Tuesday, March 14, 2006


charlies pics 002, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I found this out yesterday.


Anonymous said...

WOW, the liberal party must really be desperate, first the court brothers now this? I am glad that I am not living in this riding. What a shame to take out Minister Holder, best MLA to come to that riding.

Anonymous said...

Who is she? And what about the lady that nearly beat Holder last time?

Anonymous said...

At least the Liberals are recruiting more women. There are only 11% female MLA's in the province and 52% of the population is female. We need balance in New Brunswick. The Liberals are promoting women of many diverse experiences and backgrounds to ensure balance in the next provincial election.

Anonymous said...

Here, here! I agree 100% that in today's day and age we most definitely need more women in politics and I'm sure that the voting public will see this in a positive light as well when we go to the polls.

It's high time we start doing the right thing in this Province and equality should be at the top of that list.

Lets stand up and be counted, lets get rid of the arrogance and ignorance that is presently poisoning our House of Representation to the Citizens of New Brunswick.

The Letter P— Please Put Pride and Premise back in Political Promises to the People of New Brunswick and stability will stand on its own.

Anonymous said...

Male or female is not the issue it is who will do something for the people of Saint John not just for party line or their own interest.

Holder is a good person but he did not listen to the people in his area.

Anonymous said...

Nomination night is so important and please go and vote for the person and make sure you give it a great deal of thought. Hooton got the Booton and Lord has to go too.

Anonymous said...

I think Sylvia Sparks is a perfect candidate. She is a go-getter and may be just what the Liberals need. She is another "Elsie" and just look what great things she has done for Saint John. Yes, we need another Elsie and this time it can be Sylvia and the Liberals can benefit.