I am the foolish fellow Clown who has been having a few small jokes with the guards at the government house.... the people's house, where the people's representatives take care of the people's concerns.

Let me assure you I have done or said nothing that could be considered a threat to the security of either persons or property. My tactics are always non-violent.
I was in the government building a few days back. It was late in the afternoon and real quiet. I found my way up the stairs and to the visitors quarters. Not a soul in the place. So I leaned over the back rail and watched the show down below. Everybody pretty laid back and easy.
Well the guard on duty told me I could not stand and watch, I would have to take a seat. So I moved right down to front and centre and chose a seat. It took only a minute for the guard to come back to me. He said I could not sit in the front row. So I moved back one row.
This action caught the attention of one member down below. We made a few winks to each other and I showed him a big smile. I guess the clown nose on my face made him curious. He smiled a big smile right back. I motioned with my hands to the room full of empty chairs and shrugged my shoulders. The member caught my meaning and smiled. What was the guard thinking by asking me to move from one seat to another in an empty room? It would be different if some important people were present and needed the front row seat.
Well the guard comes back again. He tells me I cannot communicate with the persons down below. I explain that I am only responding to the member who was noticing the little drama in the gallery. Guess it was more interesting than the business in hand.
The guard lets me know that he can get me arrested if I continue to act as a free person in a free society. I did not want any trouble with my wife at the dinner table and so I decided to leave without any further drama. Lots of questions about the use of guards to keep innocent and harmless people from getting too close to the government.
Yesterday I saw Tim on the front steps of the government house. He had a nice outfit on. Looked a little bit like a priest of the money religion. I think he is making a point about government serving money at the expense of people.
We had a small conversation. I asked why his bag was out in the rain. He said it was not allowed on the step and under shelter of the porch. I thought maybe I could ask the folk inside a question about that. Guess the clown nose on my face scared them a bit and there were about six security persons circled inside the entrance. At the centre stood the sargent at arms. I think he has a bit of a short fuse.
Well he comes right up to my nose and tells me I cannot come into the building. I ask why? He gives no reason but crowds closer. I know pretty much how to handle myself in a dance and so stepped back to avoid getting my toes stepped on. In my own time I walked just outside the doors. A police officer followed to make sure I did not try anything funny.
On the step I turned to address the escort. In voice loud enough to be clearly heard by anyone nearby I asked if he was concerned about the increasing use of police powers to keep citizens from asking hard questions of the government. He told me there were channels for this. I answered that those channels were tightly controlled and make it almost impossible for an ordinary person to get close enough to be heard.
Tim watched quietly and probably wondered who the heck this clown might be. Guess I am just another member of the loyal opposition who doesn't mind sticking my neck out a bit to get the attention of the large numbers of people who are tired of governemt abuse but too discouraged to say or do anything about it.
After all, getting busted by the police for expressing a political opinion in a public place, can put a damper on spirits around the family table for supper.
Keep pushing Charles!
Keep pushing Tim!
Keep pushing Clown!
Hey! all the kudos to the clown. Bernie Lord has forted himself in and has trench mentality. He thinks he is at war with the people of NB. You cannot enter any government building anymore. Come on Bernard Lord tear down these walls of secrecy. These buildings and places belong to the people and not an idiot like you.
Its nice to see the clown come forward. He does have right and if the nose excited the security that much what would they do if a skinhead, homeless person, or a young person just trying to make a statement goes to the gallery? Do you have a dress code which a person must adhere to? More and more people should start attending these sessions because it is our house just like the other Provinces. Of course we are like another Country here in New Brunswick so maybe our rules are different who knows
I am at work and I just watched a homeless person going up Main St here in
Saint John with a shopping cart and everything he owned in that cart.
I cannot help but wonder why since we are not a desolate Country? This
person had to be in his 70's. How sad and no wonder you fight for the
poor. Thank You Charlie for bringing awareness to this awful situation that we see more and more of everyday. Yesterday on the news it said that here in Saint John we have the poorest and most homeless then anywheres else. They are going to send some Federal money to try to fix the problem and Thank God for that. I would rather see my taxes go for the poor and homeless then to pay for the riches men in Canada! My loyalties are
with the poor people from our mismanaged Province.
the reason people are not allowed in the front row of the legislature is because there is no railing to stop anyone from falling over. It doesn't matter what is happening there - no one is allowed in those seats. That was done to keep citizens healthy not dead. By the way, did it ever occur to you that many of the security precautions are by way of 9/11 and not initiated by the Lord Government.
No railing my foot. There is a railing. However, some seats in front are reserved for Liberal party members, some for Conservatives and others for press. Are Liberals and Conservatives falling over? How many did?
9/11??? Lord and co. started builiding some of those walls before that. 9/11 is used as an excuse to keep public out.
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