I received this little email a few days ago and I feel that I should blog it.
Once you feel down on life? Think about the Juanita's poor kids
You newcomers can click below to view a blog I wrote over one year ago.
This is the exchange of email from Juanita's sister.
Dear Charles LeBlanc
This may sound strange and you may not understand it, but I am looking for the picture you took of my sister Juanita McKnight.
You had done a report of when she had passed and there was a picture of her sitting in her chair talking on air and you ended the article with a picture of her empty chair.
It has been a very hard year and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her and wich she was here.
We were suppose to grow ol together and as I have told many be sitting in our rockets complaining about everything under the sun, but that isn't going to happen.
But the memories I have will get me through my life. When I seen that picture I was very touched.
I was going through articles or your to try and find it and I came across the article you wrote of one year later.
The thought that you would do that means allot. Knowing that she touched your life enough to do that means allot.
It has been a rough year and the days may get better, but she isn't forgotten and to be honest she is as near to me now as a year ago.
So if you get the email and would send me the photo of her empty chair I would love that. My email is (*(()**(@hotmail.com
Hi there,
I charge 10 bucks.....< just kidding > Go to the top left of the blog and write your sister name.
All the blogs I wrote about her will appear.
Yes, it was indeed sad and I took it very hard.
Her voice is always on my mind when I think about her.
She had a wonderful way to rally the troops.
My God!!! She was good....
The day after she died. ....I approached my priest and couldn't understand why a Priest Dan Thivierge < ordain priest > died of cancer at 31 years old months earlier.
and now Juanita died last night??? AND ASSHOLES LIKE ME STICK AROUND????
Yes...it was sad but life goes on.
Of all the chats I had with my Priest whom I have known for 44 years.
The issue of a sudden death? He said - It's not for us to understand now but we will truly understand later.
My god? This looks like a blog....Nice to meet ya and I hope her kids are ok....
God Bless....
Dear Charles,
Oh the kids are doing okay. It seems to still be a day to day thing. Her youngest kid MacKenzie Jean, besides being moms little girl,
she has been my baby girl since the day she was born and on her birthday last year she was at my mothers and she wouldn't stop crying and my mother asked me to come over and see if she would talk to me.
I got there and she got up into my arms and wouldn't stop crying.
I asked her if she wanted to cuddled on the couch and she said yes.
After a few minutes of just sitting there, she looked at me and I said can you tell me why you are crying. And she said and it broke my heart to hear, "tomorrow is my birthday and all I want is my mama."
Well after hearing that I started crying and mom thought oh lord who in hell am I going to call to get Tami and MacKenzie to stop crying.
Things like that happen still. They still draw pictures for her, still go to her grave and talk to her as if she is sitting right there and still walk past her bedroom and say that it IS mama's room.
She will never be forgotten by her children or family. She is still much apart of our everyday lives.
She may not be here, but her memories are.
Before I go on anymore I will go.
Thank you again.
It Is Written:
( EXODUS 20:12 *NIV )
Dear Charles,
Today being a day to honor our father's, we began the message
with the Fifth Commandment. This Commandment is the first one
with a promise attached to it!
So as we enjoy this day with our earthly father, let us not forget
our Heavenly Father as well, for after all: HAVE WE NOT ALL ONE
Therefore on this day I would like to share the following poem with
you. A poem dedicated to our Heavenly Father!
Never Alone!
He can calm the troubled waters
When you walk in dark despair.
There is hope when you feel helpless
Knowing that the Lord is there...
Sharing in your sunshine moments
Or in valleys deep and wide,
He is always by your side.
There's no other friend so faithful
Through the sunshine and rain,
Through the teardrops and the laughter,
In your joy and in your pain.
We could never, ever thank Him
For His love He gives so free,
Never changing...never ending
Throughout all eternity.
Oh, the wonder of all wonders
As we live from day to day,
Knowing that we have a Father
Who is with us all the way.
Poet, Gertrude B. McClain
So to Dad's everywhere, GRACE AND PEACE TO YOU FROM
day and throughout the year, and may God Richly Bless You as
well! Amen. ( ROMANS 1:7 )
With My Love & Prayers,
Pastor Allen
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Apostle Paul Ministries, P O Box 55996, Hayward, CA 94545
This Daily Message was sent by request to:
Charles Leblanc at
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