Monday, April 02, 2007


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.



Anonymous said...

Did you spend the $5 to get in or did you whine and make a scene, begging them to let you in free?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Whine??? Of course not!

I just said - Let me in free or I'll blog ya!!!!

Minutes later, I was inside!!!!

Free of course......


Anonymous said...

Must be nice to go in for free. I had to pay.

Anonymous said...

Did you bully yourself in by saying if you don't let me in for free I'll blog you to death? I remember what you did after the people at the winter carnival didn't want to let you in for free?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Noy only that I got in for free? I charge evryone ten bucks for a picture on my blog.

Spinks said...

$10? Okay April Fool's is over.

Anonymous said...

Oh don't bother Spinks, Charles is like a little kid. If he doesn't get what he wants he takes a hissy fit. And as far as the April Fools joke it was a very good one but again like a little kid he doesn't know when it's over.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Of course I have just having some fun with the idiotic comments in this blog.

I arrive at the door which I might add that I didn't even know there was a home show.

I saw Bard Green and he introduced me to the guy in the second picture.

He was very friendly and I explain to the guy that I was a blogger and I don't mind promoting their events in my blog with a few pictures.

He gladly let me in.

I was in and out in 30 minutes!

If there were no comments? People would have ignored the pictures so I did my job.

If the Fredericton Winterfest people would have done the same action?

We would have a few souvenirs in this blog but all that are gone with Mother's Nature.

Irving's photographers don't pay to go and take pictures so therefore why would the biggers blogger in new brunswick and the biggest Bullshitter dans la province du Nouveau Brunswick pay?

These pictures are good souvenirs of the event!

Enough said!!!!!

Anonymous said...

charles was there to cover a story, to promote the event, and does a good job at it.