Friday, February 10, 2006


I truly believe the Government is behind this study!

I always believed that once a person got angry? This would help the blood pumped through the heart.

But with this new study? This is not the case. If you get angry? It causes heart disease.

Is this just a way for the Government to calm people down???


Angry Young Men and Heart Disease

By Larry Axmaker, EdD, PhD

In a long-term study at Johns Hopkins university, young men with quick tempers and hostile feelings were shown to be significantly more likely than their less angry colleagues to have an early heart attack (before 55 years of age) or other cardiovascular disease. More than 1,000 young male medical school students and physicians were surveyed starting in 1948. They were followed and monitored from between 32 and 48 years.

Five Times More Likely!
Those young men who reported they expressed or even concealed anger, were irritable, or participated in gripe sessions were five times more likely to have an early heart attack (some as early as in their 40s) than their calmer counterparts. This was true regardless of family history of heart disease and other factors.

It is not known for sure how anger contributes to heart disease, but evidence points to stress-related release of hormones that can constrict blood vessels and force the heart to work harder to supply the body with enough blood. Regular measures of blood pressure and medical treatment for elevated blood pressure is an important step in reducing risk.

What Can You Do?
Researchers recommend professional help to manage anger. Anger management has been shown to be effective in the prevention and treatment of heart disease.

Regular medical checkups, including close monitoring of blood pressure is important in preventing heart disease. Daily physical activity and a healthful diet are necessary for good health.

Don't let your temper determine your lifespan.


Anonymous said...

You're kidding right?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I never