Saturday, July 01, 2006


8, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

Charlie here are a few pictures of the new traffic light system at the foot of King St. in Saint John.


I took the time to point out a Major Flaw with this new system.

My First step was to go and point this out to Sargent Pat Bonner who agrees this is a real concern and directed me to a gentleman on the 11th floor of City Hall by the name Mr.Richard Smith I believe it was.


After a brief meeting and a look at a few of these pictures of the major flaw he too agreed that something must be done.

So he gave me the Name and phone number of another gentleman named Mr.Burt Steeves who works out of the Thorn Ave City Garage.


I was unsucessful in trying to reach him Friday Afternoon so I left a lenghy message describing the flaw with this particular set of traffic lights and in ending I asked him if he could please return my call to at the very least let me know that he did receive my message of concern but as of yet (Monday) I haven't heard anything.



Anonymous said...

Richard smith is the parking commission guy. If he runs traffic now , were all in big trouble.

Anonymous said...

I would like to report a bit of progress on this one.

I did get a call from Mr. Burt Steeves of the Traffic Division and we discussed a few minor changes that might work to correct this problem.

A/ Add another light beside the bus stop to stop all traffic

B/ Add an overhead (No right turn on red light) sign

C/ Clearly mark the bus stop section of the road as a "Buslane Only"so as to eliminate the cars that seem to think it is a third lane so they cut along the curb to beat the red light.

And after some lengthy conversating along with a little healthy debating on what to do and why,

Mr. Steeves said he believes "C" would be the logical answer but that there has not been a long enough dry weather period to proceed with this change but noted that the change will come as soon as weather will allow.

I would like to thank Mr.Steeves for taking the time to return my call on this issue of safety and for his understanding on the importance of healthy debate on things that have been changed but could usually use a second look to improve on the new setup that works best for the safety of the public.