Tuesday, May 16, 2006


STA_3126, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

Picture 289



Anonymous said...

There are ample cross walks where those people chose to jay walk. They are just lazy.

Anonymous said...

12:50-PM what you said is a trye statement. On the other hand, the saint john city officials from top to bottom and combined, couldn't agree on the colour of you know what, let alone coming up with the idea of sort of bridge walkway.

and even if they would or could, saint john always talks about getting things done, and end up doing nothing.

and remember it was the majority who elected the crap pot bunch of them in wasn't it.

and I heare tell you 12:50-pm are are Michelle Hooton and Norm Macfarlane fan. you don't fool me.

Spinks said...

I don't know about lazy but they're taking their lives into their own hands. Spending 100's of 1000's of dollars on a bridge doesn't make any sense. Use the crosswalk folks, that's what they are there for.

Anonymous said...

Some people don't understand the whole thing about crossing the road because they drive where they go. This a wide road and to cross at assigned areas right now can be difficult for alot of reasons. Also mo sense explaining all the reasons because common sense should tell you this has to improve. I see people who never stop for people at the crosswalks so you can imagine the danger there is when it is a free for all. I stopped with my car to let a woman cross in the crosswalk and six cars zoomed right by and these drivers just look straight ahead all in a rush to go nowhere. Young person, around ten years old stuck his arm out to indicate he wanted to cross; they almost hit him when one car stopped. These happen everyday and I would like to see people fined. Yes we see the odd times people just run out and don't look but there are so many who follow the rules and all of you just drive by splashing with water and it would be nice to let them cross but no they aren't your kids , parent or disabled friend.

Last week I saw it all the man in a wheel chair had the green light to cross but a woman didn't want her light to turn red so she cut him off with her car and made him stop. Saint John is getting alot worse. Someone will be stuck again or killed.

These stores want us to shop and our taxes pay for streets and roads and they people in authority need to made a better plan for people who can't afford a car or taxi can also have access. When you have bags to carry you try walking an extra block to cross a road and push a stroller. The older person with a cane or elderly in age deserves respect too. Ianm luck I have a vehicle but I drive around town for a mail company and believe there are so many near misses because people won't give the right away to people who are already in the crosswalk!

Anonymous said...

So true Saint John drivers are very self centered.