Sunday, June 11, 2006


Pictures 106, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


Anonymous said...

Curious why all the Irving trucks were there; charge them for parking.

Anonymous said...

That's a truck depot. It's where they load and unload from the trains to the trucks. It's very common to have many Sunbury trucks there, and the depot owns the parking.

So use your little brain, Pat.

Anonymous said...

Actually, little brains, Irving also owns the train depot. And the railroad.

Anonymous said...

You are very rude and asking why they are there is a good question. Not everyone knows Saint John or knows if he owns this land or if it is part of the trucking company. It is you who should use your brain instaed of insults.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes people don't use their name so they can insult people or bully people them even on a Blog.

Thanks Charles for the Blog even if we have to put up with a## holes.

Anonymous said...

Pat might need a little Ritalin, but I don't think so. There's Nothing that can help you 8:00 AM. You don't have a brain. I agree with Pat you are a very rude person. Sorry Pat nothing against you, it's this other jerk.