Monday, May 29, 2006


p-mockler-72, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

Yes, there’s no escape from a blogger.


Friday, I once again bumped into Bernard Lord but I decided to leave the guy alone.

Four days in a row??? That’s way too much.

Friday afternoon I was walking towards downtown when I noticed Percy Mockler standing outside of Tim’s Horton.

I held up my camera and shouted at the Lord Minister.

I clicked way too late.

Percy quickly held his jacket over his head and he wasn’t going nowhere.


I have been trying for months to have my picture taken with the Bernard Lord Minister for a souvenir but to no avail.

I once again asked Percy for a picture but the answer was still a big - NON!!!

As the true ADHD Minister that he is < Beside Kirk MacDonald >


He began his little triad of what he really taught about me. I felt like I was watching the master at work in the Legislature.

Close-by was a firend of his I guess and he didn’t say a word but he was watching the situation very closely.

To make matter worse?

Elvy Robichaud showed up.

We began the long walk towards the Legislature.

I won’t go into the details of our conversation but it was funny.

I love to hear Percy going on with issues and he once again didn’t disappoint me.

Issues after issues he went on and issues after issues I answered back!

One would shut up for one second and the other would take over.

One issue that I will raise is the by-election in Saint John.

Many of the members of the P.C. Party are still upset that I campaigned for the Liberal Party.

What else was I suppose to do?

I want a study on prescription drug and a Liberal Party would do it! < They better!!! >

Once at the Legislature, I made a quick stop and went for my camera. I shouted - Come on?? Lets take a picture??

All of a sudden, the people around Percy tried to cover the Minister head.

One shouted - You should respect his privacy!!!

I shouted back - When you’re an elected official? You’re fair game!!! Percy quickly ran inside the Legislature. It was over.


All in fun but I believe I am getting on their nerves?

Hey? Just do a study on the drugging and the killings of our children and I will back off.

Yes, Percy Mockler is not a bad guy.

On a personal note? I like the guy but I will admit that he is truly a stubborn Brayon from le République de la Madawaska

Maybe one day, I’ll get my picture. Who truly knows???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Four days in a row = STALKER.