Friday, April 28, 2006


Picture 011, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


Quite a day at the Legislature? Chisholm Pothier resigned and lots of more action.

Picture 012

There’s a huge tension in the Chambers and it’s not a happy atmosphere.

I bumped into Bruce Fitch < Minister of Justice and he didn’t looked good.


It must be a flu or something but anyway he told me that Roomers or Boarders now have rights.

If they’re not treated in a Human way? They can go to the Rentalsman but there’s one itty bitty problem?

They will first have to pay a damage deposit.

So I guess people like me who didn’t pay a damage deposit are not covered.


But seriously? If you live in a small room? This means you have a very low income so therefore how can a person afford a damage deposit?

I might have to visit the Rentalsman office next week and find out the little details about his issue.

Hey? I will give credit where it’s due!!!!

I first found out last spring that roomers and boarders didn’t have any rights so therefore I began my little campaign in changing this third world system.


I confronted a few politicians and began to blogged this issue.

On July 1st, I bumped into Brad Green < then Minister of Justice > at the Lieutenant Governor House.

I told the Minister the Rentalsman receives 4 to 6 complaints a week from boarders or roomers.


He quickly replied - That’s a high number!!!

He promised me that he would look into it.

Summer went by and still no action but I would always remind Brad about the issue every instance I bumped into him.

In December, Brad Green made a nice speech to an audience who gathered for the Lighting of the Christmas tree in front of the Legislature.

Picture 015

He reminded the citizens to remember the poor people during the holidays.

It was dark so Brad didn’t know that I was in the audience.

After the ceremony was done, I approached the Minister wishing him a Joyeux Noel and of course as the agitator that I truly am???

I added – Did you meant the poor in the Rooming House???

He took a deep breath and told me that Roomers and Boarders will have rights by June!

I will admit this politician have took a lot of abuse from me and never once did he lose his temper.

Well? This is May and the law has passed and Brad Green should be congratulated for a job very well done.

Of course this issue is far from over because yesterday I received some very disturbing news from the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.


I won’t go public with this one yet because I quickly arrange a meeting with these people for next week.

But I will add that it could be a very interesting summer.

I don’t know the whole details but something tells me that I’m going to soon find out.


Stay tune!!!!

Once again? Many thanks goes to Brad Green for listening to the people concerns.

Now? If Bernard Lord would just do a study on the drugging and the killings of our children?

Picture 090

Everything could move ahead!!!!

Oh well? A person can’t have everything in life I guess!!!!

C’est la vie!!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, roomers & boarders are finally protected! Sort of. A damage deposit can be as much as one month's rent, I believe. But, if you only receive the basic welfare amount ($270?), you could be charged up to $540. Uh, huh. One's getting into the cost-of-an- apartment range. No worries! Because the roomer may not meet the cost to rent in the first place! The price of a room is around a minimum of $310 in F'ton. Mine is going up $25 in a few months so as to bring it in line with other rooming house rents! So, a person may not even be able to afford a room to begin with! Cheap (if you call $290/month--starting soon--for a 12.8 ft. long by 7 ft. wide room with heat around 6 months/yr. plus hot water, lights, cable, kitchen & bathroom facilities) places will be hard to find. It'll be interesting to see what the fallout will be. At least the legislation will be a very good start for protecting roomers and boarders!

Anonymous said...

It is that-just a start. But, Charles, that wasn't really fair. It wasn't Brad Green that introduced legislation, or had it in the throne speech, or held committee hearings, or finally voted for it. You didn't exactly give credit where credit is DUE now did you?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:07 is right. Trevor Holder and Bruce Fitch and Ed Doherty also all deserve a share of the credit.

Not yet, though. The bills have been passed by the Leg, but not yet proclaimed, so they're not in force yet. Wonder when they'll do that?

Anonymous said...

Come on Charles, cough it up, that's not ALL the people, or even the most important people. The province won't get anywhere if every time the government actually does what people want they don't even get credit for it. No wonder Lord won't let you take his picture!

Of course we realize that the main people to get this through were you and Tim Smith. Like we've said so many times before, it's been this way forever, so it's not like the government is any way proactive on it-even the liberals. McKenna had almost a decade where you could have changed the law.

So I think an applause and 'sort of' well done is deserved to all the people in government. It was in Lord's throne speech, so he was capitulating before the liberals were.

So suck it up Charles and give credit were credit is due. If you won't give credit here Lord is quite right to figure you won't even be happy if he does a ritalin study-it's not personal is it Charles? We thought you were about issues.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I am very confuse here....I give credit to a Minister who listen to my concern about roomers rights and yet you're telling me that I'm wrong?

Please explain????

Anonymous said...

THe fact is that it takes the government to enact legislation. Lord had it in his throne speech and the government heads the committee. In other words, this would have gone nowhere without Bernard Lord and the tories. The congratulations goes to all the MLA's who voted for it, and the government which enacted it-that's Bernard Lord.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

....and I approached the former Justice Minister before the throne speech and he passed on my concerns....what's your point???

Anonymous said...

The point is where is your congratulations to Bernard Lord and all the MLA's who voted for it.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

sure but especially Brad Green who moved on this issue.....

Anonymous said...

That's not exactly a congratulations Charles. Brad didn't move any faster than anyone else. It was in the throne speech and now we have legislation. Clearly you can't even give credit where credit is due. That means you are no longer objective, you simply hate Lord so much that you are a liberal propagandist. That's unfortunate. We thought it was about issues.