A few weeks ago, I went to a bar with someone to watch the hockey game.
At the end of the night, I wasn’t feeling any pain. This weird guy walked in was acting a little strange.
He asked me if I wanted a beer?
I replied - I’m ok!!
The next thing I knew the guy did a Three Stooges number on me and pinch me in the eye.

What did I do???? NOTHING!!!!
I asked the question- Why did you pinch me in the eye for???
The bouncers saw what happen and quickly escorted the guy outside of the premises.
I was confused? < Not the first time! >
Why did I asked the question? Someone saw the action and jokily called me a whimp!!!
I think it’s because I have been in Fredericton for too long. iN Saint John or Memramcok? I would have hit back!!!!
In this City, we argue and don’t fight. You know? Just like the Legislature.
Anyway . . . it was nice to know that I could hold my temper in check.
Later on during the week, I was walking near the Soup Kitchen and a guy
I quickly replied - What???
The guy just remain silent.
I said to myself - Someone wants to do me great harm. It bothered me but I just let it go.
Yes, I take pictures of kids because they always send out a message with their facial expression.
Especially with the kids going at the Soup Kitchen. The message must go out that some kids are going hungry. I might add that I always asked the parents if I can post them on my blog? I might add that I often use my message against taking Ritalin with those pictures.
Just like this one here? The message? Save our tres for our future generations!!!!

Same goes with dogs. These animals always give a strange look.
This evening around midnight, I was enjoying a walk downtown and bumped into these guys.
I took a few pictures and had a little chat.

Afterwards, I continue my little walk until a guy came < druggie > came to me and said - Hi buddy!
I didn’t know the guy but I’m getting more strangers talking to me lately because of the blog and also with all the people I met during my petition drive.
While this stranger was talking to me. One other punk quickly intervened from afar and said - Don’t talk to him he takes pictures of kids!!!!
I once again confronted the little jerk and said - What?
The next thing I knew the guy beside me took a swing and WHAM!!! I got a punch below my lips.
You know what? This was the first time in years that I got a full punch in the head.
This wasn’t a pinching act. This was an assault so therefore I love it when someone makes the first move.
I quickly went into a defense mood and grabbed the guy thumb. I believe that I broke it or he’s double jointed.
The guy was wearing Clark Kent glasses and I was planing to do a number on them.

I don’t you’re not suppose to hit a guy with glasses but in this case? I’ll make it an exception. I took a swing and miss!
Once the guy realized that I meant business. I was closing in on the guy but he quickly ran behind a car and challenge me to catch him.
The guys who were preaching about God asked me if I was fighting because it happen so fast.
Well, I just let the punk go and walked away. I saw the guy later on and could have confronted the guy but why bother?
These punks work in a bunch of six and maybe they realize that I will not back down from a good fist fight. But I must admit that this is not what I want because these punks will gang up on ya and it’s very difficult to fight while thinking you have a recorder and camera in tow.
I did learned that I can take a punch but my reflex was slow in connecting. I also learned that I can control my temper.
So therefore with age my speed is a little slower...lol..
The cops walked by and I could have press charge but why bother?
I sure hope that this is not a sign of things to come.
I believe the next time that someone calls me a pedophile?
I might do something about it and put that rumor to rest once and for all.
Fredericton is a very small City and once you’re well known? Stories to discredit you flies very fast.
It’s the price a person has to pay I guess?
This little episode will not stop me from taking pictures for this blog.
I might just have to watch my back a little.
Always something going on in the Capital!
Very bad grammar in this one...Sorry about that......
Your ignorance and rudeness is the real problem.
You do take pictures of children, without permission, often without parental consent and then post them online.
In the winter for example, you'd lurk around the rink downtown, sneaking photographs of parents with their children. If I was one of those parents with a child down there minding our own business and I spotted some middle-aged slob wandering around with a camera, I'd be calling the police to have you stopped. In fact, I nearly did call the cops on you this year at a private, indoor event you trespassed into.
You have no respect for others in this city, so while violence isn't the answer, I don't have any sympathy for you - you've had it coming ever since you started taking thousands of photos of people in this city. It may have been the first punch in the head after you moved to Fredericton, but it certainly won't be the last if you don't gain some manners and start acting like a human being instead of a self-centred, paranoid pest.
Hey Jerk Face? All parents were told that I was taking pictures.
You should have called the cops.
Of course, there's one thing that I truly regret.
I wish the guy wouldn't have been a coward like yourself and stayed in front of me going toe to toe.
Cowards on the streets and cowards in this blog....
What a bunch!!!
C'est la vie!!!
Well Charles I do agree that violence is not the answer and you did good not to go down to their standards.
But with that said, Anonymous 11:43pm does have a point. In some cases, maybe not with the kids if it is true that you ask permission, you do take pictures without asking and post them and lots of times you call those people names.
So I am glad that you are OK and that you did not stoop to their level but you did have it coming and I am afraid that you might have more on the way if you don't change your manners with your camera and name calling.
You must understand this assault was by a stranger who didn't know me.
I did make a mistake. I should had him charge and let a court of law decide if bloggers can be assaulted on the streets.
I almost went for round two but I held back.
I'm proud of myself on that one because a few years ago, this would have not happen.
I remember one guy took me from behind one evening and I got him the next day and he had 30 stiches on his face.
Assaults on the streets shouldn't be tolerate but many people agree this is the way to go.....
The pictures of kids and the message will continue.
Well its your choice Charles. If you do ask parents permission to take pictures of kids good for you.
But as far as taking pictures of people on the street and calling them snobby Bureaucrats and stuff like that, well I would say that you deserved that slap on the face, and if you don't change your ways well that's your choice and you will probably get more slaps. You did it to me, I was walking downtown with my wife and we were dressed to go to a family function and you called us snobby bureaucrats and neither of us are civil servants with the government. And we never did anything to you or say anything to you.
That is the reason why I am critical of your blog at times as I was insulted and still am a little pissed off that you did that. Plus I know of some people who walk on the walking trail in Fredericton and you took pictures of them and posted them. I know for a fact that they don't feel comfortable when you are around anymore because of that but chose not to say anything to you, they just avoid you. They feel its an invasion of privacy.
So I can see why some people are starting to come up to you and hitting you especially when they are a little tipsy, they are pissed off with your attitude and inappropriate picture taking. And if you chose not to stop? Well like I said you will probably get more punches in the mouth.
I know for a fact you don't get permission cause I know someone who called the cops to have pics of a young boy removed - put on the site without permission.
Also, if you get permission, I'd like you to post your waiver you get people to sign due to the new privacy legislation.
Now, you can go all defensive on this blog, or just prove you are right. Bottom line is , again, this is why you are not treated as or respected as a journalist.
P.S. must have been heck at the PowWow getting the signatures of permission form everyone there to post their pics.
Your biggest problem is not other people. You are your own worst enemy. Your rudeness and ignorance is intolerable. One of these days someone is going to lose it and give it you.
People who initially supported you, when you first came to Fredericton, avoid you like a plague. Does that tell you anything?
You do take inappropriat pictures especially of those little girls in the tree. Do their parents' know?
Little 18 years old little girls?
I guess that I am old!!!
Called the police to have a picture remove??? Frist news I ever heard!!!
Sure? Send money to pay for all the papers and everyone will sign.....
Charles LeBlanc
75 Carleton
E3B 3T2
I wish many of you idiots would just ignore this blog!!!
Enough said!!!
How do you know that these two girls are 18 years old? Did they show any personal i.d. ? Just for the record, Charles you better watch out or you might get in legal trouble. In court, if you say you thought the girls were 18 years old...it won't stick...
There you go again begging for money. Where did you get the money to print off your petition sheets? Just don't buy coffee for a couple of days and you'd have enough money to print off a few dozen waiver forms. Same format as your petition - 50 lines per form with a title on the page saying "I hereby grant permission to Charles LeBlanc to take my photograph and to use it on his website."
Heck, I'm sure someone reading this blog would gladly donate 100 copies of it to you if you'd actually start ASKING PERMISSION and getting the signatures before taking photos.
Taking so many photos of "pretty young girls" is going to give you a reputation, whether you think there's nothing wrong with it or not.
Begging???? Nuthing doing!!!! I don't get paid for what I do...People wish to help?
Send money!!!
Buy Coffee everyday? I don't think so.
I don't believe that I'm going to have people signed their names? 99% of the people in the pictures, I don't know their name.
I gave them a card with my blog site.
Once and so all? This is my last comment in here.
When it comes to kids? I always tell the parents where the picture will be posted.
95@ of the people agreed.
So? It doesn't matter what you people think.
I love taking pictures of kids because they always send out a strong message. Especially the ones eating at the Fredericton Soup Kitchen!!!
Enough said!!!!
Charles I sure hope that you post this message.
I would like to know where "asking permission” to take pictures is from as far as I’m concerned he can take pictures of who he wants whenever he wants. You what to call the cops? Sure go ahead they have better things to do!! Those 18yr old girls obviously knew that Charles was taking a picture of them and they were fully clothes so what's wrong with that!! CJ life goes on... Grow up, still mad because Charles took a picture of you and your wife Cry me a river!! You and all your friends know that you’re not a bureaucrat or where you work so who gives a shit if you are one or not! And for all other kids that Charles took a picture of I’m sure Charles was not hiding behind a bush to take those pictures there parents were close by so GROW UP! No permission is needed to take pictures of anyone. Charles is no journalist he’s a blogger. Privacy act my ass this law is for government agencies that's it that's all… Charles that guy that punched you in the face next time give him a good round that’s called defence your aloud to do that then call the cops to have him charged we don't need idiots like this on our street.
I had to reject 5 comments, They're getting ugly.
But you raised a good point.
Remember the picture of the little girl on top of a rock.
Title- I need my ritalin!!!
Anyway, the mother said- If you were hiding behind some bushes somewhere? We would have a problem.
As a matter of fact? I received many comments from parents afterwards that they enjoy the picture.
It's a hobby that I enjoy taking pictures of daily life in Fredericton.
The good the bad and the ugly side.
But many would love to see this blog shut down so therefore the ugly comments comes with the blog.
Now? If you have a filty comment? Send me your name and address and I'll see what I can do?
One more thing? These pictures will be a good souvenir for our future generations to enjoy for years to come.
I don't get paid for this hobby but I enjoy what I do and that's blogging away!!!!
Would I love to work and live a so call normal life?
Sure but what it is IT IS and there's nothing I can do about it!!!
C'est la vie!!!
In final point on this issue.
I always tell them if they remember the guy who lived in a tent in front of the Legislature?
Or the arrest in Saint John.
One of them two? They know who I am.
I might add that I have BLOGGER on my hat and the back of my jacket.
I also give them a card so they know exactly who i am.
I can understand if it was stranger approaching them asking for a picture.
That would be odd.
The Irving's photographers do the same. They see a good picture and they step forward with their id.
This is not the newspapers. This is blogging!!!
OK....Got to keep on blogging!!!!
To Anonymous : 11:59 PM
You're sorely mistaken by saying he can take pictures of who he wants whenever he wants. Outside on public property, it is not illegal HOWEVER it is downright rude and disrespectful to not ask permission.
INSIDE on private property is quite another story. That's when it is illegal. That's when I almost did call the police at a private event he was not invited into. In that instance, it was a case of trespassing in addition to invasion of privacy. As I expected, there are photos of 4 members of my family in his Flickr account that he took illegally while trespassing at that event.
Charles, if you're going to respond with your usual "email me which photos they are..." excuse, no, you're missing the point completely. Why on earth should I have to tell you my name and email address for you to undo your crime? Yes, it was a crime taking photos inside a private event that you trespassed. Normal people don't commit crimes just because they can.
Is that your answer for everything? To call people names? I was going to call the police WHILE you were trespassing. There's not much point now, but if I end up at another private event that you trespass, I will and I certainly won't be revealing my identity for you to stalk and harass me for it like you've been threatening to do to the legislature employees who had every right to complain about you and your inappropriate behaviour.
There is nothing wrong with criticism, but it should be constructive. I do agree that Charles shouldn't always have his camera and should find a way to show when he's taking pictures. It's true that it would make people uncomfortable downtown.
However, the biggest mistake is I often notice that Charles modifies his behaviour without announcing it or making it 'official', so people still criticize him for doing stuff he stopped doing long ago.
Almost all pictures nowadays are clearly taken of people who approve, I can find few recent ones that aren't. In fact, lately Charles is avoiding confrontation so much its getting boring. The blog is like an NB Tourism ad.
If the poster above wants to say what his function was and where charles broke into his home and took pictures he should at least say what pictures they are and back up his claim, otherwise, its just talk. I would agree that that is a serious issue, as well as calling people 'snobby bureaucrats' just because they are dressed up. I can't blame the person for being critical after that, because that is uncalled for, rude, and obnoxious. However, keep in mind what charles goes through on a day to day basis. Calling people names really isn't professional at all, but once again we almost never see this anymore so there's little point in criticizing, in fact Charles should be praised for adapting his blog.
For pictures, this is a blog, its not a movie or film or publication, therefore written signatures are not required, thats just silly. At christmas did you give your kids a paper to sign giving permission to use their image for cards and online photo galleries? Of course not.
So congratulations on becoming a better and more responsible blogger everyday Charles.
Perhaps you could find two guys to take as many pictures of as those girls so nobody can accuse you of being sexist, but then no doubt even more tongues would wag.
8:26pm: If the poster above wants to say what his function was and where charles broke into his home and took pictures he should at least say what pictures they are and back up his claim, otherwise, its just talk.
Perhaps you should stop putting words in my mouth. It was a private inside location where he had not been invited but snuck in without permission - not "my house". I'm not falling for your little ruse to try to get me to identify my family's photos that he took. Go ahead, accuse me of lying some more. What would I have to gain by lying? Nothing.
Charles knows he did it. It's second nature for him to trespass without thinking twice about it. He likely doesn't even know what trespassing means - he probably thinks he is allowed to go wherever he pleases, private and public.
I don't personally care if you want to pretend he's an innocent angel that the rest of us know he isn't.
Idiot!!! Oppss sorry!! I meant coward idiot!!
Anyway,,,,,I received an email last night asking me to delete the pictures I took over one year ago of a place I walked in.
I won't mention the place but it was an area the owner wanted promoted so he invited me over.
I took around 10 pictures and left.
I received some good comments from people in the pictures.
So therefore, it wasn't a private home.
These people are nuts but I can't get rid of them.
This blog will soon be in the archieves anyway.
Maybe I should just delete the blog???
One more thing? This blog could be a Ad for Fredericton but there's always something that happens in the Capital!!!
Stay tuned!!!
What's with this hiding behind "Anonymous" anyway? All of y'all are cowards to use that. If there is one thing I've learned from living here in Texas for the past 12 years, it's speak your mind, and if you truly believe vehemnently in what you are saying, speak your name also. Otherwise, to hide behind a pseudonym, or Anonymous, means your embarrased or ashamed of what you are saying. Don't think your hearing this from some Texan. I was born and raised in Saint John, New Brunswick, and come from a happy and proud family. But, living here has taught me many things that have benefited me and my family. One of those things is NOT hiding! So whether your rude or obnoxious, Charles, Keep On Blogging and taking pictures. Hey, as long as your not invading private property, it's cool. I think the pictures are in good taste (although I agree about the name calling thing. I like to dress up, and I am no burocrat, and, for sure, not a snobb).
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