Thursday, January 12, 2006




Anonymous said...

Who is that guy in the flame? Is it Bernie?

Anonymous said...

bottom line -

the quebec/liberal party MUST GO !

if you support the quebec/liberal party this election you support corruption & send a message that its ok to steal millions of dollars from canadians to give to quebec & only want leaders born &/or raised in quebec.

id rather vote for stephen harper 'born & raised in ontario' unlike paul martin & jack layton who are 'both quebecers'.

I for one am sick of being 'RULED BY THE FRENCH'.

Anonymous said...

There are so many various issues to think about and contemplate over with this federal election, sometimes it can be very confusing when One Thinks, Who Should I Vote For ?

I know one thing, something has to be done one way or the other, About The Criminal Element being possibly Armed more than our Police Departments :

I've tried to watch all the debates, and unless I have missed something, care for our Senior Citizens has from what I've oberved " either hasn't been talked about, or Discussed "

The concerns of the poor, and the working class poor seem to have been passed over as well, in my opinion only.

Albeit I'm no Political Strategist, Canada likes to call itself the greatest Country in the World to live in.

And if it is, then why does there seem to be so many people falling through the cracks as there are ?

A confused Voter :

Anonymous said...

Voting for Harper will be voting for Bernard Lord. That is too disgusting and repulsive or voting for seperatist Western Reform party who is cozy with Bloc Quebeca. I rather be found dead than vote for this dummy.

I am not thrilled by Liberals either but that is the only viable alternative for consciencious Canadians.

Spinks said...

If crooks are your idea for an alternative, that of course is your choice. 33 RCMP investigations into the federal Liberals..that's CRIMINAL investigations, not some committee. Oh...Canada.

Anonymous said...

As I said I am not a fan of Liberal but Cons are no alternative. How many investigations and court cases Mulroney had after he was finished being PM. Please do not tell me Cons are not crooks. I liked Progressive Conservatives but got turned off by Mulroney and immoral and unethical Bernard Lord provincially was the final straw on the camel's back.

Harper has additional baggage of Reform party and his views are far right. If Peter Mackay some day becomes leader I may reconsider.