Monday, February 25, 2008

I guess the Government is spending $250,000 to come up with one.
CBC is having fun with this one.
So true!!! I've been saying this for years. Where else can a Premier, the Irvings can freely walk the streets without any bodyguards?
Where else can a blogger give his views on issues without being shot?
Lets give it a try in this blog. What's your slogan????
I received this email this morning. There's only one group I would join.
If their goal is to return every Quebecers back to their own Province where they belong?

I would quickly join them!!!
Here's the email -
I admire what your doing. Until recently, I had an activist blog as well.
Out of fear, I removed it. Lately, I have been reading in the news about laws being passed in the United States that could effect bloggers.
Apparently anyone who speaks out, for any reason & against any government, is suseptable to being indoctrinated by terrorists.
Therefore, they must be rounded up and jailed.
Bloggers are specifically mentioned. It is believed bloggers have a certain mindset that makes them more likely than most to join terrorists organizations.
Even the homeless and mentally ill, they claim, are vulnerable to being turned into terrorists and therefore must be jailed.
They presently have legislation before Congress.
They are already doing this in Iraq and once
this law is enacted, it will be happening in the USA too. Part of this new law will also make possessing online documents, searching for online documents & reading online documents, a crime. W
hat documents you may ask.
That's been left a very grey area. After doing a massive amount of research,
I have come to the conclusion that it is no longer safe to blog about anything other than your hair style.
The fact that we are in Canada won't make any difference, as we will all see in the too near future. My purpose in writing to you is simply to warn you to be very, very careful. Don't be naive enough to think your name isn't going to end up on a list, if it isn't already, for future use.
And being a Canadian won't matter. Good luck with what your trying to achieve.
If their goal is to return every Quebecers back to their own Province where they belong?

I would quickly join them!!!
Here's the email -
I admire what your doing. Until recently, I had an activist blog as well.
Out of fear, I removed it. Lately, I have been reading in the news about laws being passed in the United States that could effect bloggers.
Apparently anyone who speaks out, for any reason & against any government, is suseptable to being indoctrinated by terrorists.
Therefore, they must be rounded up and jailed.
Bloggers are specifically mentioned. It is believed bloggers have a certain mindset that makes them more likely than most to join terrorists organizations.
Even the homeless and mentally ill, they claim, are vulnerable to being turned into terrorists and therefore must be jailed.
They presently have legislation before Congress.
They are already doing this in Iraq and once
this law is enacted, it will be happening in the USA too. Part of this new law will also make possessing online documents, searching for online documents & reading online documents, a crime. W
hat documents you may ask.
That's been left a very grey area. After doing a massive amount of research,
I have come to the conclusion that it is no longer safe to blog about anything other than your hair style.
The fact that we are in Canada won't make any difference, as we will all see in the too near future. My purpose in writing to you is simply to warn you to be very, very careful. Don't be naive enough to think your name isn't going to end up on a list, if it isn't already, for future use.
And being a Canadian won't matter. Good luck with what your trying to achieve.
Priere Du Jour - Prayer of the Day!!!!

Prayer and Devotions
Rejected at Homecoming
by Matthew Reinhardt, Regnum Christi
Resolution: Be joyful in experiencing rejection today. Have faith in Christ.
February 25, 2008
Monday of the third week of Lent
Luke 4: 24-30
And he said, "Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in the prophet's hometown. But the truth is, there were many widows in Israel in the time of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, and there was a severe famine over all the land; yet Elijah was sent to none of them except to a widow at Zarephath in Sidon. There were also many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, and none of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian. "When they heard this, all in the synagogue were filled with rage. They got up, drove him out of the town, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, so that they might hurl him off the cliff. But he passed through the midst of them and went on his way.
Introductory Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am aware of your presence; you are right next to me and dwelling within my soul. I believe you are my Lord and my God, and I place my trust in you because you are all-powerful. I love you, Jesus, because I was created by you and for you. Help me prove my love through great effort in this prayer.
Petition: Lord, give me resilience when faced with rejection.
1. Rejected From his birth to his death, Christ’s life was plagued with rejection. There was no room for him at the inn in Bethlehem, and he was cast off into the cold night. Herod feared his kingship and sent an army to kill the babe, and so he was exiled to Egypt. Rejected by the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes and the Synagogues, “he came to his own and his own did not receive him” (John 1:11). The list goes on and on: the rich young man, Judas, Pilate, the Roman soldiers, and even one of those crucified next to him. In this passage the people of his own town (and among them surely some of his relatives) want to “hurl him off the cliff.” Christ and his message were signs of contradiction, and this often brought rejection. The same holds true today. Christ wants me to be ready for it. Am I?
2. Emboldened Effort in prayer is a sure way to prepare myself for the everyday “rejection” that comes with following Christ. These “rejections” come in many shapes and sizes: the consequences of faithfully living out the teachings of my Catholic faith, justly disciplining a disobedient child, standing up for an unpopular truth among family and friends, or simply speaking of God in a casual encounter with someone at the grocery store. With Christ by my side I can be resilient in front of any type of rejection. He taught me the way to respond to rejection as “he passed through the midst of them and went on his way.” Rejection did not cause our Lord to shrink into himself but rather emboldened him to continue living and preaching his message of love.
3. Passionate What does Christ do after being rejected in his hometown? In the very next passage, St. Luke presents him teaching in Capernaum, where “they were astonished at his teaching for his word was with authority” (Luke 4:31-32). Our Lord never missed a beat: not only was he emboldened by rejection, but he preached with ever greater passion and zeal after experiencing it. St. Paul confronted rejection in a similar way. On one occasion he was dragged out of the city of Lystra and stoned. All thought he was dead. He wasn’t, and upon waking up, he returned to the city and continued his ministry (cf. Acts 14:19-20). This is the type of apostle Christ needs in today’s world, and I am called to be his apostle.
Conversation with Christ: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness or peril or the sword? For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:35-39).
Resolution: I will take joy in some rejection, large or small, I experience today because of my faith in Christ.
Just sent me an email at
and I'll add your name. You can be remove anytime!!!
and I'll add your name. You can be remove anytime!!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Last week, I was approached by someone with an interesting story.
It's a tale of a guy who was on top of the world but came down pretty hard.
He used to be the owner of the City Motel in Fredericton.

His name is Jim.
Jim was doing ok until his whole world came crashing down. I mean REALLY DOWN!!!
Until his downfall, he used to mingle with the higher ups of society.
He leased the City Motel for 10 years. I might add that he also owned the Lobster Hut which was attached to the Motel.
Many politicians would stay over night in that building. Ohhhhh???? If walls could talk??? But Jim sure can!!!!
Jim took his business very seriously!
He told me that if he was still the owner of the Motel and he would have seen this blogger in the building? He would have asked me to leave the area. I wouldn't even be allowed in the parking lot. Only if I was invited to the motel by the politicians in advance.
He made certain the MLA'S had privacy from the media.
Speaking of privacy? He went so far as building this back door so they could maintain their privacy.

A meeting was arranged and I met with Jim.
He told me some very interesting tales raging from the politicians to the way the Fredericton Police Force handled his case.
Especially the story he told the Government that he would go public with some stories he seen in his motel?
The Government quickly reacted. It was sort of like my case of telling our elected officials that I would go public with the murder? < This is the only reason I was told that I was banned from the Legislature >
The Liberals quickly told me that they would haul me in court for Harassment!!!
I explained to Jim I was a blogger and anyone can become a journalist by writing their story and I'll blog it.
Too bad my recorder is broken because I would have just interviewed the guy. So we have to do it the hard way.
The interesting issue on this one? It was a Civil matter and the media still managed to put the story on the front page.

Also added was the Fredericton Police Force supervised the eviction.
What's with this????
Once this hit the front page? Jim’s life began his downward spiral.
Jim was the type of guy who was involved in all kinds of political events and he had a Carte Blanche to visit the P.C’S in their building but all this came to a sudden halt once he was told - In the future, he would have to make an appointment.
Jim didn't like the way he was treated so he threaten to go public with his stories of going ons in his Motel.

Well, he ended up in a mental ward for three months because of other issues.
Well? After chatting with the guy, he didn't look coo coo to me?
He sounded very sincere with his emotional stories.
I'll be blogging the tales during the next few weeks.

Stay tuned....
P.S. I hope I'm not shot on the streets because of this one?
Truly stay tuned....
Can you see the whole blog? Some people are having trouble I guess???
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