This morning on the news there was an Irving Oil Employee putting down
Christopher Court saying that he is only doing this
because he wants his brother to be Mayor.
Well whatever I thought of it before
doesn't matter because I think that its just Corporate Bullying using
their Irving Owned Media to pass whatever they want people to think.

There has been a hugh loss of respect for the Irvings lately and you hear it
everyday by alot of people who normally wouldn't even care.
I would Love to see Christopher Courts brother be Mayor, and Norm MacFarlane put out of there and so would alot of other people.
Norm was no good as an MLA, proven in the last election, so why would he be different as a Mayor.
I also think that Bernard Lord made another major mistake by agreeing with the Mayor for the people of Saint John to pay the tax break for the Irvings. Why
wouldn't Bernard agree with the Mayor, it wasn't his City of Moncton
that was made to pay.
I heard the Calais radio station when they were debateing whether to have an LNG plant and it was nothing like it was here.
In the USA they had their say and choice and they choose NO., here we
had an idiot Mayor who made a VERY BAD DECISSION FOR THE PEOPLE. OUT WITH
Thats what the people really wants and we also do not want to pay for the Irvings because we pay enough with our health!
It was in the news that a woman is protesting in Halifax about VLTs. Premier Hamm came out of the legislature and spoke to the demonstrator.
Where is the cowardly wimp, Bernard Lord? He did not even have the courage to speak with Tim Smith.
What is really shocking is that those four ministers who met with Tim Smith in January raised false hopes and lied to him that they will do something. It is highly immoral and unethical behaviour and such individual must resign as ministers. By lying so unashamedly they have disqualified themselves to be ministers.
You don't have to look far to see just how good the other Premiers are in the other Maritime Provinces. The NFLD Premier fought for the rights of the offshore oil and won. What a great Premier! In NS he eliminated 1/3 of the VLT's and is still willing to speak with Protestors. Way to go NS. In PEI they have a land cap which is no one corporation, business, or person can own more then the allotted land. They will never be bought out by one Corporation...Good Thinking PEI, Now what good can we say about our Premier Bernard Lord........Nothing that I can think of. Can anyone else think of anything?
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