I won't send you a message every instance that I blog a message because it will be just too much!! It's up to you to check the site once in a while because a person never knows what I'm going to hear on the streets?

Artist WCIE is sometime on the ball and the minute I received his message it goes in the blog therefore there's many pictures in there.
I looked over yesterday's blog and it was full of grammar mistakes but can a person do?
Ok...I chatted with Bernard Richard yesterday and he told me that he received phone calls from Ontario < Globe and Mail > Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland about the issue of Ritalin.

My God? It sure helps when a high profile person speaks out on Ritalin.
Over 10,000 signed my petition but Bernard Lord refuse to listen to the people.
The issue of VLT'S is also a grave concern but still nothing from the Premier.

Minister Tony Huntjens told the media that Bernard Richard was too political!!!!

What a bunch of hogwash! The P.C. Party knew exactly what they were up against once they appointed this new Ombudsman.
Did they expect him to remain silent for 10 years?
That's totally ridiculous!
Someone wrote a comment yesterday that I went over the line once I mentioned the drugging and killing of the children will continue till the next Provincial election which is slated for Oct 15, 2007!
Am I far off the mark?
Of course not because once these kids take the first Ritalin?
They are labeled as Idiots and Stupid.
As Adults? This trend continues thanks to those racist members of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission that kids who were on Ritalin as youths are now considered to be close to mental retardation in the ADULT stage.
I know of two cases that they committed SUICIDE. KILLING???? OUI!!!
They go on to higher drugs or alcohol and become the outcast of society!

It's very scary stuff and the drugging and killing of our children will continue because Bernard Lord do not care.

Will the Premier listen to the concerns of New Brunswickers? Of course not because that's not his style!
Look at the LNG episode? Next week will be the end of the P.C. support in the Southern part of the Province.

People will not forget this issue!
Speaking of Politicians? During my visit to Saint John, I bumped into this retired outspoken politician.

She turned around and there I was with Sunglasses on and she said - Ohh Charles??? I asked for a picture as a souvenir. I couldn't explain that I was a bloggler because she wouldn't understand.
The first time that she opened her mouth against the gays, I walked into her office trying to explain that she was dead wrong.
Once in the office, I noticed some media personal were present and Elsie quickly showed me her bottom teeth and slam the door to my face. She was furious!!!
You see, I wanted to share a story with her.
This is it!
When Elizabeth Weir first got elected, her first action was to thanked the Gay Movement for their support.

She should have thanked the Labour Movement first but she didn't!

Anyway, that's the past.
The next day, I visited the great Lou Murphy and asked him of his views on Elizabeth Weir remark?

He quickly answered- Well Charlie? We're all born to write with our right hand but some of us are born to write with our left hand! It's in the gene Charlie!!!
It was at that moment that I found out what the great Lou Murphy was all about.
He didn't care if you were black, French, Native or gay!!! In his eyes, everyone should be treated equally!
It was also at that moment that my attitude towards the gay population changed.
I remember Maurice and Francis down in Memramcook.
We used to play baseball but these guys played with Flowers.
We called them -FIFI!!!
Today Maurice is a known Homosexual and Francis died of Aids around 10 years ago.
Yes, I do believe it's in the genes and I wonder how Elsie is acting today's with yesterday court challenge that was lost by the Church in Moncton?
I bumped into Elsie last year and told her the story of Lou Murphy and she quickly answered- I'm sure his bishop don't agree with Lou!!
After this picture was taken, I told Elsie that she made the right move not to re-offer and she quickly answered- But they need me!!!
I say- Elsie lay back and collect your pension and relax!!!
She will definitely go down in history as the most outspoken politicians but she couldn't do much in Ottawa with only two MP P.C. elected to the house.
All thank to this Buloney guy!!!

Hey? I finally located a picture of that Irving Robot that was in the legislature a few weeks ago!
This is Mary Keith that this is the first time that I ever seen this robot smile.

Ohhh her boss who supports racism and hatered against the minorities in his Empire is right beside her!
Can you imagine a Billionaire promoting racist supervisors within the Empire?
What a darn shame that this exist in today's world! The Irvings control the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission so what can a person do?
By the way? What's your views on this individual getting her own lawyer but paid by the taxpayers???

Please excuse the style and grammar of this update because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information Highway! Don't be afraid to leave your comments! Bye bye
Charlie thats why I just love this blog you love to throw a lot in the pot and give it a good stir of diversity, good mix good job!!!
Merci...I try my best!!!
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