Saturday, August 12, 2006

Good hearted citizen getting ready to cook for the poor at the Fredericton Soup Kitchen....

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


Anonymous said...

Healthy looking cooks,but of coarse a good cook has to sample the food,eh?

Anonymous said...

What part of her not wanting her picture taken was too complicated for you to understand?

She's there, volunteering her time, to help people like you and you can't even show the tiniest shred of respect towards her?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

She was playing for the camera.....Comprendnice?????

Anonymous said...

Making up words again I see.

Anonymous said...

"Comprendnice" whatever that means. But people get fed up you constantly going at them with camera. You do have difficulty to comprehend when you cross the line.

Anonymous said...

Gee, hard to understand 'don't take my picture'-is that too hard for somebody to say? You've seen Charles white out people's faces, what makes anybody think he's 'crossed the line'. That's for the people whose pictures are being taken to make known. Someday all these pictures will be invaluable, all the more so because they aren't staged. I've got news for you, EVERY time you walk into your bank or past a public building you are on camera. At least Charles makes it decent quality.

Anonymous said...

"EVERY time you walk into your bank or past a public building you are on camera."

Yes 4:59 PM you are on camera but they do not post it on the Internet for the whole world to see unless you commit a crime.

Yes Charlie crosses that thin line all the time. He is proud of the fact that he does not take "NO" for an answer. So people get fed up. That is one reason he was barred from the legislature. People learn from their mistakes and blunders. In his case if you reason with him it is like peeing in the wind. It splashes right back at you. He just does not have the ability to understand. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

Just like he is infringing on copyright laws every time he takes a picture of Global, CBC, CNN television news coverage and articles in the newspaper and posts them online, he thinks that laws should apply to everyone but himself - quite an inflated ego.

In addition to that, all he needs to do is read the Flickr terms of service and he'd notice that he is blatantly violating at least 3 rules of the service.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

complain complain complain.....if you're not happy? Don't come back in here....

Michael G. McKay said...

I have been hearing a lot about copyright infringment, I have mentioned to Charles to Use the whole article when posting informatin online. this would include the Copyright a the bottom of the article including the person/Reporter who reported the event or news along with the date it happened if that is included it is not copyright infringment. It is only infringment on Copyright if the author and the dade and the publication name are excluded.

Anonymous said...

That may address the copy/pasting of text, but not the copyright infringement of taking photographs of television news coverage and pictures of newspaper articles.