Friday, April 07, 2006


STL_0184, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


Anonymous said...

Malley is a sell-out. His integrity went with his beard. He is so happy in his new job that he cares less for NBers or for the people of Miramichi. He had no integrity to start with. Pension is another factor.

Lord will do anything to stay in power. He is the worst kind. How is Huntjens feeling? Lord screwed him in favour of Malley for the Speaker’s chair.

Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie come on now.
Did you really think he would have done any different??
The REAL story about why he is Speaker of the House will never really be known but come now bud surely you can read between the lines just like the majority of New Brunswickers.

Anonymous said...

Way to call it! Mr. Able LaBlanc!

New Brunswick is definitly behind you on this one.

Once a Conservative always a Conservative.

And their exploiting ways are awfully hard to shake once you've been briefed by the best.

Now all we need is for Tanker Malley to just come back to work with a big P.C. sticker attached to his forehead because after this is all said and done he will in the end forever be known as a CON-servative

Anonymous said...

Out with Lord and in with Shawn Graham, that's what I think.

Anonymous said...

Integrity is not what most politicians have; we pay for them to represent all people but we are getting are people who are out for themselves and their wealthy friends!
Lord should take a long look at himself; he turned his back on the people and passed a Bill to make it possible for Billionaires to save from paying their share of taxes. Orimulsion deal needs to be brought into the courts and we get answers for this and the LNG Deal. Our gas prices are going over $1.10 and the price per barrel has gone down; gouging at the pumps and our car insurance is still too high. Everyone is making millions and billions while we struggle to pay our bills of necessity.

Spinks said...

Pretty low, partisan shots by Leblanc in the paper. Sorry folks, anonymous may like it as a Liberal but it was a pretty unrespectful letter from an MLA. Taking the high road in any disagreement is always favoured. Look at the letter in the Gleaner this week from a clealry Liberal supporter slamming Jody Carr because he's...young? I think we all were at one time. No reason to be jealous and start partsan swiping.

Anonymous said...

I agree with jwmcq. Lord is a fool. Jody Carr is another one. Did you see him in the legislature on Friday when Lord was speaking on the budget? His face looked like a little kid who was so happy with his daddy's performance. It was a strange childish, immaturish look. Jody has lot of growing up to do and so does Lord.

Abel spoke the truth and truth hurts. Tanker is full of it. All he wanted is glory for himself and NBers and his constituents can go to hell. Yes Tanker does not understand the meaning of the word integrity and Lord said that loud and clear when they had falling out but unfortunately Lord has no integrity either

Anonymous said...

Tanker Malley is praticing his new theme song for those who don't really know him all that well.

All Together Now!

Two faces have I...,I,I- I yi yi yi ya ya ya hie hie hie.

Anonymous said...

Kind of reminds me of the Irvings when they too are trying to sell us something we really don't need or believe.

Hype up the super "tanker" but we all know it only sinks the once!