Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I was going to wait till the evening to write about this one but I can’t wait that long.
I left the Legislature and I noticed this woman having a chat with Tim Smith.

Of course being nosy Charles? I had to know what was going on????

She was a worker from Mental Health and they received an anonymous phone call saying there’s a protester out front of the Legislature who’s overwhelm and might have suicide tendencies?

Once I hear this? I said - Ohhh I got to blog this one!!!!

Mind you? She wasn’t impressed and she begged me not to write about this issue because it’s confidential!

Tim Smith quickly told her that he’s going to tell the MLA’s and the media about this one so let Charles write it!

I asked the worker- How long have you been with mental Health?

She answered - 5 years!

I quickly replied - I was in a tent for six months in front of the Legislature? Where were you people when I was protesting?

They must know that I’m nuts anyway!!!….

Where were these workers from mental Health when Tim was protesting in front of the Legislature in the cold windy month of January?

That would have been the perfect time to chat with the guy because he was indeed down to the dumps!

These days? Tim is fine!!!What I find very disturbing is that mental Health would act on an anonymous caller!

That’s very scary!

Is this the Lord new Policies? If someone don’t agree with the Lord Government policies?

Send them to Mental Health!!!!


There’s always something doing on in front of the Legislature during the warm months of the year!


Tim Smith will give a live interview with Steve Murphy on ATV news tonight at 6:30pm! This guy is a professional speaker when it comes to the issue of VLT!!!

Take the time to watch tonight at 6:30pm!!!

Please excuse my grammar because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information Highway!!


Anonymous said...

Standard practice with Lord government. Whenever someone disagrees with Lord and his government, a process of harassment & intimidation begins. Personal and confidential information is released to embarrass the person and his/her family. Lord does that so do his ministers. This surely is not government. It is a complete disgrace. NBers do not deserve this.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I believe that Tim Smith did a great job? Good work Tim! Boy? He really let Bernard Lord have it!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree he definitly wasted no time in going right for the truth about Lord,Great job!!I wonder if mrlord will say what his quoata on suicides from vlt addiction really is know that he publicly said that is the case for no changes.
HHMMM make money,save lives,make money,save lives,oohhh the pressure.

Anonymous said...

Quota of mrlord on suicide is simple. As long as he and his political buddies have time of their lives on taxpayers expense that is all what matters to him. Rest can go and kill themselves and it matters not to him. Stupid man does not realize that when there will be fewer people to play vlts and all these tragedies of suicides that his fun will end to.

This man must not be in premier’s office. Public must be protected from him.

Anonymous said...

Divulging personal and confidential information! Yes Bernard Lord could be sued in due course. He may have to resign in total disgrace.

If nothing else read today's papers that how deeply this idiot has gotten himself into re: Stuart Jamison's case where Brenda Fowlie revealed confidential information in the legislature and later in front of media.

Lord and government have been playing these games for while now and getting away with it. Now chicken comes home to roost