I was sitting on the back of a truck and someone directed me to a certain part of the Downtown core.

There was a new patio being built on top of the Snooty Fox on Regent Street.

You would say there’s nothing wrong with this action because many bars have installed a patio around their building.
As for the Snooty Fox the only location would be on top of the roof.
Now? There’s only one itty bitty problem?
The location is surrounded by a Rooming House.

I quickly went to the Rooming House and once inside, someone recognized me and quickly told me of their concerns of the new bar patio being built right next to their windows. There's close to 50 people located in that building. I took this picture from the window-

I was directed upstairs and noticed the New Brunswick Legislature. Ugh!!!

I took a few good shots.

I quickly left the building and decided that I will take this case to City Hall.
Roomers and Boarders have no rights in New Brunswick but this is ridiculous.
I know for a fact that many bureaucrats and Politicians go at the Snooty Fox for a drink.
I was certain that some bureaucrat just gave the OK to the Bar owner to built a patio right next to the windows of the Roomers.
Well? I was going to organize a little meeting and appear in front of Fredericton Common Council to voice our concerns.
Well? I soon found out that it was going to be that easy.
This evening, I went to the building and quickly learned that many of the Roomers very indeed upset that a patio was being built next to their windows which would keep them up till the early part of the morning.

It’s bad enough when you got no money but to listen to a bunch of drunks all night long is going to be very hard on their minds and health.
I soon found out the guy who owns the Snooty Fox also owns the Rooming House.

So therefore nobody dared to join a little campaign against the Landlord plans.
Even roomers who are outspoken were silent. They would tell me their concerns face to face but not publicly!!!
It reminded me to the Elimination of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission Day in January.

A few were told not to join the protest because their welfare check could be cut off.
So it could be a very bad summer for the poor in the Rooming House on Regent Street.
The sad part is that if a drunk shouts at the roomers and the poor fights back?
They could be evicted by the Fredericton Police Force in one hour.
This just reinforced my stand that the Government must act as soon as possible to give the 20,000 boarders and roomers rights in New Brunswick.

T.J. Burke must continue the fight where Bruce Fitch took off. The Government must act on this very emotional issue!!!!

There’s one good thing about all this mess.
Thank God we don’t live in Texas or Florida.
At least, it’s warm only for a few months during the year. The poor on Regent Street could sleep well during the cold winter months.
Truly Stay tuned!!!
Holly cow, do you listen to yourself talk (or in this case write)? "I will go to city hall and fight this". Do you think you are an all mighty presence? You have no power what so ever and why are you putting your nose in other peoples business? You did it also with the lady and the bank charges.
Listen up you ding dong, most people around this city think you are a nut case and don't take you seriously at all. So you have no power to change anything so stop making a scene and making the rest of NBers look like idiots by writing stuff like this on the internet.
Yea I agree with you that it's not fair to have the patio there and that the poor lady had bank charges applied to her, but it's not of your business, let those people fight their battles.
A nut case?
There's no question about it!!!
Once someone writes and printed 500 letters to the Editor and gives his views on different issues?
They are indeed label as a nutcase.
No question about it!
But one thing is certain!!!
This nut case will never cross the line to be arrested and will continue to fight on what he thinks is not right!!!
I would rather be a known nutcase than a coward annonymous individual who is to chicken shit to write their name.
C'est la vie!!!!
I think it is fine to defend those that aren't in a position to defend themselves. If the tenants agree for you to help them, then it's a good thing to have a "nut" defend their rights.
Charles, thanks so much for posting this. A patio at the Snooty Fox will be a fantastic addition! I didn't know they were putting one in, but now I can't wait to go to Fredericton and have a few late night brews on their patio.
Good times ahead!
Part of living in an urban core is dealing with noise. I lived right beside Rookie's pub in Saint John for 5 years and got very used to the noise and goings on within a week of moving in. The roomers won't even hear it after a couple of days. No big deal.
Discussions about Charles' mental status aside (and I have no doubt he's in full possesion of his faculties by the way)... I have the sneaking suspicion that the Snooty Fox management didn't give two seconds of thought to the notion that an apartment building full of poor people will be staring at a balcony full of middle and upper class party-goers drinking beer / liquor and eating nice food til the wee hours of the morning.
I am one of the lucky ones who can afford to eat at Snooty Fox and I can tell you one thing: I wouldn't get caught dead on that balcony. If they were looking for "ambiance" they're not going to get it there. Who in the hell would come back to that balcony a second time after realizing what's going to face them? If "prison" decor was what they were looking for, they got it: their clients will be like the tenants of Dorchester Peneteniary, encased by brick buildings and a whole bunch of poor people staring at them from windows while they eat. Sounds like a losing proposition to me. And for what, two lousy months of good weather if we're lucky? Sorry bud, but a balcony in that location is no competition for Brewbakers or McPhails. It just doesn't have that very important "je ne c'est quoi"....
Bailles-y ça, Charlie ... Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable!!
Amen to raincheck. The plight of people is everybody's business, especially when those 'afflicted' can be forced to move out without a moments notice.
Thankfully I'm not in that position but if I were I think I would turn out my light start tossing garbage over the balcony-just a chip bag or crumpled piece of paper or two. Then if the landlord comes, 'what, who me? No way'
Keep on rockin the free world Charles!
This nut case will never cross the line to be arrested and will continue to fight on what he thinks is not right!!!
Oh that's hilarious. You will be arrested again - it's only a matter of time.
And isn't anybody realizing the whole purpose of the patio? It's intended for the SMOKERS.
so the rooming house above gets all the fumes from second hand smokers too...
Oh and I'm sure *all* of those roomers are non-smokers. Ha!
You know what bothers me the most is that before they started construction on this patio the fire escape was so rusty some of the rungs where gone. I know because I have climbed that ladder a few times to get in to the building to minister to the tenants. Today I stopped by and going up to the new patio is a whole new set of steps, after that the same old rusted fire escape. Look around at the side of the building and catch a glimpse of the rusted fire escape to nowhere.
Charles you keep on doing what your doing ,I know sometimes you get a little carried away in your zeal but your heart is pure.
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