Yes, The Irvings sure can’t stop themselves!!
I wish this wouldn’t cover me! They cannot be nice!!! Not even if it’s a good thing!!..lol
This afternoon, I was told that I was in the Irving paper.
It’s a paper call - HERE!
It used to be a good little paper until the Irvings bought it.
Anyway...I said - Ohhhh?? They covered my trial??
Nope!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wrong!! < Not the first time >
It was the final result of a survey. Personally, this was the first time I ever heard of it.
So I read it and this is what they said-
12) Local hero for actions in the last 12 months:
Charles Leblanc. Well, if blogging a record amount of misspelled words, calling people bigots and creeping out MLAs and the media makes you a hero, congrats Charles. You've earned your cape. Notwithstanding this, you have to admire the man's tenacity; something everyone can respect.
Now? I was honoured that the public voted me in their survey.
The public has spoken and called me their local hero for the last 12 months but the Irvings just had to put their little jab against me.
They just can’t stop themselves!!...lol
The Irvings are always jabbing anyone that don’t follow their way of thinking.
It’s call brainwashing the public.
Take a look what the Irvings said about me when I was arrested? They twice called me a protester!!
I got nothing against the reporters of the HERE paper. I’m certain the Irvings called them and said - Good job guys!!! Nice Jab!!! ..lol...
I wish to thank everyone who voted for me and I never knew anything of this survey!!!
The old saying - Bad publicity is better than no publicity sure goes a long way with me and the Irvings!!!!...lol..
Sigh...What a bunch!!!!
This had nothing to do with Irvings, its an editor being a prick, and a reporter with no balls writing it.
Who cares about misspelled words, however, while I don't agree with your 'bigot' remarks, there is something to be said for calling a spade a spade, and its not like there aren't any bigots in New Brunswick, the world is full of them. What should they be called then?
As for 'creeping out' MLA's and the media, absolutely and positively do I call that heroic. The media are slack jawed propagandists, and the MLA's are overpaid sycophants. Unimaginative suits that follow their leader like sheep.
In the states they have more of them, but don't pay them squat. That way you don't get professional politicians-at least in the state houses. Creeping them out, whatever that means, is exactly what is needed, in fact more of it. The election was months ago, anybody ever hear from their MLA's ever since? Anybody have any idea what they are doing? Even the ones with blogs don't keep them updated, they are sitting at home waiting for their next paycheque and next orders from their leaders. And people give Charles a hard time for not having a job, these guys make over 100 times what charles does.
This year saw a grand total of 39 bills passed. Many haven't been 'proclaimed', most were introduced by a cabinet head, which means weren't even read by party members, many others were simply to repeal earlier legislation and many were only a page long.
That's less than one bill per week, a pretty good deal for 60-100 grand a year. Keep on 'creeping them out' Charles!
The truth hurts, doesn't it?
Irvings are so profesional that they can pay people to write up something about you and use spell check while they are at it.
This is nothing new to you. You take jabs quite well. Keep on Blogging them to death...lol They can say what they want....and so can you.
Like the old saying says:
Those who know you, know you well.
Those who don't can go to hell!
P.S How do you creep out an MLA?
hey anon 5:53 pm? you use such large brushstokes to paint everyone the same way.... all politicians are evil, all media are idiots, etc. nice to know you're an objective thinker that looks at issues from all sides. who's the sheep now?
Of course when you yourself agreed with the first two statements the reporter made and the fact that Chuck was labeled a security risk backs up no.3, your argument lacks such 'balls' as you called them.
Way to disrespect their readers. I won't be taking their damned survey next year.
P.S How do you creep out an
Hold up a mirror?
The captions after all results has punchy little jokes.
You are very welcome CHarles, we voted you in here for local hero.
We voted Jack Irving for the local ZERO, but that didn't pan out. They wouldn't print that, even though hundreds voted.
The talk on here of the nay-sayers is just sour grapes.
The paper "here" should be presenting you with a lovely plaque award as they do the top restaurants, etc.
I also know some people who voted you as the person they'd like to wake up beside every morning,"wink, wink, nudge, nudge"...
And you almost made the best dressed list too.
But hang in there Charles. The survey for next year is coming !
Charles, if you have trouble misspelling words pick up a telegraph urnal if they have proof readers they are all preschoolers. Only government officials spell worse. dog noow eye am doingit.
and The truth hurts, doesn't it?
# posted by Anonymous : 6:50 PM
I think I will send you every single tj article I find that has a misspelled word and just plain bad sentence formation.
Yep, shouldn't throw stones when you live in a glass house.
Good one, anon 8:13. LOL.
I never said the TJ writes perfectly. Lots of errors and incorrectly spelled words but I don't recall ever seeing any articles where the reporters call people nazis. I was pointing out the fact that what they wrote about Charles' lack of literacy and knack for namecalling and stalking was right on the mark.
Lets get one thing straight right now!!!
I never called the Irvings Nazis!
My point in comparing the Irvings to Hitler is once Hitler took power? He took control of the media and this is exactly what is happening here in New Brunswick.
The Irvings don't go around executing people but they are brainwashing the public.
Get my drift????
Hey 7:47 is your method of debate to use such bad english that you can't be understood? Nice one!
You HAVE called people nazis on this blog. That any many other derrogatory terms that reflect on your lack of maturity and show your inability to criticize intelligently and coherently.
Yes errors everyday in TJ and so what. This Blog is great ; don't like it het off, get a life that will something positive and have some direction instead of micro -managing this site!
Irving and their friends love it when we turn on each other and focus on issues that don't concern them. It is an itch we can't seem to get rid of!
If he wants to call people Nazis then so be it. Last time I checked this BLOG belonged to Charles Leblanc. And furthermore, I highly doubt Charles is racist like that. Charles stands up for peoples RIGHTS and does not judge or discriminate because of where they come from. At least we have Charles to step up to the plate, which alot of people do not know how to do. Nevermind them Charles, there is lots people out there who love you for you.
12:39 you know alot of big words, you must be edumacated to use those, he he
As TEAM CHARLES says Charles does run this blog so therefore he can say anything he wants. So then if as Charles (and TEAM CHARLES I assume) believe that indeed the Irving's control all the papers in this province why then shouldn't the Irving's be able to say anything they want? Only seems fair that if its fine for Charles it should be ok for the Irving's. If you don't like what they have to say then keep your money and don't buy a paper. But I suppose that wouldn't work, If you couldn't blame the Irving's for everything then you might have to actually start thinking a little bit instead of whining and that just wouldn't be nearly as much fun now whould it.
in response to ;
I never said the TJ writes perfectly. Lots of errors and incorrectly spelled words but I don't recall ever seeing any articles where the reporters call people nazis. I was pointing out the fact that what they wrote about Charles' lack of literacy and knack for namecalling and stalking was right on the mark.
# posted by Anonymous : 10:15 PM
from Merriam-Webster Dictionary a nazi means in the context that Charles has used -
b : one who is likened to a German Nazi : a harshly domineering, dictatorial, or intolerant person
Who paraded Charles in front of a bunch of suits at the Trade the day he was arrested ? Who doesn't mind demeaning people just about everyday ? I will "put up" with spelling mistakes and grammar anyday from a decent person than someone who doesn't come right out and say that they are absolutely "nazi like". Who's acting like the nazi ? The guy with the unbiased news blog that has numerous spelling mistakes or the other kind of guy who spends an hunk of time hiding it ? Now I think you owe Charles an apology, don't you ?
by the way, here's a bit of news to read ,,,it's a cliff hanger too ! It's a who-dunnit...so there will be more to come,,,stay tuned as Charles would say.
Heating oil leak fouls Baileyville treatment plant
By Diana Graettinger
Friday, November 10, 2006 - Bangor Daily News << Back
By Diana Graettinger
Bangor Daily News
BAILEYVILLE - They detected the smell of what they thought was either home heating oil or kerosene at the wastewater treatment plant on Monday, and by Thursday they knew they had a major headache.
Household heating fuel had somehow gotten into the sewer system.
And not just a little, but a lot — as much as 2,000 gallons.
The impact on the town’s wastewater treatment system is still unknown. The state Department of Environmental Protection was notified and was en route Thursday afternoon.
The town crew as well as police and fire officials were on the corner of Route 1 and the Industrial Park Road Thursday morning looking into one of the town’s sewer collection tanks.
The Industrial Park is new. The U.S. Border Patrol recently opened a $6 million, 10,800-square-foot station there. In the past few days, station officials said they’d had a problem with their furnace tank.
"They lost some fuel oil over the weekend at the new U.S. Border Patrol Station, they’re saying under 10 gallons, but we’re dealing with a lot more than 10 gallons, the way it looks ... we’re probably talking about 1,000 gallons in this and maybe more at the next [collection] station," Fire Chief Darren Ireland said. "Both sites are contaminated, so right now we’ve shut down all the pumping stations that go up to there because we’re concerned about this backing into people’s basements and stuff."
Sewer lines connect to the collection tank and waste is sent from area houses and businesses into the tank. The waste is then pumped about two miles up the road to another collection station and eventually to the town’s treatment plant.
Officials are worried that the hazardous material eventually could get into the nearby St. Croix River.
Ireland said officials checked the nearby Irving Big Stop and local motels, but it appears they were not the cause of the problem.
The smell was first detected at the plant on Monday. "We noticed the past couple of days we could smell some heating oil or kerosene in the sewer treatment plant itself," Jim Moffitt, the town’s wastewater treatment operator, said. "We started looking around to find some kind of source and we found it this morning. This thing was half full of fuel oil."
Moffitt said he was not concerned about fire. "It’s not going to explode, but it’s going to mess up the treatment at the wastewater treatment plant, and it’s going to get into the river," he said.
The operator said that the treatment plant was an organic plant.
"There are no chemicals involved. It’s a micro-biological treatment system and that will probably screw up a lot of the organisms," he said. "We don’t know what’s going to happen ... and we won’t probably know for a couple of days what the final results are going to be."
Officials measured the amount of heating oil in the tank and found it was 4 to 5 feet deep. "It looks like it’s mostly fuel [oil]. There are only 2 or 3 inches of water on the bottom," Ireland said.
Town Manager Scott Harriman arrived soon after police and fire officials. Asked if the town might be fined, Harriman said it was too early to tell.
"The thought of a fine hasn’t crossed my mind," he said. "We just want to get it cleaned [up] and make sure we know where it’s coming from."
Harriman said he also did not know who would have to pick up the tab for the cleanup.
"We don’t know whose expense it will be — ours, someone else’s — we don’t know anything yet," he said.
Somebody in here has got to look up the definition of unbiased and news. It pretty obvious they don't know the meaning of either.
News is good and opinions matter too!
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