Monday, July 17, 2006


abortion3, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I was told a few hours ago that the Anti-Abortion went on a campaign on the streets of Fredericton. I couldn't locate them.

I was told they left a lot of disgusting posters on different telephone polls in the City.

I guess that it was so bad that City Hall received over 200 phone calls complaining of the posters.

What could the City do anyway????


Spinks said...

I have mixed feelings about the "shock and awe" campaign some pro-lifers stage (and be assured this is not every pro-lifer, just some). The posters are an accurate portrayal of what an abortion is that adults need to be made aware of. Many people few abortion as the removal of some tissue but it is the dismembering of a baby in the womb and that is what it looks like. To make an informed choice whether you're pro-abortion or against it, a person needs to be aware of what it is. However the key word I mentioned is adults. Kids should not have to be subjected to this and if it is in a public place they can be. I don't know how the message gets out because the mainstream media chooses to ignore explaining what an abortion is to but there needs to be a better way that doesn't potentially subject kids to what are disturbing but accurate pictures.

Anonymous said...

I saw it this afternoon, it was along Prospect Street and the top of Regent. I have some pictures that I will send you if they turn out ok Charles.

This "shock and awe" campaign they're waging does nothing to progress their message and just makes them look crazy. Yeah, an aborted fetus looks gross, so does your appendix after it's removed. Should we not get our appendix's removed if they're about to burst just because it looks disgusting?

Also, they've forgotten to show pictures of what a fetus is going to look like after it's removed with a coat hanger which will happen much more if they get their way and abortions are made illegal (I'm sure there are many now due to abortion being as inaccessible in this province as it is now).

Anonymous said...

That says it all. Can I post even more disgusting pictures of something that affects even more people, namely, nice gruesome pictures of how cows are slaughtered, chickens have their heads ripped off and baby lambs are ripped from their mothers, tied all alone, then butchered? The vast majority of people are not connected to the abortion issue, only a small percentage of the population will ever have an abortion.

However, unless you are vegetarian you are culpable in the rampant slaughter and horrendous treatment of God's created creatures. Yet if such pictures were placed around, such as was done with the seal hunt, the people doing so wouldn't be the subject of "hmm,well maybe they shouldn't do that, but of course it needs to get done".

They'd be branded as 'extremists', even 'eco terrorists' by many. And nobody would be talking about the issue with which their direct action can help alleviate. Namely, stop eating meat-it is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gases, takes an extraordinary amount of water and energy, etc. And there are hundreds of vegetarian entrees that are easily as good. Most meat and especially chicken has to be flavoured because its so bland from all the hormones.

So how about some nice gruesome pictures of the misery and death YOU cause a living creature each and every day.

Michael G. McKay said...

Many years ago a great historian once said that there three sins or if you wthat are permitted in a nation before it becomes corrupt from within. these are as follows; Pedophelia, Homosexuality, and of course Murder. All of these have brought a nineteen of the worlds greatest Nations to ruin and a tragic end. Abortion is wholesale Murder because it gives people permission to be sexually eresponsible, with any accountability for the actions they commit on the life of the unborn child. the Child is a human Being at the moment of conception. and the Word of God declares that god hates those who shed innocent Blood, and that innocent is that of the unborn child in the womb.

Think about that.

Anonymous said...

We all mixed feelings as to an abortion or not. Sometime mistakes are made and they need to be corrected. Many have now used this system as if they were going for a dental cleaning and that has to stop. It is not about choice or an informed decision anymore.
It has become so much more and it is time to face the truth and stop sugar coating things and turning our backs on what is really happening.

There are times the person expecting and doctor decide it is necessary. But there is abuse of how many people have and that needs to be addressed.

Denying that the service is not needed is not right but abusing the system has to change too.

Pictures don't lie and that is part of an informed decision that should be made.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Where are the group this morning? I'm going out to hunt them down....Send me those picture Chris....Merci!!!!

Spinks said...

Chris, please tell me you're kidding. You're really not equating an inflamed appendix with an aborted baby, are you?

Anonymous said...

Spinks: I think you know that Chris' point was that bloody tissue from any surgical procedure is gruesome, even horrific.

I saw these fanatics on CBC News last night. It reminded me that I decided I was anti-abortion but pro-choice in grade 8. (That sounds like a contradiction, but not to me. The whole idea of an abortion disturbs me, and it will never be for me. At the same time, I think it should be left to the conscience of every woman out there to make that choice for herself, based on her own circumstances and morality.) Anyway, my point: when I was in grade 8, a Right to Life organization was allowed to come to my school and present a slide show on "the truth about abortion". Attendance was mandatory, although we were all told that we were free to close our eyes or put our heads down if we found the colour photos too disturbing.

I watched the whole gory show and decided there, on the spot, that I could not ever be on the same side of that issue as those people. I believed then, and I believe now, fifteen years later, that anyone who'd used propaganda tactics that were so abusive to the sensibilities of 14-year-olds was not to be trusted.

I have no love for the Henry Morgantalers out there, but I note that in trying to advocate for his position he never resorts to such tactics.

I guess I'm just someone who wants to be convinced of something based on reason and principle and not on passion and propaganda.

Spinks said...

12:13, I agree, kids should not be subjected to this and you're right, Morgentaler wouldn't start displaying photos of this. He would be out of business. His comments that he's reducing the number of poor people in the world and has reduced crime because of abortion is sickening enough in my mind. For a guy who survived the Holocaust, it is baffling.

I still think people need to be aware of what an abortion is, that its not just a pile of inanimate tissue. However the tactics used by this group are deplorable because it subjects children to it. There are better ways or at least more ethical ways to make a point beyond shock and awe.

Anonymous said...

No one should subject minors to this and that should certainly be stopped.

Happy that people are at least thinking and rethinking about what is really going on behind the closed doors. It doesnot affect me attitude does not help when we go home and try to forget it. We all some morale responsibility and being informed how this is used a little too quickly for some who already have more then two.

I am not against it totally but I also think it should definitely e looked into and should be not the norm. This should be available for all people not just the wealthy.

Anonymous said...

If they wanted to do something 'positive', how about putting posters up and lobbying government for better child care, higher minimum wage, higher welfare rate, so the people who get abortions don't have the prospect of either aborting the fetus or living a life of poverty. How about putting their money where their mouth is and start a trust fund for pregnant mothers. But that would just 'make sense', clearly there are people more irrational than Charles!

You have to be a complete idiot to not realize a fetus is animate tissue. So what, so is your skin. You think your fetus is in there contemplating life and the mysteries of the universe?

It is alive, and when things that are alive become dead it is sad (depending on your religious point of view).

Go look into a cow's eyes before you eat dinner, if you have a pet then you know animals are far more like people than a fetus. Fish are more like people than a fetus, think about that next time you have dinner. How would you like your body pulled up by a hook in your mouth? Ever seen how many dolphins die when tuna get caught-let alone tuna? Ever see a lambs face when its led to slaughter? Ever seen how cows are often transported before they are even dead? They have a rope tied around one leg and are hoisted by a crane.

Ever see a raccoon drag itself to the curb to die after getting hit by a car? How about when their kittens stand around the body and slowly starve to death?

We are a sick *&^%ing species, all these things happen because we need to drive fast whenever we want, eat and get fat and clog our arteries, and because these animals don't even factor into our concerns during public planning.

Yes it is too bad abortions happen, if this group wants to accomplish something, how about massive advertising and education on safe sex? How about lobbying schools to teach it more and make condoms and birth control readily available. How about lobbying so that a womans family doctor, who doesn't even believe in a 'morning after pill' essentially robs a woman of choice because in NB they aren't allowed 'second opinions'.

In the morning after there certainly isn't a fetus, there is an egg, thats it. How about massive advertising about that? But no, then the conservatives will shout "that might make them have sex-we can't have that! It's far better that we keep them ignorant and make sure they feel horrible for the rest of their lives unless they choose to live their lives in poverty. And we should make sure there are no child care services or decent welfare rates too."

And of course this doesn't even mention the biggest issue of all-and that's prostitution. Moncton is literally hooker city, with even children getting involved. In case you have never read anything about the issue, 'johns' will often pay extra to do it without a condom. Apart from an occasional report in a newspaper, how often do you hear about that?

Perhaps this group could actually do something constructive with their energies. The idea that somehow this is good because it gets a bunch of male idiots talking about it on blogs is laughable. When are you going to face the prospect of an abortion? But like I said, just about every meal you look into the face of an animal that is far more cognizant than a fetus and doom it to a horrible death. Just so you can get fatter and are too much of a prick to eat vegetarian.

Anonymous said...

These people may be wrong with the pictures but someone has to mention abortions are just too easy and some abuse it and have several. It is not a birth control and it is killing a baby.

I believe in the write to have one with a decision with you and your doctor but not for abuse. More then one you should pay and also be monitored it is is your third.

Someone has to step up for the babies too.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it New Brunswick where they DO have to pay? You should check but I'm pretty sure the feds were telling them they had to pay and the province was telling them to suck eggs.

I'd like to see the list of people who use abortions for 'birth control'. Either they don't know the other means, which is the fault of our educational system that thinks its more important that kids know ancient history or geography (yeah, that's useful) or in the case of prostitution, johns pay extra. Of course the morning after pill is not readily available, and the stories about using abortion as birth control is usually like welfare fraud-"I got a friend who has a friend who said..."