Saturday, June 24, 2006


tom, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I never heard of this bigot in the past. Can someone please give me some details on this bigot labour leader?



Spinks said...

Mann is no bigot and frankly it's ridiculous to call him as such. If you don't share his opinion on something, that's fine but to call someone names is a pretty cheap shot. I've seen you rise above this kind of petty name calling Charles and those are the moments you shine. Stick with the commentary and avoid the name calling. You will be a better man for it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with above - BUT - with the exception of Your right to do so if indeed the statement was made in your case that Mr.Malley finally done the right thing by removing you from the Peoples House based on Mr.Manns Personal view of you on the evening news or in the provincial papers.

Anonymous said...

Spinks, it looks all who disagree with this guy are bigots. That is pretty well everybody in NB.

Spinks said...

10:13, interesting point, but in fairness Charles is hardly alone. The words bigot, racist, Nazi, intolerant and for that matter my personal favourite, homophobe (how many people are really scared of homosexuals anyway as the word suggests?!?) get tossed around so loosely these days, they have zero meaning and usually are inaccurate descriptions. They're mostly used when someone has no argument and name calling is all they have left. It's low and cheap. Charles has done better than that in the past and should rise above it IMHO.