Dear Charles,
The name's used in the Bible often have not only spiritual
significance, they also are good descriptions of those people
as well. So today we will look at some of the name's that were
given to people probably by Divine design!
ANGEL meaning "messanger"
ADAM meaning "man or mankind"
EVE meaning "life"
ABRAHAM meaning "father of the multitude"
ISHMAEL meaning "God hears"
ISAAC meaning "laughter"
JOSEPH meaning "adding"
NOAH meaning "resting place"
MOSES meaning "drawn out of water"
JOSHUA meaning "Yahweh delivered"
SAMUEL meaning "God is exalted"
DAVID meaning "beloved"
SOLOMON has various meanings including "God is peace"
"his replacement"
EZRA meaning "Yahweh helps"
ISAIAH meaning "Yahweh saves"
JEREMIAH meaning "may Yahweh lift up"
EZEKIEL meaning "God will strengthen"
DANIEL meaning "God's judge"
HOSEA meaning "salvation"
JOEL meaning "Yah is God"
JONAH meaning "dove"
MICAH meaning "Who is like Yahweh"
ZECHARIAH meaning "Yahweh remembered"
MALACHI meaning "my messenger or my angel"
PROPHET meaning "teacher"
JESUS CHRIST meaning "the Anointed One or Messiah" &
"Yahweh is salvation"
satan meaning "adversary"
MATTHEW meaning "the gift of Yahweh"
MARK no specific meaning
LUKE no specific meaning
JOHN meaning "Yahweh has been gracious"
PETER meaning "rock"
JUDAS no specific meaning
PONTIUS PILATE meaning "to fulfill or to accomplish"
PAUL no specific meaning
TIMOTHY meaning "honoring God"
REVELATION meaning "unveiling or uncovering"
Last, but not least. AMEN meaning "that's the truth!"
Charles, as you know these are just a few of the many name's
that are used in the Bible. Therefore I hope that you have found
this to be enlightening, and that it will help you to have a better
understanding of God's Holy Word!!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Charles, and may God Bless
You! Amen.
In HIS Love & Service,
Pastor Allen
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