Wednesday, April 12, 2006


irving3, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I just received this email

Just thought that I would give you the heads up, Irving is now charging for
air here in New Brunswick!

Who ever would of thought that we would be paying for air and water.

It cost 50 cents to use their air machine.

They already were charging for it in their US stations so now its here.

Check the Irvings around your area to see if Fredericton is also paying.

By the way it was at a Blue Canoe store.


Anonymous said...

They have to charge for it because it must have to be trucked in.

"clean air" must come from somewhere else.

What I want to know is how is the consumer suppose to know that its really really clean air like it pitches, after all we have to pay for it right?

Maybe the irvings are hoping the general public will catch on to using it as a puffer, you know, for emergency situations.

I mean a buck is a buck right?

Well in that case he should install them on the east side especially, on every mile to get thru the heavily gas laded air there.

Our air & our waters including local streams & brooks most certainly gets different chemicals dumped in them, I know this is a fact.

You may not know just how polluted it is here in Saint John,,,especially the refinery waters.

The biggest joke though is the big green billboard plunked outside the pulp mill stating "ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE" LOL , that's what people say on the street to that and most who work for them.

Just look at the tourists faces that stand on the roof of the restaurant in the summer time, they mostly just stare at the traffic moving across the bridge, looking at Saint Johners' in the moving cars, like they are wondering..."who are the real fools here."

Irvings', what use to be "private lives" are turning on them now.

It seems that they are so far removed from the commoners that they probably have no real idea just how much of the mass have turned against them.

The problem is that when you have so much money, most people will always be your friend, behind your back they WILL stab it. The trick is is to know who the stabbers are! HA ! That's the part that hell and that's the price they pay,,,to some billionaires its easy though, the greed takes over and all is like looking thru glasses smeared with Vaseline.

Hooray for those back stabbers though, that's how so much inside info gets out,,they want to tell the truth is all.

Been there and no thanks,

All in all I'm just a commoner in Saint John

Anonymous said...

This started back in early February.
I feel sorry for the little kids out riding their bikes this summer that need air and don't have the 50 cents to get it!

Anonymous said...

i wonder if the pst is added to it