Remember a couple of months ago when I wrote this blog?

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Since then the Fredericton Police Force have been walking the beat on the streets.
They don’t do it in a way of up to your face attitude.
They stand across the streets and closely watch the going ons.
A person wouldn’t even know they’re there and that’s a good thing.
Out of sight and out of mind.
They work as a team of two to six officers.
Well, at around 2:30am. A confrontation was beginning on Kings Street.
I looked around but no cops.
I said to myself - Here we go!!!
Out of nowhere the Police Force showed up.
They didn’t just run in the melee. They just stood across the street and watched.

After five minutes, they knew the situation was going to turn violent so they quickly moved in.

They took a guy and told him to go home. A woman even agreed with the Police that he should go with her.

But they guy refuse so a Police cruiser was quickly called in.
Now? The guy resisted a little.
The Police didn’t do like the Saint John Police Force.

They force the guy on the Trunk of the vehicle.
In Saint John with the support of the Chief Allen Bodechon

They forced the citizens on the ground. I haven’t witness that degrading act in Fredericton since last summer.

What I found interesting was one Police Officer noticed a man far away taking pictures or videoed the event.
The officer ordered him not to take pictures.
In my case, they knew I was there because my flash was lighting the area.
Yes, the Police know everyone has a camera these days and they have to be careful.
In my case, I just take pictures so if something goes wrong such as the guy being arrested assaults an officer or the other way around? I’m there with my pictures.
The Fredericton Police Force never gives me a hard time. I believe they know I mean well.
There was also a fire at Subway.

Yes, the Fredericton Police Force acted like professionals.
If they had gone on a power trip? All hell would have broke loose.
Thank God. Our officers are walking the beat last at night in the Capital after the bars shuts down!!!
They may be saving someone from being killed!!!

An interesting story about what is a probably typical weekend down town. I find it odd that you were not more concerned that the police ordered another "citizen" to stop taking pictures. What other reason would anyone have to take pictures of this police action except to document what happened? Don't you think this other photographer was doing the very same thing as you? Are you know content with the police ordering others to do what once you were so adamant was everyone's right? Funny isn't it that once you find yourself becoming a member of the privileged elite some things just do not seem to be that much of a concern any more.
Ae you really that unobservant? The Fredericton police have done foot patrols downtown around that bar area for YEARS. They didn't just start doing it.
Yes Leblanc, the world saver, straightened out the police and now they have become very effective and efficient. What a piece of crap???
The malcontents are out in full force tonight. Charles gets blasted when he criticizes cops,and gets blasted when he doesn't. You just can't win dude. For the life of me I can't understand why these people who seem to hate you so much keep coming back.
I did find it odd though that you only found it 'interesting' that somebody else was told to stop taking pictures. That is quite a deviation from 'we're turning into China'. As the first poster says, why is OK for you to take pictures and not somebody else?
Apart from that, it was a good story charles.
I have to correct something here charles.
The photo in the telegraph journal is of a man who stabbed a woman repeatedly on Waterloo Street, and the blood on his face was from bystanders who jumped in and kicked the guys ass. The cops did nothing but taser him to put the cuffs on him.
Part of being a "journalist" is to not let your personal bias get in the way of accurate reporting. You keep saying you want to be a recognized as a journalist yet you don't want to live up to what that title means.
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