Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Picture 016, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

thanks Charles, they called me this morning and they where nasty . they said that would of call if they had something. i said that i had fell twice,and even had my meds stolen last weekend,and she if had something we would of called.and she hugg up.i was in tears and that did not matter.thanks again


Michael G. McKay said...

I would like to know something. Who do these high Priced pencil pushers think they are anyway. It does not matter who is in power, the same old monkey crapp is going to happen until all of the disabled and low income citizens rise up and stand up for our rights, Everyone is yapping and spouting off about Aborigional Rights, and Gay Rights,this Individuals Rights, and that Individual's Rights, but Who is standing up for those who have little or, nothing to live on. We have people who are now homeless and out of Good paying Jobs only because they don't speak French, it the truth were really to be known there are enough jobs in this Country and this Province for everyone who is willing to work and be trained to do that job. I think that it is time, that the System get up off of that part of the body that meets the chair, and either help those who want to contribute to the ecconomy of this Nation and Province, or give us a better Standard of Living instead of forcing us to live like Throw-aways. The rate of basic assistance should be at least 6.00 per month and Disability for all totally disabled and for those who are waiting to be trained should be no less then $850.00 per month.

In conclusion, if not knowing a second language is the reason for not employing a person, then offer to pay for a french course, the Government has been does it for their employees for years. Why not for those who are unemployed, it might suprise you. you might even have a better employee because you would be showing that you care about this individuals future.

Anonymous said...

get her to change her name to a foreign one she will get help after all we are in Canada foreigners goes first

Anonymous said...

I don;t understand why Welfare won't help this woman. Is it because she has no address?

Anonymous said...

listen i know this person and she does have an address . and you should check your facts frist before saying something like that .

Anonymous said...

7:49 I think you forgot to take your medication today! Settle down! 4:48 was not being rude or anything like that. They were simply asking a question.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I'm waiting for an update from Millie.....I believe that we may have to set up a tent for her. The Government just won't listen. The woman is crying and I guess we have to use extreme actions. Too bad that we have to go down this route.

Communication with Family Services just don't work!!!

Anonymous said...

I was in the room with her when she received the call and they did tell her they had nothing to tell her. There was no housing available for her. I was listening beside her and the lady on the phone was not concerned. I hugged her and said I would try to help her to find a place.She cannot go on living here because we have stairs, and she is so sick all the time. This is not the place for a person like her. I called places, but she cannot climb up and down stairs. She was robbed and I had to call the police. The poor lady had a hard time to talk to the police. I had to speak for her when she couldn't for she was crying. I don't know what to do anymore, she is scared, crying and she will have a nervous breakdown if nothing is done. I told her to set up a tent in front of family and community services, then maybe she will get help. Something has to be done or she will DIE!!

Anonymous said...

I know someone that lives on Aberdeen Street, this is a housing unit for seniors, And I happen to know that there is two apartments available there, why can't this woman get housing there.She sounds like she's in desperate need of a place to live.It should be checked out.