I left the ground of the Legislature to check my emails at the
Once I return, I noticed that my old buddy Matthew Glenn the bigot was protesting in front of the Legislature.
He was dressed up with his anti-French signs and was shouting through a blow horn anti-French phrases. <
Can you imagine me with a blow horn?
But little did anyone know, I would have a blow horn during the next
few months >
The 30 or more people stood in front of the Legislature with their mouth wild open.
They didn’t really know how to take this outspoken bigot who also wasn’t afraid to fight for what he believe in.
From far away, I shouted- HEY? BIGOT??? GO HOME WHERE YOU BELONG!!!!
Mathew Glenn turned around and began his walk towards me. I wasn’t afraid and did the same.
It reminded me of a shoot out that was going to happen western style.
All we both needed was a 38 on our side to make it look real.
The spectators were looking and still with their mouth wide open
expecting a huge fight! We were getting closeR and right at the end, I hugged the bigot with one arms and face the crowd and said- Isn’t This province great?
A Bigot and a Acadian can hugged each other without violence.
I might add that he also hugged me.
I believe that it was funny but the people around didn’t believe that it was.
I respect Matthew for fighting for what he believes in. I’ll never support his views but I like the guy and he is a nice Bigot.
A politician who came back after he was defeated duringthe last provincial election was Leroy Armstrong.
Leroy is from Sussex and he’s not to impressed with the manner that the Irvings are owning all the newspapers.
He was upset that the Kings County Record was in the hands of the Irvings and J.D.Irving son –Jamie was the new publisher.
I knew what he meant because one day I noticed that a front page story on the Sussex paper.
I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing. It said- Record production at paper plant!
Question? What the hell was that story doing on the frontpage? The story should have been in the paper mill newspaper and not on the front page of the Village paper.
I know that the Irvings care about their image but this is totally ridiculous. Leroy told me that he was going to bring the issue to the floor of the Legislature.
This was told to me in July and I just seen Leroy on January 7, 2004
and he still told me that he’s still going to bring the issue to the House.
Late in the afternoon on the first day that the Legislator open < July 29> a couple showed up with two chairs and a few signs near my
These people were protesters from Saint John. I guess that I already met one of the protesters in the past and it was nice to see other people fighting forwhat they believe in.
The woman had a bad habit of swearing a lot.
That’s one thing that I always watch was my mouth. If you swear? It doesn’t look good for your cause. She and her husband were fighting for some money for their apartment.
I don’t know the exact details but as me? She had a long speech!
She decided to go inside the Legislature to speak to some
politicians about her concern issues.
I don’t really know what happen but in a matter of minutes she wasescorted outside by the Sergeant At Arms –Dan
She was upset and I tried to calm her down.
I found out at the end that she took a wrong turn inside the house and ended up in a place that she wasn’t suppose to be.
Dan is the Chief security officer and a former member of the R.C.M.P..
I found Dan to be a very nice gentleman and he fits his job very nicely.
Dan is married and have a son but we soon learn that we both have something in common.
Dan’s wife and son have ADHD! Very interesting eh?
He knew all about my protest and he supported me 50% while the other 50% had to remove me from the ground of the Legislature.
Dan and myself had a good relation because I always wrote my updates every day and send it to his computer.
Dan knew my every moves?< well almost every one>
One day. It was so hot, I bumped into Dan on the streets and he invited me at Tim’s Hortons for a nice cold Cappuccino.
It was cold and when down my dry throat very nicely.
Dan knew about me and what better way to know my future plans than by buying me a cold drink.
It’s very good public relation to know your enemies.
We got along just fine and I found him a gentleman.
I noticed that Dan was very angry with the female protester and
he explained to her the rules of the House and the
reason that she was escorted out the building.
Trust me, she didn’t take it kindly to be remove and I’m certain
that I didn’t help matters by telling her that he was from Quebec!
In the past, I seen myself blowing up steam and it’s hard not too; when you’re ignored on issues that you believe in.
During the next few months, I would learn to keep my temper in place.
The couple stayed for a few more hours and left for Saint John. They bought the issue to a head and that was that.
I noticed that the media were around to cover the story but I’m not certain that they printed the story.
I don’t believe that if they would have stayed longer that it would have been peaceful.
You have to stay calm on the sacred ground.
Many people approached the couple to listen to their concerns and I guess this is the final place to lay down their guns.
The Legislature is were the protests are being held but really it should be over the Centennial building.
During my protest, I was directed the angry protesters at the glass building.
After the first day of the Legislature, the Liberals had a little party in their building.
My God? There were a lot of bottles of wine around.
I love my alcohol but I couldn’t drink much because I would be arrested on the spot!
As a protester, we must be very careful and I might add that I drank four glasses of wine and it was good.
Everyone was there and it was a fancy party.
I remember during the last election, I met one Liberal candidate who was going to run against Milt Sherwood.
I bumped into Milt at the City Market in Saint John then suddenly this man showed up and introduced himself as the future Liberal
Candidate who was going to run against Milt.
I always like Milt because he’s not a politician and he’s a people person. I might add that he was the only politician who showed up at a meeting that I had organized for the kids with ADD/ADHD!
Kevin look to me like a person who believe that his sh@t didn’t stinks and I really dislike people like that!
I introduced myself and he sort of ignore me and kept on talking to Milt.
I have my own little column in that area and a little respect would have been nice. It didn’t work out that way!
Once he left? I asked Milt – Who the hell is that?
Milt told me that he never met the guy before.
I told Milt that I’m going to crucified that man with my column.
As a man of my word, I did write a story and Milt didn’t win by a large margin.
Milt always tease me by saying that my column almost bought down the Government because Bernard Lord only won by one seat.
Did my column help or hurt Milt? We’ll never know!!!
But I did notice that Kevin Price was giving me a very dirty look and maybe next time he’ll take the time to chat with a columnist from his area. From what I gathered?
He’s a very nice guy and maybe in the future that he’ll find a seat in the House.
I had a nice chat with Charles Huggart. He’s the MP from the North
Shore and we did chat about the manner that the Irvings are
buying all the newspapers. I don’t believe that he’ll re-offer again during the next Federal Election.
decided to leave the party before I had too much to drink. Sheldon lee was there and he encourage me to stay for a while longer.
I thanked the former Transportation Minister but I ad to leave. Thank God that I did!
While walking near my tent, you’ll never guess who was walking with his beautiful wife on the sidewalk?
You got it! Bernard Lord himself!
He shouted - Bonjour Charles!
I replied- Bonjour Bernard and kept on walking towards the BeaverBrook Hotel.
There was no way in the world that I was going to have the Premier of this Province smelling alcohol off my breath!
I believe that this was a first for this guy to avoid a debate with a high profile politician!
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