Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
A parent wants me to blog this issue.

Do you believe the Irvings should be involved in our school system?

Is this just a way to brainwash our kids?

What’s your view on this one???

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Anonymous said...

The things mentioned; school supplies, game tickets, sport shirts aren't 'brainwashing'. It would be brainwashing if it they were involved in the curriculum and saying specific things.

However, I'd love to find out if that school has a website, those kids should be found so that one thing can be said:

PAY YOUR ***DAM TAXES SO THAT SCHOOLS CAN AFFORD THEM ON THEIR OWN. Stop being a corporate welfare bum and then using that money to buy free publicity and 'good will'.

Anonymous said...

Who's Ron Morrish?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

That's a darn good question? All I know is that the Irvings are promoting this guy BIG TIME!!

Maybe someone out there can explain who's Ron Morrish?

Anonymous said...

I think he may be a superintendent or something, a web search found a name in that capacity.

Anonymous said...

Do you post McDonald's ads on your Blog and ask the same question? They're targeting kids much more than the Irvings.
You're not the only one who lost its job from the Irvings. Get over it, Charles.
Move on. Be proud. Earn a living, even if it's part-time. And don't repeat that crap about who'd hire the biggest blogger in NB. Too much of an easy way out.

Ian said...

http://www.ifdn.com/ is an Irving website arranged for kids. I especially like the section that teaches how clear-cutting allows "tree diversity".

Yeah, all kinds of different jack pine grow up. :)

Anonymous said...

Right on anomymous 11:14pm. Well said. And yes Charles people with ADHD can get good jobs as I know some people with ADHD that have good jobs. Charles likes to be on social assistance and has no plans to find a real job and stop mooching off our social assistance program like many other people in this country. Man I am tired of seing Charles write on this site about how nobody will hire the biggest blogger in New Brunswick. That is the biggest BS that I have ever heard. Use the internet to seach for a job, there are lots of jobs on Career Beacon for Fredericton.

Anonymous said...

More of the same bla bla bla. Anonymous 11:14pm said it best. GET OVER IT, you lost your job. Yes that is terrible but lots of people lose their jobs but they get off their butts and find something else to do. But of course you are just a person that loves to sit on his butt and complain instead of doing something. And on another note, you are not a reporter, you just write stuff that you want to write about and complain about it. I know the real reason you got banned from the Legislature. It's because you go in there and take pictures of people without asking them (legislature employees) and complain all the time. You think you can go in there and get what ever you want and do what ever you want, well surprise buddy you can't and you got warned several times and now you are banned.

Anonymous said...

Ron Morrish is not connected to the Irvings'.He is a motivational speaker from Ontario who travels to schools around the country speaking to the staff and administration about positive disciplinary methods.He has also written books on the matter.

Anonymous said...

The company can't win with you ever, can it? They try and do something good for the community and use it to take a cheap shot.

Grow up. Get a job.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Nothing better starting my day with these nice comments.....lol....Just wish to let you know that the Quebec Security staff ordered me not to bring in my camera months < around 8 months > before this behind the close door verdict.

I'm surprised that I posted the social assistance one but what can you do or say?

Jerks are just jerks!!!

Anonymous said...

No doubt that's a popular view Charles, oh well, ya gotta take it in stride. Notice how these 'nasty' comments come from the same two guys, you can tell from their writing styles, and notice how they always come out on blogs that are about Irving...hmm, coincidence?

That's a good link above, clearly that's brainwashing and about as akin to McDonald's teaching kids about healthy eating-and to be fair, there was a blog about McDonalds when the story aired.

And again, Charles has tried to find work, but the government fires him. Instead of talking about the $4000 a year it costs New Brunswickers (well, actually Albertans since equalization payments pay most of welfare), let's talk about Irvings costing New Brunswickers-specifically Saint Johners over a hundred million dollars!

Who are the ones who really need to get an honest job? That's like telling Charles to go deal drugs-sometimes doing nothing is better than breaking the law for money. Not only do the Irvings break laws, but it hardly even gets mentioned and the government does nothing! At least even drug dealers take the risk of doing time if they are caught, Irving uses its money to brainwash kids and some people call it ice cream.

Anonymous said...

One quick comment. The difference between a professional journalist and a blogger is this:

Professional Journalists report the facts and give no bias of their own in the reporting and a blogger is opinionated and at times boarders on slanderous.

You will never see the phrase "old Germany" in a the writings of any professional journalist.

Why do you hate the Irvings and the system? The Irvings have money, okay! The system makes it so you can blog and not get up and punch the clock every day, great system if yo ask me. Be very careful, someone might think you can work and offer you a job!

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to get into the debate as to whether Charles should get a job or not. I don't know him, I can't say.

But, as far as being a journalist...he isn't one. This blog, which is supposed to cover news has pictures of random people, his daughter, etc. It's all biased. It can be tricky to be unbiased, but Charles makes no bones about his own opinions, which don't just creep into things but are fairly blatant.

Charles, nothing against you or your blog but I think if you want people to take you more seriously I think you need to stay on topic. Difficult, I know. But it will go a long way.