Wednesday, May 10, 2006

an email from a friend....

question, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I find it really weird that people are calling you lazy!

I would like to see them follow you around just for one day.

You put more miles on then they probally do in their cars. If I had the money? I would buy you a nice pair of sneakers.

You really do have alot to whine about.

First of all I was around when you did have a job offer and when they checked the references the Irvings bad mouthed youor the blog>.

You were treated unfairly by the Irvings and I know that because I talked with you daily in those days.

You put a complaint in against them with the HRC and this is what you got, bad

You gave up after landing a few jobs < 3 that I can think of > and because of bad references they decided not to hire you.

You had no choice but to protest and who ever would of thought that you would be
doing daily blogs.

I think that the ones badmouthing you are trying to make people think that you are lazy but that is the furthest thing from the truth.

And that is what I think the real problem is that you do not lie and you do tell the truth.

Like the old saying goes, THE TRUTH HURTS.


Anonymous said...

Pretty weird that your anonymous letter write has the same style and bad grammar as you. In exactly the same places.

Copies your style of using < angle brackets > incorrectly as well.

Shows the same sort of Acadian tongue, ends his bits with capitals the way you do often.

The same short paragraphs.

I'd say you and this anonymous letter writer have much in common.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Hey genius??? Why don't you go and read a Irving newspaper or something.

If this blog is so uneducated? Why do you bother even coming here???

Anonymous said...

I agree with the anonymous above.

You are nothing without your readers. You constantly insult your readers both by stupid blogs and stupid remarks. No wonder your readership is dropping. You deserve to be called lazy. If no one employs you as you are unemployable because of your behaviour. Just cut people’s grass and do odd jobs called self-employed. Learn from your housing manager. It does not hurt to deliver paper. Anything which will make you productive instead of being perpetual whiner.

Anonymous said...

i agree. you should take this blog down, and go out and look for a job.

you should take a job even at minimum wage. those who work minimum wage, like myself, may be the working poor, but at least we are not poor in self worth, dignity and respect.

you could always go back to the Irvings, and say you were wrong, and beg their forgiveness, and promise not to blog blob anymore.

what say ?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Moi???? Beg to the irvings??? I don't believe

Anonymous said...

i think charles does a good job.the man never stops.he even helps me,and still helping me. all he is out for is the trurth.i think he really works hard the man never stops.keep up the good work charles.

Anonymous said...

Charles,Charles, where do you get these people from? Don't let this A hole get you down, and I'm sure you won't.This guy needs his a*s kicked.Wish I knew who he was, but people like him always go anonymous, they hide like the rat that he is,it's people like him that shouldn't be allowed on this site.I feel bad for the rest of the good people that have to put up with his mouth.He needs to go.Can't you do something about him?

Anonymous said...

Quote from 9:17PM
"Wish I knew who he was, but people like him always go anonymous, they hide like the rat that he is" seems to me that your name is anonymous too!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not anonymous and I couldn't agree more with 4:43 p.m. Man, that comment had me in stitches!!
Charles, he is right! This anonymous letter on your blog here has your name written all over it. Why don't you come clean and admit it?
Susan Toner
Saint John, NB

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I am certain that the individual will have a good chuckle over these comments in the morning.

Maybe the writer has been reading my blog for way too

But I will say this?

The day that I begin to write comments supporting myself?

This will surely be the day that I shut down this blog!!!!

Keep on reading this blog because I'm ceratin the writer will add another

Anonymous said...

I am the writer and my Typing and grammar,isn't that well AND OH, THANKS AGAIN FOR POINTING THAT OUT. I did not think that Charles was going to post it though. I sent it to him personally not to the blog. He did paragraph my note and took my name off. I still feel the same today, try following him around if you don't believe me. He does have the energy that he speaks so often about, and how can you get a job today without a good reference, being McDonalds, Grocery Store or where ever? Maybe once his complaint has been properly dealt with he may be able to use that against his bad references. Who knows, but for now he is doing a fine job and keep up the good work Charles!

Anonymous said...

Self-employed man, self-employed. Stop whining and do something to earn few dollars. Even panhandlers are better than you. They bring some money home at the end of the day.

Irvings work for no one. If there is a will there is a way.

But you rather bull**%than work. May be this so-called friend has not gotten to know you yet. Once people get to know you they run because you are such a stinker.

Truth? You will not know the truth if it hits on your head.

As far as that idiotic anonymous above is concerned he is hilarious. He says others do not have courage and are anonymous and then he is stupid enough that he signs himself anonymous. Some courage he is showing?

Anonymous said...

i still think you should say you're sorry, to the Irvings and Michelle Hooton as well.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to Michelle Hooton??? What for???