Yes, I believe that Shawn Graham is making a huge mistake keeping this guy in surrounding. Public image around the Premier is the utmost importance.
On March 24, 2006, Stephen Harper came to town and I was going to take some good pictures. This picture was taken before he was elected Prime Minister.

I noticed Tim Porter chatting with the Security staff of the Prime Minister.
Minutes later, I was surrounded by the Security personnel telling me that I wasn’t allowed in the same building of the Prime Minister.
You can read a past blog on this issue by clicking below.
The day that Bernard Lord walked into the Lieutenant Governor building to announce the election? The media gathered on the front steps but Tim Porter shouted at me to stay back.

You can see a past blog on this issue by clicking below.
Now comes today? I was at the Centennial building and noticed many media workers walking inside the news conference room.
I asked the individual in charge to call Tim Porter. Tim came and I asked the guy if I could attend the news conference?
He quickly replied - Recognized media only!!!! Then walked away!

So? Who is Tim Porter anyway?
He used to be side by side by Former Premier Bernard lord and now he’s with Shawn Graham?

The Porter’s seem to carry a lot of weight in the Capital.
His Father is Gordon Porter who’s the chairperson of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.

The Porter’s seem to have an attitude that the poor should be ignored? < I’ll get to that after the holidays >
Is Tim Porter a guy who works for Communication New Brunswick and also a bodyguard??
Stay tuned!!!
you got a pass, just show that next time, should get you in, you'd think.
Recognised Media only??? Did you show him your fake Media pass? Maybe that would have gotten you in.
Just sounds like the man is doing his job
One more time???? The media pass was a joke. I had the pass inside my shirt.
It never crossed my mind to show the ID because he knows what I am. < No bad comment please... >...lol
I just wanted to prove a point and I believe I made it.
Stay tuned!!!
The directory on the GNB website says that Tim Porter is the General Manager of Communications New Brunswick.
You're not a legimate media source. Figure it out. You have no formal training, you don't understand the rules and you can be belligerent.
I'm not surprised you're not allowed near the PM.
Hmmmm, you got a tough issue here. The news conference is a media event and space limitations alone mean you can't have every Tom, Dick, and Charles inside.
At the same time do Tom and Dick even want to attend the news conference? Probably not. As long as Charles is being respectful (and I've seen this guy in action, he's better than most media when it comes to staying off to the side), let him in. If there's a problem, deal with it when it happens. In the meantime, why not? There didn't seem to be an issue when Charles attended Lord's resignation. Charles supplies the news for this blog and a lot of other blogs link in here including yours truly. I suspect between all of those blogs there are more people visiting than some weekly newspapers have readers yet those weekly papers could theoretically send a reporter without a problem ye the blog network cannot?
Sheesh, if room is a problem cut the CBC credentials by half and there will still be ten of them covering the same story and room for Charles. :)
Gee, sounds like Fredericton and the provincial government are a family business.
Charles, If you claim to be a reporter than apply to the Legislature to be recognized as a freelance journalist. Talk to the Aquinian or Brunswickan and see if they will help your cause by letting you be affiliated by them. Stop claiming Porter is out to get you and get a step ahead of him. The judge recognized your journalist claim....you have documented proof.
Why should they let you anywhere near the Prime Minister when you made a nuisance of yourself with the staff at the Legislature? They didn't ban you from the Legislature because you were being a nice guy. I think Porter did the right thing in telling the PM's security detail about you.
If the media pass is a joke, then why do you carry it with you?
7:36PM - you've got a good point. If Charlie can't get media access strictly as a blogger, maybe he can get it through one of the campus media outlets. CHSR is always talking about being open and willing to try new ideas. Charlie, why don't you go talk to the station manager at CHSR Tristis Ward and see if she'll sign on you for their news department? Then you could do double duty - cover it for your blog and send a story to CHSR as well. They could start using some of your pictures on their website to go along with the news stuff. (Just don't steal pictures off the TV because that's not allowed - something about copyright violation I think). Give it a shot.
re: suggestions that Charles sign up with student newspapers or CHSR
Credibility is key in journalism, and those outfits would run a high risk by affiliating with Mr. LeBlanc.
Posting wild allegations about secret conspiracies between corporations and government is not journalism. Defending oneself against trumped-up obstruction charges isn't journalism either. Mr. LeBlanc can't BE the story and report the story at the same time.
2:55 - you are right. Credibility is the issue here and your observations are dead on.
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