Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pat Bonner must know what a blogger is????

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
Before walking to the 7th floor for our little meeting with a detective from Nova Scotia?

Pat Bonner walked by and said- Hi Charles!

I quickly introduce Pat to my lawyer and told Harold Doherty to explain to Pat what a blogger is all about?


The day after the arrest. Pat Bonner told ATV News that Blogging as far as he was concern wasn’t a recognized form of media. < Something like that . . . lol

Seriously, Pat is a nice guy.


Anonymous said...

You've been arrested because you've been told to move away by the cops and didn't obey. As usual, you don't listen.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:55

Do you know something that the Trial Judge did not hear in evidence during the trial? This is what he said in his decision:

"The conflicting evidence in this case presents me with difficulties in arriving at a conclusion the accused is guilty as charged. There is such a discrepancy between the evidence of Sergeant Parks and the CBC video, that I find it unsafe to convict Mr. LeBlanc. I am not even satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that if Mr. LeBlanc was in fact ordered to leave by Sergeant Parks, he heard or understood the order. I have pointed out other serious inconsistencies between the evidence of Sergeant Parks and the video earlier on in this judgment. Considering the evidence in it’s totality with all of the inconsistencies, I am not satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that Charles LeBlanc willfully obstructed Sergeant Parks in the execution of his duty."