Friday, August 04, 2006


1, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

This is going to be very interesting!!!! Stay tune!!!!


Anonymous said...

This makes no sense Charles. I thought you said your charge was 'obstruction of justice' for 'refusing to leave'? How can 'resist arrest' be the only charge? If you were resisting, you must have been first arrested for something!

Anonymous said...

I thought the charge was obstruction of justice, not resisting arrest?

There's a reason that Legal Aid doesn't cover minor charges like that. If everything was covered, there wouldn't be enough money left for the serious charges like murder.

Anonymous said...

Then if they can't provide defence for low income citizens,they shouldn't be charging them with frivolous damaging charges.Low income would mean anything less than 100,000$ a year,when it comes to the totally onesided justice system.But if they couldn't fill the courts with low income,low educated people,they would have to cut the justice work force by 80%.Then what would you do with all those unemployed french speaking quebecers,and government payoff jobs.

Anonymous said...

One of the biggest abuses in this country,the search for poor lower educated people to arrest,to keep the beaureaucrats a job.A system,that can't even stop drug trafficing on the island of Grand Manan,pop. 3000?? Why? Drug sellers have money behind them, besides, what else?. Who runs the country?
Drug seller,Don't pay your drug bill,and you will find out!

Anonymous said...

get real, there's more than enough money out there. Corporations used to contribute 50% of the governments budget, now with corporate tax cuts its 3%. The corporations in NB are hideously wealthy, as are the richest NB'ers. There's tons of money out there, we've just got politicians who are now among the wealthy (Bernie is the highest paid Premier remember) so they only look out for those in their class.

For murders, there are only about 7-10 a year, and many of those can afford lawyers. If Manitoba can afford legal aid for all the poor, so can New Brunswick.

Anonymous said...

Serious charges like murder, attempted murder, drunk driving, child abuse, theft, stalking, etc.