Friday, March 30, 2007

Sorry Charles...Global do not cover Bloggers!!!!

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


awareness said...

But hey!!! The Irving paper does!! I saw your letter to the Editor today Charles in the Gleaner.

Good on ya!!

Let's hope the Redemption Centre changes their rules.

Anonymous said...

Change their rules? To what? To let people on foot cut in line of people who were there first? I don't think so.

Muddy River Tory said...

Hey anonymous.....have a heart. Your obviously one of those people sitting in a nice warm car idling about $5 worth of gas to get $4 back in bottle money.

Anonymous said...

muddy river tory: Obviously? No, your assumption is 100% wrong. In fact I throw my bottles in the garbage at home and donate them at work.

If you go to the bank or somewhere else requiring a line, do you just walk in and cut in front of everyone else because you feel you're more important than those people? Lines are fair, everyone gets treated equally - first come, first serve.

Anonymous said...

you throw your bottles in the garbabe, good job, that was the smartest post i've read.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do throw them in the garbage when I'm at home. I couldn't be bothered wasting my time collecting them over a few weeks then wasting an hour of my time going to the depot to cash them in for maybe a toonie. Maybe if the government gave us back the full deposit, instead of only half, I'd possibly reconsider.