smaller classes.

We need to stand together to protect the child not increase the
psychiatrists wages.

Hilary Hurry

Anonymous said...

It will be great to have a nation wide effort especially during election. Children must not be labelled. That label sticks rest of their lives and often ruins their lives even if they are not on drugs. Children must not be receiving drugs indiscriminately.

Anonymous said...

8:47 Makes a very valid point; children should not be labelled. No one should ever do that to any child; I'm 53 and labelling in the schools in Saint John happened at all levels. My son has always been struggling with his attention span and hypernance but with advice from the doctor we choose not to put him on medication. Happy at 26 he is not drug dependent; we just spent more time and energy changing his behavior and kept him busy in sports and spent a lot of time on reassuring and expecting him to behave and accepting his limits in how much he could learn. Some students learn with hands on and tutors because the classes were too large. Nothing has changed; only one teacher to help if you have learning problems. Reading was a big problem for comprehension and also abstract things were very difficult. Wish there was a way people to get their college or University education with assistance like they do in lower grades in school because not all people can go through the volumes and volumes of books and understand. For some this is baby sitting but for others it is a necessity to continue learning. More hands on first with the book learning would help many to complete their learning. Society expects all of us to learn like robots but it is not possible for some. Here comes the label they are stupid or lazy; but it is not true for most of us. We have problems in our educational system face it or not; frustration will lead to problems in life.

Anonymous said...

People simply can't admit two things about human nature. We have BODIES, we aren't independant brains in jars. Our bodies NEED TO MOVE. We are animals and our history is one of farming, hunting, fighting, screwing and exploring. We were never MEANT for sitting in one spot-ESPECIALLY children, who should be CONSTANTLY moving. Language, science, mathematics, were all taught out of doors, even monks in the middle ages didn't start intense study until they were in their twenties.

The other thing is the rapid growth in brain activity. This is just a theory of mine, however, the claim is always made that people only use a tiny percentage of their brain power. Well, guess what, motion causes more brain activity than sitting still. Television requires far more brainpower than listening to radio as sound is processed by wavelengths and language, while visual stimuli provides that PLUS constant interaction of the visual cortex and the brain.

Combine this with the decision making, and hand-eye co-ordination necessary for video games and you have an EXTREMELY hypercharged neural pathway. In other words, a child and adolescents mind is going 'a mile a minute', so it's no wonder an education system designed in the fifties can't keep up.

Fortunately, this is changing at upper levels, but still hasnt caught on at lower levels of schooling so children are thought to 'have behavioural problems'.