Every morning as I drive down King Street to go to work I have to stop because some overpaid NB Power employee is either: a) getting dropped off in the middle of the street by their driver or b) strolling across the street with their cafe latte glaring at me if I should not stop for them or insist they walk the 3 seconds to the crosswalk. So, yes they are kids. If they get run over, it will be the drivers fault. Hey, let's pay for a training program in what a freaking crosswalk looks like.
Hmmmm, why aren't city police cracking down on them and handing out some hefty fines.
Every morning as I drive down King Street to go to work I have to stop because some overpaid NB Power employee is either:
a) getting dropped off in the middle of the street by their driver or
b) strolling across the street with their cafe latte glaring at me if I should not stop for them or insist they walk the 3 seconds to the crosswalk.
So, yes they are kids. If they get run over, it will be the drivers fault. Hey, let's pay for a training program in what a freaking crosswalk looks like.
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