Sunday, June 25, 2006

ANDY SCOTT - Hmmmm I heard that he was banned from the Legislature. Anyway to have him ban from the City???


Spinks said...

Yeah vote him out. It's certainly long overdue. LOL.

Anonymous said...

He said that?

Anonymous said...

What's up with that??

Anonymous said...

A picture says a thousand words but it looks like Andy only want to use the words-- Hey Are You Crazy!! I Don't Know This Guy? I Swear I Have Never Seen Him Before In My Life And Yes I'm Talking About This Guy Behind Me! What's The Matter With You Anyway? Can't You See I'm Pointing Him Out?

Anonymous said...

Easy Charles he doesn't look like he has Ritalin in his pocket?

Maybe you can go down to the front lawn of the legislature and get a refill there I noticed your leash is still there at the edge of the line what did you do break loose again?

Did you emty your bowl already?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how many paid Irving-Government trolls like to post insults here. Ignore them Charles, you do speak for the people!

Anonymous said...

scott was talking to a journalist while charles made a couple of attempts to get a picture of himself next to scott. i don't think andy knew who the hell he was.

Michael G. McKay said...

I think that it is time that all of the provinces poor and marginalized citizens stand up and say enough is enough. these government representatives work for us not the other way around. When something is going on that we don't like then as voting people we have a constitutional right and obligation to stand up and say something. the problem is that the liberals have been bought and paid for by big business and that is why the ordinary person has not gotten any help from the liberals for years. they screwed up on the Aborigional issues and the was poison in the water, and they make a lot of grandeous speaches trying to tickle the ears of a gullible public and for years they have gotten away with it.

I have nothing against anyone at all but I would ask the elected representatives to do what the Province and the canadian voting public elected you to do, and work on behalf of the entire province and Country and help us all to move ahead

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

hey 9:37 PM?? You're right..Andy don't know