Wednesday, August 09, 2006


number 21, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

This is number 21! I first came face to face with this woman in the summer of 2003.

You should have seen her.

She was very skinny < down to bones >

You would see her panhandling on the streets for money for her drug habit.

This was a different panhandler. She had beautiful sad eyes. You could tell that she was hurting big time!!!

She wasn’t aggressive with the citizens. All she wanted was money for a fix.

Did she prostitute her body for money? I don’t think so.

She refuse to turn to crime to get more for a drug habit.

It was a very sad case and I truly felt bad for her.

She was proof that there is a huge drug problem in Fredericton.

These days, Number 21 has gain a lot of weight and she’s on methadone.

Number 21 could have like others become a statistic and die on the streets but she didn’t.

Did you know that in Nova Scotia, if a person dies because of Dilaudid? This information will be made public but in New Brunswick they say- It’s heart failure.

I bet there’s hundreds who have died on Dilaudid but the Bernard lord Government don’t wish the public to know this. She’s doing just fine and she should be congratulated for a job very well done!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog Charles!