Friday, September 01, 2006


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
I had a meeting with the officials from the Education Department around two years about this issue and they had no probem with this.

Why are they promoting Chocolate Milk?

In my view? It should be Milk only!!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Becauses white milk is milk. Chocolate milk is milk plus flavouring and, most importantly, SUGAR.

I agree with Charles, anything that injects yet more sugar into the diets of kids who are already getting more and more obese is just stupid.

Anonymous said...

The chocolate milk that is served and sold in schools has the same goodness as white milk, and in many cases children will drink milk when it is chocolate and not when it is white.

Anonymous said...

I checked my 500 ml carton of Baxters chocolate milk and yes, it does have 26 grams of sugar. That's moderately high. But my cranberry juice boasts 37 grams of sugar per glass.
And don't just focus on kids.
Charles you're pushing 50.
You have problems sometimes with your legs.
You have gone to the hospital (you told us) with various health problems.
Yet you think nothing of sucking up a huge ice-cream double scoop from your hang-out, Molly's.
I shudder to guess what the sugar content is in that???

Anonymous said...

pop is worse. 41 g of sugar in a can.

Anonymous said...

Are you really getting that desparate for something to blog about. Milk - for crying our loud, if they drink it, good for them. So many kids in our city go to school hungry or worse. Obesity is often systemic and the poor can't afford "healthy choices" so if a kid can get some milk, who cares if it's while or choc. The same kid is probably scarfing down on KD and hot dogs. Milk is the least of our wories about obesity in children. Pop, chips, fries etc. As a parent, I am in the drivers seat as to what foods are availabe in my home and treats are fine, but I cook most meals and instill in my child the value of nutritional choices. Parents need to take responsibility. My child doesn't buy lunch every day at school I pack it at home to be sure it's healthy, not a burger from the cafeteria. Choc. or White is not a debate, healthy or unhealthy choices - now there is a debate.

Anonymous said...

Screw that. Milk is rape.

Anonymous said...

If anyone thinks milk products are a healthy choice maybe you should check this out, and read the whole thing:

Anonymous said...

"chocolate milk has the same goodness as white milk"

Been watching their tv ad campaign, have you? Yes, they're worried that parents are starting to catch on to their liquid candy disguised as a healthy drink.

Yes. Chocolate milk has "all the goodness of white milk". Plus chemical flavourings. Plus sugar. Which they don't need.

Let's review:

1) In spite of hysteria to the contrary, milk is good for kids. (The "milk is poison" industry was drummed up by a handful of authors writing diet books about - guess what? - how milk is poison.
2) Chocolate milk is good for kids plus something not good for kids. Why don't we put a couple of spoonfuls of sugar in their PBJ sandwich too? Yay! They'll like it more!
3) They'll drink the white milk if their friends are drinking it. Trust me. Sugar is not needed to bribe kids to drink milk. If you need to bribe your kids with chocolate powder and sugar to drink milk, there's a problem with how you've taught your kid to eat.
4) Milk is milk. Fruit juice is fruit juice. Berry juice is berry juice. Apples are apples and oranges are oranges. We aren't discussing cranberry juice. Get back to us when we're discussing schools *handing out* fruit juice with extra sugar injected.
5) Charles blogs about a lot of issues affecting a) education b) poverty and the health of New Brunswickers and c) children's health and well-being. Milk fits all those categories nicely.

Anonymous said...

today milk is not milk it powdered milk with alot of shit added to it then mixed with city water

because the milk that is bought from the farmer is seperated on arrival at the dairy then all the product are changed to powder and preservative are added to them

i never senn real cow milk last for weeks at thew time

Anonymous said...

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and you are the one that speaks about Irving and rogers censorship shame on you

two face

Anonymous said...

Milk is NOT good for kids, milk is good for BABIES. And it is human milk. In the real world there is no animal that drinks milk once its off the teat unless food supply is scarce.

Sugar isn't bad, having kids sit like lumps all day long is what is bad. Humans are animals, no animal was meant to sit still at any time, let alone when young and supposedly learning.

Government subsidies is the only thing that pumps up the milk lobby, that's why virtually every scientist who does a study gets railroaded out of town. Why do you think there are more 'drink milk' commercials than there are cola ones?

Milk is horribly unhealthy. In NB moreso because Co-ops centrally process milk from all over, places like Belledune which has HUGE levels of toxins, but there is no way of knowing whether thats in your milk.

All of those vitamins and minerals are ADDED to milk. Soymilk is far better, because its not like kids are lacking in fat content in their diets. Virtually the only benefit of milk over soy or rice milk is the fat content which is necessary for younger children. You can make your own soy milk for pennies a glass. There are actually studies that show that the calcium in milk DOES NOT strengthen bones, it actually weakens them-just go to pubmed and read up.

Older children and adults shouldn't be drinking milk at all. How often have you seen an adult cow sucking at the udder of another cow? It's unfortunate because dairy is literally the last place where a farmer has any job security at all, but that doesn't mean its good to drink.

Children actually need HUGE quantities of sugar-not just for activities, what do you think your brain runs on? Ethanol? Milk has almost none of that, fruit juices are FAR better, and have natural sugars and promote healthy local farming. That sugar is necessary for normal brain function, and you don't get that from milk.

Anything other than an elementary school shouldn't have milk available. In fact, caffeine free pop is probably better, its just sugars and water. You can actually buy a mix and make your own very healthy root beer. Just go into the Co-op or the scoop n save.

There is no reason to give kids milk except that it is such a huge industry. Get some good apple cider into them.

Anonymous said...

Obviously you don't know squat about animals because cows will drink fruit juices no problem and they DO eat meat because they are FED it. Ever seen a cow or a horse eat? You think they pick the bugs out of the grass before they eat it? Likewise chickens eat meat and so do pigs, it fattens them up far quicker than their vegetarian diet.

And in fact the same thing can be said about meat as milk, meat is among the worst things you can put in your body, it is full of toxins and guess what? Toxins amplify as they go up the food chain. So a pesticide will be a small part of a bug's bloodstream, but more in a fish or chickens and then higher in a persons. That's why humans are now have more toxins in their bloodstream than ever before (or one of the reasons)

Cows were just an example, when have you seen an adult horse, monkey, cat, dog, gorilla, giraffe or any other living creature suckling at the teat of its parent? Never, and guess what WE ARE ANIMALS AND MAMMALS. Look up mammal in a scientific dictionary, one of the definitions of a mammal is "it feeds milk to its YOUNG". A horse stops weaning after a very short period, as does every other mammal. Humans do not need milk after breast feeding and the only reason they continue is because it is MARKETED that way.

In fact, go look at the research and even animals long considered 'carnivores' have been shown to live far healthier in captivity on a vegetarian diet. Research shows that most members of the cat family do better on a vegetarian diet. And of course none of them drink milk after nursing. And yes, we ARE animals.

Anonymous said...

"Milk is NOT good for kids, milk is good for BABIES. And it is human milk."

What? You aren't making any sense at all. Just like all the other anti-milk loonies.

Anonymous said...

Oh, god frigging save us from the vegetarians and the vegans and the anti-milk people.

Why not debate THE ISSUE which is white milk vs. chocolate milk instead of bringing the latest religion you converted to into the debate. ("Oooh, I don't eat anything with a face...")

Anonymous said...

"How often have you seen an adult cow sucking at the udder of another cow?"

Duh, wouldn't they be too tall?

Anonymous said...

11:36 AM: You know exactly what I meant, but if you really are that clueless, I'll explain it in simpler terms. Cows are not predators. They do not hunt other animals for food. There are lots of mammals that do and humans have been predators for thousands of years.

You want an example of an adult animal that drinks milk? Cats. Before you start yelping that they only drink milk if given milk by humans, cats do drink milk if around a lactating cow.

I'm going to take a wild guess that in addition to your anti-milk attitude, you're probably vegetarian or vegan. If not, I'll be surprised.