While at my tent, I was getting bored. Those were the days before the Petition came into action.
You can just imagine, a person with ADHD just sitting around
waiting for people to chat with you on the emotion issue of ADHD???
I decided to take a walk on the trails.
This City has the nicest trails in the country.
The main attraction is an old rail way bridge that they change into a walk way!
You can just imagine walking across the Saint John River.
It’s beautiful!
It has a deck on the bridge and it would be a good place for me to relax during the summer months and get my train of thoughts going.
I would always direct the tourists to the bridge. I told them not to visit the Legislature or the Art Gallery.
The Bridge is the best place to visit.
Trust me, I know because I travel a ten speed bicycle across Canada and the U.S.A.! I know a beautiful spot when I see one!
While walking towards the bridge I noticed some guy walking ahead of me.
Being Charles? I cannot resist a good chat. The guy was dressed in short, t-shirt and sunglasses.
After three minutes of chatting while walking towards the bridge?
I noticed something strange about the individual and I point blank asked him - Excuse me? Are you gay?
He quickly told me that he was and I could tell that maybe he was interested in me. I was in trouble. Lol
We stop at the deck on the bridge and I told him the story of a old politician in Saint John named - Lou Murphy who’s words changed my attitude against the gay population.
After Elizabeth Weir first got elected?
The first thing that she said was - I wish to thank the Gay Movement for their support!
Everyone was talking about it so therefore I approached this near saint politician with this line- Hey Lou? What’s your opinion on Weir’s remark last night about the gays?
He quickly said- Well Charlie?
We’re all born with our right hands but some of us are born with our left hands! It’s in the gene Charlie?
One of these days we’ll have to recognizes those people rights!
It was at that moment that I found out what Lou Murphy was all about! It didn’t matter if you were native, black, French or gay!
Everyone should be treated equally.
We chatted for around 10 minutes and continued on our separate ways.
Little did we knew that we would cross pact again in the next couple of months.
The Capital is the gay Capital in Canada per Capita I guess?
But, I did witness a disturbing act one evening around 10:00pm.
Three young guys were holding hands and walking together heading towards the bars!
If they would have headed the other way where the gays hang around?
It wouldn’t be bad but going to look for trouble?
I’m sorry but they cannot call it gay bashing!
It’s ok to fight for your rights but don’t put it into people faces!
Can you imagine facing the drunken individuals coming from the bars?
The trials in the Capital are beautiful and it’s a darn shame that they’re not allowed to complete the beautiful roads.
The trails could go all around but there’s around half a mile that’s missing.
I guess the City are going to force the citizens to sell the land but in this case?
I would support the City.
I have been bothered by the drunks on the trail late in the evening.
It would be a huge plus to Fredericton to complete the trails!
I began to take these long walks from my tent and I was surprise that no one bothers my little part time home.
In Saint John?
My tent would have ended in a pawn shop a very long time ago!
The people including the homeless, drunks or druggies respects the ground of the Legislature.
But not always especially since there a nice bunch of brushes that people used for a toilet!
It’ll explain that one later.
One day in late June, I was confronted by many angry parents who told me that teachers are acting like doctors and are demanding
that the kids goes on Ritalin.
I believe that it’s a very scary process once a teacher acts like a doctor.
I was told that the teachers cannot do this but they can suggest that the kids go see a doctor.
I can understand the need for Ritalin with certain kids but not all of them.
It’s bad enough that once the kid takes he/she takes their first pill?
They’re label for the rest of their lives as being stupid or crazy!
This is what I want to stop because as a kid?
I was laughed at and I didn’t like it but I was a big boy and I
could take care of myself.
I had many fist fights in my days and I feel sorry for those kids.
One morning, in early July a young guy stopped his bicycle near my tent and asked me what I was doing?
I was enjoying a nice Tim’s Horton coffee and Boston cream.
I asked the guy to come over and asked him where he was riding
He told me that he was riding from Toronto!
I was sitting in my beach chair and gave the young athlete a copy of a story about me 25 years ago when I rode a ten speed from Halifax to San Francisco for 9,000 miles.
After I finished my little snack, I asked the guy for a ride on his bike!
Little did he knew that I have ADHD and I was sick of sitting on the grown of the Legislature.
He told me to go for a ride.
I quickly drove the bike on the trails and across the bridge.
The trip around the area is around 2 miles.
Once at the Legislature? The guy was looking for me the other way!
He was surprise to see me coming from the opposite direction.
I told him that he was very lucky because I felt like a forest Gump and almost kept on going!
Yes, at the age of 44 years old?
I still got it and the manner that I’m stubborn?
I could still ride my bike across the country!
Yes, I never seen so many Quecbecers around this Province. I chatted with a lot of them and I began to like them
because they agreed with my protest.
While sitting against the pillar on the front steps of the Legislature.
I noticed a couple walking towards me.
The man was big and his wife was thin.
They walked by me and I said- Vous Venez de la Province de Quebec? < You come from the province of Quebec?>
The big guy quickly came to my face and shouted - LA BELLE, LA BELLE, LA BELLLLLEEE. < WHICH MEANS BEAUTIFUL>
I had my head down and said- I try, I try to love them but those Quebecers are so ignorant!!!!!
While entering the Legislature - The Commissionaire said - Welcome to your House!
I almost chocked on my water.
We know that there’s a lot of Quebecers working in the Legislature and it could be call their house!
That’s something that always bothered me but maybe things will change in la Belle Province that we’re allowed to work in
their Province.
When are you coming out closet girl?
This was a one shot deal!!!
It's a story about gays so what can I do?
I don’t believe that fruits is politically correct.
The stories of the protest just started so I guess the picture attracted a lot of attention.
Stay tuned for more funny stories....
More pictures of fruit loops please. As long as they're hooooot!
"Barbie" isn't politically correct either.Be consistent.
Lets be nice.....
Homophobes are just guys who know they are just three drinks away from ___________ and _________ . Thats also why they dont drink.
Larry King is always right, what are you talkin about, U.S.A rocks
At least people know now that I'm blogging my book in this blog.
All it took was a picture of two gay guys!!!
What's this about a book? You wrote a book about two gay guys? Or your gay? Wait, you and Dan are gay and its all just a lover's quarrel! Now it makes sense.
Right, two gay guys is gross - but the porn industry is making big buck of gay women. Gimmie a break, they are two "people" what happens in their bedroom is not our business nor is what happens in my or your bedroom. That's the only problem you have - their sex life. They are people - they work, pay bills, contribute to society as much or more than others. It's okay to marry a man and a woman and be unhappy or beaten or whatever, as long a s it's a man or a woman.
Maurice seems to know a lot about gay channels on TV. Hmmmm. Interesting. Keep away from the booze Maurice, you'll find yourself with a camera trying to get in on some of that gay porn money!:)
Maurice that's the dumbest rebuttal ever. There is still straight people, that's how we'll reproduce. And don't worry... there isn't exactly a shortage of human beings on this planet.
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