Thursday, April 14, 2005


I just got word that the Lord Government will continue to DRUG and kill our children!!! There will be no study on the issue of Ritalin. I'll write more about this in the morning!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that. You put too much into it and still no action.

This is not the first time and this will not be the last time that Lord government did not do the right thing. When will NBers catch on with this guy, Bernard Lord, that he is a dead loss?

Before 1999 he was going to do something about Ritalin. After he got elected premier it was doctors’ fault that they prescribe Ritalin. It is always someone else’s fault. Listen to him carefully next time he is always blaming someone else for his screw-ups. When will he grow up and take responsibility for his actions?

Anonymous said...

So sorry charles I know this is your most important cause especially for the children My heart goes out to you I know you are definitly feeling the sting from that decision but the worst of all of this is it comes down to one man.Mr.Bernard Lord lest we forget again.

G. said...

Charles, I'm so sorry. I was really hoping Lord will do the right thing for once. But who was I kidding. But all hope is not gone. Awareness need to be raise so parents with ADHD children take different option than Ritalin. And be there for them.

Anonymous said...

Keep your chin up Charles. Nothing good ever comes easily & God knows how hard you've been trying. This is'nt the end of the war, only a battle.
God Bless!!

WCIE said...

I removed the first comment because of the spam it contained... You know your site is getting popular when spammers start to come and post pyramid schemes in comments...

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I am very upset with a certain Liberal MLA!!! Stay tune!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger,

Your opinion is worth noting, thank you.